
Some Questions

Gee ..why did Democrats wait until AFTER the election to put this crap out there??

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago.

He notes the Lame Duck Democrats are trying to get something ..anything passed during the most dangerous time in a legislative session. He says:

But the only way the Democrats can pass all of these extreme bills is with 100% unanimous Democrat votes . . . or Republicans crossing over to vote with them.

Even if you’ve already done so, contact your lawmakers immediately and tell them to vote NO on ALL Lame-Duck legislation.

Democrats know how unpopular their extremist bills are. That’s why they didn’t take the votes before the election – and in many cases noted above, didn’t even introduce the bills until after the election.

But it’s critical you and I keep up the pressure.

These are the questions I have.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)

Time To Light It Up Again

She is a tyrant.  Don’t forget this

Whitmer’s recent enactment of gun control measures are a step in the wrong direction. The legislation introduces universal background checks for all firearm purchases and mandates ‘safe storage requirements.’

While proponents argue these laws aim to enhance public safety, it’s far past time to examine their potential impact on law-abiding citizens. (The rest of us not currently holding the top three executive positions in MI State govt.) The universal background checks extend to private sales, raising concerns about the implications for responsible gun owners. Additionally, the safe storage mandates may impose challenges for individuals seeking immediate access to firearms for self-defense.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

If there was any doubt as to whether or not an education actually means being intelligent.

This post is going to be a little bit of what happened to me yesterday (and I’m pretty sure that some of you will be able to relate to it) and a little bit from my inbox.

I finally had a chance to spend some time with my friends over the weekend whom I haven’t seen in a while due to the unknown virus from unspecified origin ™. To put it very, mildly things didn’t go very smoothly.

These are friends (and they still are) that I’ve had going back several decades now. We don’t see eye-to-eye on all things politically. Despite that, we still got along over all that time and doing things that friends normally do for one another like helping each other out here and there and attending each other’s family events.

That ended about two years ago when they went into pretty much full lockdown mode, not wanting to have anything to do with anyone. Until last weekend, any attempts to meet earlier have crashed and burned when they would only agree to meet if certain ”precautions” were taken (mask wearing, “vaccine” status, meeting only in medically “safe” parts of the state, etc.).

I’m not 100% sure of what had changed.

Quite honestly, I didn’t care.

They were still my friends and I was still interested in meeting with them after they had finally agreed to drop their ludicrous conditions.

As sad as that is for them, how they choose to live their own lives is their concern. I had been living my life as close to normal as I could without succumbing to the fear and paranoia created by the propaganda promulgated by the government.

Speaking of which…

{Post continues below}

You Betcha! (3)Nuh Uh.(2)

First Amendment Or Firing?

Is a recent editorial by a county employee appropriate, ..or defamation?

I tend to be of the opinion that no employment robs one of his or her ability to speak and offer opinion.

Free speech is a win-win, right?  So what happens when a person who represents policy for an employer openly disagrees with that employer’s position on any specific subject? What if the employer is not only disagreed with, but is defamed in the process?

We may find out. From our favorite fish wrap in the North:

“The medical director for the Grand Traverse County Health Department contends county commissioners “crossed the line from illogical to irresponsible” when they passed a resolution that curbs messaging public health officials distribute in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. “

There is disagreement, which would be better served with an “I understand their concern, but this is wrong..” and then there is calling, ..yes?

In this case, it is about the resolution passed in order to reign in some of the messaging, and the inability of the health department to step outside its authority in the name of ‘science.’  Commissioners last week put the check on their subordinates, and it didn’t sit well with the ‘heroes’ of the plandemic.  This particular doctor’s feathers were ruffled, and in true Doctor speak (“I am better than anyone cause of my letters”) he made sure we all know it.

Perhaps 78 year old Collins may not care whether he is employed by the county, so open insubordination bordering on defamation is easy. Or perhaps Mr Collins ..MD, hasn’t in his nearly octogenarian status has yet to learn the role of the politicians we elect? ..That is protect our rights.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Covid & The CON

Legitimate concern over mandate made worse by the CON.

A couple of our favorite subjects collide.

Backstory: early in the summer, a group of concerned citizens presented the Oakland County Board of Commissioners with an
anti-discrimination resolution to ban medical discrimination (related to vaccine mandates) within the boundaries of the county. Several other counties in Michigan have successfully passed similar resolutions.

For months, the BOC has refused to vote on the resolution– resulting in an ever-growing attendance and public comment section at each meeting which the BOC has never experienced before.

This has been a testament to the mobilization of the people, but also the blatant disregard of local politicians to the people they represent. What is happening in Oakland County — specifically to the medical workers — is both inspiring and alarming.

This video from yesterday shows Katie Kirn, a nurse with the Henry Ford health system–one of the largest hospital systems in Michigan rightfully resisting the jab, but feeling pressure that she is likely to lose her job if she does not comply with their demands. The problem however, is that this particular industry is regulated and protected by the state in a way that requires her to take her decision a little more seriously.

Where else could she go?

End the CON – and this nonsense stops cold.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(1)

Stand Up Michigan & Fight for Medical Freedom Rally – Lansing August 6th

There will be a Stand Up Michigan & Fight for Medical Freedom Rally rally at the Michigan Capitol Building on Friday, August 6th from 3:00 to 5:00pm to address the recent trend in the medical and business communities to force their employees/students to place their lives at risk under the guise of promoting public safety.

There is an ever-increasing concerted effort across the media to promote this as a 100% safe and effective solution.

Just in case there is any doubt relating to this claim, here is one quick example that you will never see the media report.

More details on the rally are in the flyer below.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(2)

Over The line Part Deaux

Continuing Education Unit requirements?

My friend Abby is right about outright partisanship being counter productive when fighting big (and oppressive) gov.

I understand that the Republican party has many things to say about Democrat politicians, but all of it is useless blather if the Republicans are complicit in their action, or lack thereof.  Think state police ticketing for haircuts, and state attorney generals ordering license revocation because someone needs to work to live.

We’ve said it often enough here, that an R or D is no guarantee. Our state government mechanization has reached critical mass, and is much like an overly aggressive and hungry dog that knows no master any longer, and sees us as its meal.  The binding chain needs to be far stronger, or the beast needs to be put down.  The dog should not be in control of US.

Today she sends this:

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)