Some Questions

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago. He notes the Lame Duck Democrats…


I Guess Tipping Is Over?

I have always been 20 plus percent on the tips anyhow, so one way or another if all else remained the same it’s a great big “Meh!”

But Democrats in power are a special kind of stupid, and lack the situational awareness the usually comes as a part of the package when a human is created.  The minimum wage nonsense would of course .. eventually evolve into this:

Michigan’s tipped wage system is on the verge of total annihilation next month, and now, bars and restaurants are getting ready for the change by adding large fees onto the bills of customers—a “Whitmer Tax,” if you will.

The issues stems from a 2018 ballot measure drastically expanding the minimum wage that was supported by Whitmer and the Democrats, as well as a subsequent ruling from the Michigan Supreme Court, saying the legislature’s attempt to reform the measure while concurrently adopting it was unconstitutional.

The reality is now upon us, and we would be mistaken to think it affects only the wage earners.

The mom and pop restaurateurs who somehow survived Whitmer’s covid absudities will now be tested again.  As I may be one who drops a decent tip at my usual hangouts, I know there are others who may opt to forget about ‘date night’ altogether.  Perhaps those ‘wealthy’ business owners can move their insurmountable savings into more profitable ventures. (Insert eye-roll here)

But serving folks who have done reasonably well by providing excellent service will begin to run out of employment options.  Restaurant’s need patrons no matter what – a reality that the left takes for granted.

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(0)

Save The Planet (By Destroying It First)

How about the left’s latest installment in their ongoing saga, How to Save the Planet by Destroying It First?

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently floated a gem of an idea: clear-cutting 400 acres of pristine forest to make way for a solar farm. That’s right—the people tasked with protecting our natural resources think the best way to go green is to bulldoze the green. Makes perfect sense if you’ve been drinking the Kool-Aid laced with government subsidies and virtue signaling.

This isn’t just a one-off; it’s part of a larger trend of leftist policies that aim to “fix” problems by creating new ones. Let’s not forget California, the state that has practically turned self-sabotage into an art form. In just the last few days, some of the worst wildfires ever, have ravaged communities, thanks to years of mismanagement, over-regulation, and a steadfast refusal to do basic forest maintenance. Why clear deadwood when you can let it pile up and create the perfect conditions for catastrophic fires?

Bonus points if you can blame climate change afterward and rake in federal disaster relief funds. That’s the progressive playbook in action: cause a problem, then profit from it. Yeah?

You Betcha! (3)Nuh Uh.(0)

Some Questions

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago.

He notes the Lame Duck Democrats are trying to get something ..anything passed during the most dangerous time in a legislative session. He says:

But the only way the Democrats can pass all of these extreme bills is with 100% unanimous Democrat votes . . . or Republicans crossing over to vote with them.

Even if you’ve already done so, contact your lawmakers immediately and tell them to vote NO on ALL Lame-Duck legislation.

Democrats know how unpopular their extremist bills are. That’s why they didn’t take the votes before the election – and in many cases noted above, didn’t even introduce the bills until after the election.

But it’s critical you and I keep up the pressure.

These are the questions I have.

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Conscience of the Michigan Republican Party

Former Congressman Mike Rogers lost by a small margin in his U.S. Senate run this year. If fewer than 10,000 voters had switched their votes from Elissa Slotkin to Rogers, Rogers would have beaten Slotkin, and Republicans would have won a U.S. Senate seat for the first time in many decades.

It can be safely assumed that independent-minded Republicans, including tea partiers and libertarians, sank Rogers’ candidacy. This has caused some Republican activists to cry out in anguish. “Oh me oh my, why couldn’t have they supported the RINO?!?“, they exclaim.

Unfortunately for these activists, the Conscience of the Michigan Republican Party is not allowing us to backslide to the days where a candidate with as poor of a record as Rogers is viable and electable.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hoping you all have a great day.

A little myth busting for you:

The story about Benjamin Franklin wanting the National Bird to be a turkey is just a myth. This false story began due to a letter Franklin wrote to his daughter criticizing the original eagle design for the Great Seal, saying that it looked more like a turkey. In the letter, Franklin wrote that the “Bald Eagle…is a Bird of bad moral Character. He does not get his Living honestly…[he] is too lazy to fish for himself.”

Well then. (read the rest here)

Happy Thanksgiving folks!

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(0)

Making Education Great Again.

Imagine if the resources spent on the Federal Department of Education was instead sent to the states?

Michigan has more School districts than counties, has had to (as a state) take over whole systems that cannot manage the resources given them by taxpayers, and is delivering CRAP insofar as outcomes.

Let me state this comparison as clearly as I can .. If you had a roofer fix your leaky roof, and the first time you had a light sprinkle you find yourself putting buckets around the house, what would you do?  You might have them try to repair, but most folks are going to get someone new.

Let me remind you that our kids can’t read.  Not like they should anyhow.   I drafted the below roadmap last night.  It is a response to my own personal assessment of what doesn’t currently work in our public education system.  It was inspired to this point as I spoke with a couple of retired legislators who may or may not agree with the entire premise.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

So What Has the Department of Education Done for Us Lately?

The federal Department of Education, heralded by its supporters as a vital institution for ensuring equal access to quality education across the country. The freak outs are happening as Trump Taps McMahon to ‘put a fork in it.

Let’s pause a second, and ask the obvious question: What has it actually accomplished lately?

The results of the 2024 Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress, known as M-STEP, show that 39.6% of third-graders statewide passed the state’s English language arts (ELA) test, compared with 40.9% last year, 41.6% in 2022 and 42.8% in 2021.

Is it really any better than an ever-growing bureaucracy that’s burning taxpayer dollars faster than Michigan Democrats spend transportation funds on bike lanes no one uses?

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)