Upper Peninsula Political Action Conferences (UPCPAC)
Last call for the first Upper Peninsula conservative Political shindig.
Friday Night: June 8, 2018 Highland Golf Club, Escanaba, MI. 7:00pm (TICKETS HERE)
UPCPAC will host a meet and greet for candidates seeking election in the 2018 primary and general elections.
Please come out and cheer on your favorite candidate.
Undecided? This is the place to be! Come and meet local and state candidates. So far, confirmed candidates:
- 110 State Rep. Candidates: Kirk Schott
- 38th Senate Candidates: Ed McBroom
- Mike Carey
- Governor Candidates: Patrick Colbeck
Saturday Morning: June 9, 2018 Highland Golf Club 10:00am
The theme of this years event: “Our Constitution: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”
UPCPAC brings togther knowledgeable speakers to help us understand our Constitutions rich history, the differing ways it is under attack, today and what our future may look like tomorrow because of it.
UPCPAC’s list of speakers include: