But, once again, we Told You So!
Anyone that would invest time or, money into the state or, national GOP apparatchik has rocks in their head.

But, once again, we Told You So!
Anyone that would invest time or, money into the state or, national GOP apparatchik has rocks in their head.
The tactics of the nation's 'premier law enforcement' agency ..suck.
We probably told you so at some point.
If ever there was a time to harbor a little distrust in our government, it is at this point in history. Anyone in law enforcement who encourages, or sanctions the type of actions described in this video needs to be imprisoned.
It could be argued that this is not a constitutional government anymore.
Continuing Education Unit requirements?
My friend Abby is right about outright partisanship being counter productive when fighting big (and oppressive) gov.
I understand that the Republican party has many things to say about Democrat politicians, but all of it is useless blather if the Republicans are complicit in their action, or lack thereof. Think state police ticketing for haircuts, and state attorney generals ordering license revocation because someone needs to work to live.
We’ve said it often enough here, that an R or D is no guarantee. Our state government mechanization has reached critical mass, and is much like an overly aggressive and hungry dog that knows no master any longer, and sees us as its meal. The binding chain needs to be far stronger, or the beast needs to be put down. The dog should not be in control of US.
Today she sends this:
The Left can’t meme and prove they also totally suck at rhetoric.
Legislative malfeasance allowing executive to inject politics into state operations?
The operations of state government need to remain free of political consideration.
One might think that equal treatment under the law would be of primary concern. But the reality of (usually) leftist administrations is that they just cannot help themselves when opportunity comes under the guise of ‘regulatory’ services. Should we be surprised to see licensees being forced to accept controversial (or any specific) doctrine in order to ply their trades?
A letter from a friend who is a nurse, Abigail Nobel of Michigan Healthcare Freedom arrived. She reports – and makes a recommendation:
Good morning!
I received an email Tuesday that began:
Dear Licensee –
The Bureau of Professional Licensing (BPL) within the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) would like to inform you that the Public Health Code – General Rules have been revised which will require implicit bias training for your profession, effective June 1, 2022.