754 search results for "prop 2"

Norm Shinkle – Joe Biden’s silence is enabling the Democrats’ alternate reality on riots

Joe Biden's silence is enabling the Democrats’ alternate reality on riots

We got a glimpse into the warped worldview of the far left  when a sitting Member of the U.S. Congress asked Attorney General Bill Barr why federal agents did not tear gas peaceful protesters who opposed Governor Whitmer’s coronavirus lockdown here in Michigan.

Many Democrats seem to be living in an alternate universe in which there are no masked and armed lunatics tearing down statues, attacking police officers and motorists, setting fire to cars, businesses, churches, police stations, and federal courthouses — and yes, shooting and killing people.

In this fabricated reality, the streets of Portland have not been illegally occupied by violent would-be revolutionaries every night for the past two months and counting. In this fantasy world, the utopian experiment that the Democrat mayor of Seattle dubbed a new “summer of love” did not end in utter disaster, with armed terrorists started shooting black teenagers within the police-free “paradise.”

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(2)

Pro-Black Lives Matter Social Justice Warrior is Running as Republican Candidate in State Board of Ed Race

In recent months, the “Black Lives Matter” movement has shaken the country to its very foundation. The movement has razed cities, desecrated cultural icons, unleashed an orgy of violence, and made a mockery of the rule of law. It is an existential threat to our civilization and has the nation on the verge of civil war.

Unfortunately, a Republican candidate for the Michigan board of education – Sonjalita Hulbert – has a long history of supporting Black Lives Matter with very left-wing stances on social justice issues.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(8)

Absentee Common Sense

A reasonable absentee system already showing signs of stress.

We are told that opposing mail-in voting is “suppressing the vote.”

We are told this by the progressive left which has designs on permanent minority rule, ala socialism.  Clearly, opposition to fraud is straight up patriotic IMO, and one has only to look at those who promote such dangerous (to our Republic) activity to know what the right position is on this.

Mail-in voting, while related to absentee voting, is not quite the same.  Absentee voting has historically had a fairly reliable record.  Even with the substantial damage done to it by Michigan’s proposal 3 in 2018, it was – and has been considered ‘safe and trustworthy.’

Even so, there are issues that apparently need to be managed better, and may give pause to expanding such issues legislatively.  The August primary in Michigan has already revealed that even with Absentee voting.

There appears to be evidence of attempted fraud. Today’s Epoch times reports:

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It’s time to Unlock Michigan.

Have you had enough yet?

Fellow Liberty-Minded Michiganians,

We are currently at a historic crossroad within our state.

Our governor has taken it upon herself, to bestow her office with virtually unlimited power and authority.

She has utilized that to imprison our fellow citizens within their own homes, unilaterally decided which Michiganians are essential along with those of us who are not, has placed the health and safety of our most vulnerable population in mortal danger for the sake of her own bureaucratic convenience, has significantly damaged Michigan’s economy through a series of contradictory and mystifying executive orders and has turned Michiganian against Michiganian via the same.

This MUST stop!

{More below.}

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)

She’s Only right about One Thing

Michigan’s lesbian jew AG should’ve learned in law school that only the legislature makes law/statute, which are then either vetoed or, signed into law by the executive branch, as was Public Act 188 of 2009.

If this mask bullshit is “law,” then show us the votes, Nasty Nessel.

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(4)

You Broke it, YOU Bought it: NO FEDERAL BAILOUT!

Liars gotta lie.

Michigan Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist is calling out the U.S. Department of Education for its lack of involvement in helping schools across the state restart.

On CNN’s “Inside Politics” on Sunday morning, Gilchrist said the federal government needs to step up with more financial support.

“We’ve been putting out this mandate for schools to start saying we have allocated resources but $256 million … We’re going to need a lot more because our education professionals deserve to be safe when they go into schools to educate our children,” Gilchrist said.

Want to see the money spent, and the kind of quality that Gov. Whitmer’s best friends provide to America?

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

False Imprisonment is a Thing Now in Michigan

I’ll beat your White ass too!


We see the police subjected to similar dysfunctional, lawless behavior, see 750.349b (3)(a).

“Restrain” means to forcibly restrict a person’s movements or to forcibly confine the person so as to interfere with that person’s liberty without that person’s consent or without lawful authority. The restraint does not have to exist for any particular length of time and may be related or incidental to the commission of other criminal acts.

So, does the average citizen in Michigan, even stand a chance surviving this crap?

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)

Gretchen, we get it: You Want Mail In Ballot Fraud for Sleepy Joe

This female is about as predictable as Democrat females come.

Headline: Whitmer: Michigan will ‘dial back’ reopening if COVID-19 numbers increase

No, I’m not squandering time on loser media hack Craig Mauger’s propaganda piece because it’s just more of the same Whitmer schoolmarm act, anyway. However, when one looks at MDHHS definitions, which are ambiguous as hell, one does notice a pattern here.

Interesting, yes?

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

OK, Karen

The Democrats and their propaganda media really cannot tolerate the thought of healthy people having any kind of fun.

For any of you wondering what the male version of Karen is, it’s Chad.

Yes, it’s definitely Chad.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Happy Independence Day

The right tone, the right time.

Trump’s speech last night was just was this country needed.

All of what is going on can be stopped in just a few short minutes if we want to stop it. Riots, damage, and even the dreaded Chinese Flu, Covid-19.  Below are some of my thoughts, and below the fold, a great message by our president..

Covid deaths and high mortality were exacerbated by our governor and others putting recovering folks in with the most vulnerable to the disease.  We knew by the first week in March that the older population was a high risk group.  There is NO excuse.  Oh, and BTW, Hydroxychloroquine works!

BLM? Antifa? Seattle provided one of the greatest lessons with it’s Chaz nonsense.  The Mayor allowed the kids to play ‘country,’ even tolerating two deaths during their playtime, and ruining millions of dollars in local businesses and property.  It was cleared up in 30 minutes the day after those kids wanted to play ‘invading nation’ at the Mayor’s house.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)