But, once again, we Told You So!
Anyone that would invest time or, money into the state or, national GOP apparatchik has rocks in their head.

But, once again, we Told You So!
Anyone that would invest time or, money into the state or, national GOP apparatchik has rocks in their head.
Remember the Senate and House Oversight Committees subpoenas?
I’ll open with that it’s amazing Bill Schuette didn’t lose 2018, by larger numbers. That, and we now have hard evidence that our experiment with term limits is an abject failure on two levels.
“Nothing that I heard from the Dominion CEO, with the softball questions he was getting set my mind at ease.”
Bingo! The Michigan Republican Party needs a complete overhaul because people like this judge appointed by a RINO governor is why We the People always end up with time, and resource wasting Dog & Pony Shows in Lansing, which do nothing for us who pay their salaries but serve to enable racketeering Democrats and their allies like this lying bastard running a PR campaign.
All 65 counties should be subpoenaed for full forensic audit- NO REDACTIONS!
Anything less is ongoing Republican legislature 🤡 🌎
You know it. I know it. And, THEY KNOW we know it.
It sucks, I know, that we Michiganians have to resort to Arizona State Rep. Anthony Kern-R, to provide thought provoking evidence of how easy it is to steal an election with Dominion Voting Systems equipment.
Yet, here we are.
Rick Snyder was never 'with us' anyhow.
His people got folks dead in Flint, and his instincts are off when faced down with the next lost decade.
Skubick asks what he’ll do with the GOP legislature’s attempt at reigning in the oncoming freight train of bureaucratic nightmares. He says “just wait.” From Fox2:
“In the new year Democrat Jocelyn Benson will be the new Secretary of State, Democrat Dana Nessel will be attorney general. Democrats have cried foul and want the governor to veto those bills.
The governor steadfastly refused to say what he will do even though he was pressed to do so.
“I will carefully evaluate and make a decision in the best interest for the people of Michigan,” Snyder said.
Tim Skubick: “Is it fair to say you would not have introduced this legislation if given the choice?”
“Tim. I’m not to get into all that speculation because people will try to read into what that means I’m going to do,” Snyder said.
The governor confesses he has personal feelings on this alleged power grab but he would not budge on that either.
“I have personal feelings on many issues but as governor I keep those feelings to myself,” Snyder said. “Because I am responsible to not act on my personal feelings but to represent the people of Michigan.”
Of course he is.
The I–Told–You–So is so damned thick around here.
And it (and at least a couple dozen other stories chronicling Slick Rick’s reign of stupid) ain’t wrong.
We have all been licking our wounds for this past week, but the time has come for serious introspection about where we are going to take the Michigan GOP in the years to come. We cannot afford another electoral disaster in 2020 because that could easily surrender the Presidency back to the radical left whether it’s Hillary, Pocahontas, Biden, Kamala or whoever else taking the reigns.
While we were fortunate to keep the Michigan House and Senate, last week’s election was especially catastrophic because of the passage of the proposals. In particular, Proposals 2 and 3 will allow Democratic control over the entirety of our state government. By surrendering control over redistricting to an “independent” commission (please note that Bernie Sanders and the ACLU are technically “independents”) and making it easier for felons and morons to cast votes, the writing is on the wall for what Michigan will become in the upcoming decades. We all hope that the Republicans have lawyers working overtime on challenges to these amendments, otherwise Michigan will pretty much inevitably become California at some point.
Let’s not beat around the bush. Last week’s nightmare happened because of the top of the ticket. Bill Schuette felt he was entitled to this position, and it showed on the campaign trail. Because Schuette did such a lousy job during his run for Governor, we have literal Soros activists serving as Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of State now. We have an LGBT Attorney General who will use her power to punish Christian conservatives and obstruct the President’s agenda. We may ultimately lose the state for good, and the blood is on Schuette’s hands for all of this.
Rick Snyder to say Adios to Michigan gaspayers this year
Rick Snyder will be gone after this year.
We will no longer have a progressive Democrat masquerading as a Republican in the governor’s office. That is, unless his carefully selected heir is somehow elected. From the Detroit Free Press:
Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder is expected to officially endorse Lt. Gov. Brian Calley at a campaign event in Southfield Wednesday.
“Lt. Gov. Calley and Gov. Snyder will attend an event this afternoon to highlight the best way to continue Michigan’s comeback over the next four years,” said Calley campaign spokesman Michael Schrimpf.
You know the guy.
Mr march-over-a-bridge-with-pied-piper-child-like-men-and-women political ad star?. The guy who is Rick Snyder’s “Hillary?” The guy who was the ‘conservative‘ in the executive branch?
The guy who was there to make sure that Michigan Taxpayers pony up an additional $1.8 Billion for roads sadly neglected because of Detroit bailouts and general fiscal malfeasance. Even after voters said.. “Nah we don’t want that” about Prop 15-1
Certainly, Brian Calley will parrot Slick Rick’s latest beg for new taxes. Go ahead and ask him if he agrees when the Governor says we ain’t ponying up enough.
LANSING – It’s time to raise the federal gas tax to help fix Michigan’s ravaged roads, Gov. Rick Snyder said Tuesday.
Snyder, a Republican who is under fire along with state lawmakers over the shape of Michigan’s roads, said the state has taken steps to increase road funding and can do more, but it’s also time for the federal government to step up.
He said the state has increased road funding more than $1 billion annually since he took office, but federal road funding has decreased $250 million a year during that time.
“We need federal, state and local partners all working together,” but the feds are “going backwards on us,” he said.
Michigan governor refuses to see the error of his ways.
Republican Rick Snyder has been flat out wrong.
He was wrong when he signed Medicaid expansion into law, and he was still wrong more recently, by defending this costly and inefficient boondoggle. Sometimes it takes a great governor and statesman from another state to make the point:
“.. Second, Obamacare made millions of able-bodied Americans newly dependent on direct government assistance for their health care. Whether through a massive expansion of Medicaid beyond its original target populations of poor children, disabled and the elderly, or through exchange subsidies for the vast majority of participants, Obamacare masked the true cost of health care, rather than truly “bending the cost curve down.” Pretending that subsidized health care is affordable without considering the true cost to taxpayers is disingenuous at best. ..”
Thank you Mr Jindal.
Why does Michigan always get the [Baby Ruth in the pool] for our governors?
Governor Snyder doesn't want to give up the federal money.
On the eve of the elimination of the greatest disaster spawned by [a Democrat] congress in our lifetime, we still have to fight ‘our own’ to get relief. One should understand that the road tax passed by the legislature, after it was unceremoniously trounced by voters, was not intended for roads, but rather to pay for for the very thing that Governor Rick Snyder claims should be used as a “national model.”
Don’t doubt for a minute, that careless handling finances so fungible don’t have consequences.
Frilliant, .. yes?