
RINO John James Protest – October 25th.


I’ve already written about the swamp-dwelling RINO’s completely losing their minds after Rep. Gaetz called out FORMER Speaker McCarthy on his spinelessness when it came to running things in the House.

Did any Republicans from Michigan stand up for Conservative Values and demonstrate where they really stand?


Thanks guys. Great job! Good to know where you really stand when it really counts.

Then we’ve seen them extend this streak of cowardness when it came to nominating and electing a replacement Speaker.

This one should’ve been a slam-dunk.

After a few RINO’s were washed out of the contest, Rep. Jim Jordan’s name came up for a vote.

And how did that vote turn out?

{Continued below the fold}

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(1)

Clearly you fail to recognize the problem.

Which is worse, those who are purposefully driving our republic into ruin or those people allegedly on “our side” who are directly contributing the underlying problem?

{Click on that red button below to find out who is up to what this time…}

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

And just who do we have to thank for this?

I STILL fear for the Republic.

That been said, I am disappointed, but I am certainly not in the least bit surprised with what transpired last November.

After last year’s raging dumpster fire of an election, there really wasn’t much to say about its outcome.

With what had transpired over the previous two years, the 2022 election should have been simply a formality, and we could’ve been focused on getting Michigan back on track, had the drive been there to accomplish that task.

Regrettably, certain people in our state were more concerned with “their candidate” winning than promoting (or even defending for that matter a political philosophy).

Their ego…conceit…hubris…call it what you’d like, blinded them to the actual threat.

Now, people are beginning to take notice of the consequences from their actions, or more accurately, LACK thereof.

And only now is it beginning to frighten them.

{Continued after the fold.}

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Who wants to place a bet that this will would be picked up by the legacy media here in Michigan?

Nah, just kidding!

We all know that the legacy media here in Michigan wouldn’t touch this story with a 10-foot pole!

Everyone’s favorite alcoholic (and promoter of drag queens in public schools) got a bit too sh…well, I cannot accurately describe this and keep RM SFW, so I’ll move on. Well, Michigan AG Nessel enjoyed the “spirits” a little too much and had to be removed from a football game last year.

Old news, you may say.

Here’s where things get interesting. In an attempt at damage control, Delusional Dana tried to put a lid on things by having her security detail sign a NDA in order to keep the public embarrassment to a minimum.

Read about the outcome here.

Hey, is that Republican Co-Chairman Ron Weiser tossing a few back with Gretchen Whitmer and Dana Nessel???

Hey, is that Republican Co-Chairman Ron Weiser tossing a few back with Gretchen Whitmer and Dana Nessel???

H/T to 100% Fed Up and The Gateway Pundit

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)