The legacy media is obviously more interested in other important things today…
All the Other Stuff, Conservative News, Cronyism, Education, Government Incompetence, Healthcare, Liberty, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Opinion
If there was any doubt as to whether or not an education actually means being intelligent.
by KG One • • 0 Comments
This post is going to be a little bit of what happened to me yesterday (and I’m pretty sure that some of you will be able to relate to it) and a little bit from my inbox.
I finally had a chance to spend some time with my friends over the weekend whom I haven’t seen in a while due to the unknown virus from unspecified origin ™. To put it very, mildly things didn’t go very smoothly.
These are friends (and they still are) that I’ve had going back several decades now. We don’t see eye-to-eye on all things politically. Despite that, we still got along over all that time and doing things that friends normally do for one another like helping each other out here and there and attending each other’s family events.
That ended about two years ago when they went into pretty much full lockdown mode, not wanting to have anything to do with anyone. Until last weekend, any attempts to meet earlier have crashed and burned when they would only agree to meet if certain ”precautions” were taken (mask wearing, “vaccine” status, meeting only in medically “safe” parts of the state, etc.).
I’m not 100% sure of what had changed.
Quite honestly, I didn’t care.
They were still my friends and I was still interested in meeting with them after they had finally agreed to drop their ludicrous conditions.
As sad as that is for them, how they choose to live their own lives is their concern. I had been living my life as close to normal as I could without succumbing to the fear and paranoia created by the propaganda promulgated by the government.
Speaking of which…
{Post continues below}
All the Other Stuff, Education
History (still) forgotten.
by KG One • • 0 Comments
All the Other Stuff, Conservative News, Constitution, Cronyism, Democrats, Detroit, Education, Liberty, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Opinion, Rent Seeking
And WE are considered the dangerous ones?
by KG One • • 1 Comment
All I’ve got to say is, “WOW! What a difference 48-hours makes.”
Rather than waste my time focusing on a bunch of community agitators this weekend, I spent most of it focusing on the NASA feeds watching the SpaceX Launch yesterday.
Little did I realize how quickly an arrest over someone using fake ID (and apparently his unwillingness to follow basic commands) quickly spiraled into a series of riots which not only burned a large chunks of Minneapolis to the ground, but spread to a number of other cities across America, including several here in Michigan, resulting in at least one death (so far) and an as-yet to be determined dollar amount of property damage.
Which begs a rather obvious question regarding perceptions and politics?
{And exactly what they might be you may ask yourself? You know the drill.}
All the Other Stuff, Conservative News, Constitution, Cronyism, Detroit, Economy, Education, Elections, Government Incompetence, Liberty, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Opinion, Republicans
Might I suggest a nice rubber room? Be sure to bring your friends Dana & Jocelyn with you.
by KG One • • 1 Comment
Talk about disconnect!
Gov. Witless demonstrates (yet, again) how so out of touch she is with her despotic “leadership” method.
It goes a long way towards explaining much of what is in the media over the last few days.
{Continued after the fold.}
All the Other Stuff, Conservative News, Constitution, Cronyism, Democrats, Economy, Education, Elections, Firearms, Government Incompetence, Liberty, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Opinion, Religious Freedom, Republicans
Oh, benevolent governess, will you please allow me to work?
by KG One • • 5 Comments
So, by now, everyone should’ve had an opportunity to watch what passes for objective news coverage from yesterday’s rally in Lansing.
Allow me to go over what did happen, what didn’t happen, and what others would like for you to believe happened.
I even have some interesting images from the Michigan Senate Floor that didn’t quite make the “official record”.
{More below the fold}
Conservative News, Cronyism, Democrats, Economy, Education, Elections, Government Incompetence, Liberty, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Republicans
April 30 ***Corrected***
by KG One • • 2 Comments
Word from my sources tell me that the Michigan Senate had granted Gov. Witless’ extension to her “Emergency Powers” about two hours ago.
This has been sent over to the Michigan House where it is expected to be approved later this afternoon and then signed by the guv.
On the plus side: The extension only lasts until April 30th, when it will be “reevaluated”.
The down side: there was nothing extracted from the guv to put a muzzle on her wanton actions until that date.
Mandatory statewide lock-down? Nothing to address it.
Increased penalties for those found “ignoring” the guv’s commands? Nothing to address that one, either.
Anything else the guv’s staff can conceive to further erode our Constitutional Rights?
Twenty-three days, my friends.
Stay tuned.
*** Going by what was sent to me earlier from my source in Lansing (the Senate’s session was unusually brief), what was passed this morning and then later in the House was SCR 24 (information now posted here).
It will not require the signature of the governor before going into effect (See MCL 30.404 Section 3 (4)).***
2020 Presidential Election, All the Other Stuff, Conservative News, Cronyism, Democrats, Detroit, Economy, Education, Government Incompetence, Liberty, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Opinion, Republicans, Taxes
Democrats, reporting for duty!
by KG One • • 0 Comments
What’s good for thee, but not for me holds oh so true for Michigan democrats.
What antics are they up to know?
{More below the red button}
2020 Presidential Election, All the Other Stuff, Conservative News, Cronyism, Democrats, Detroit, Economy, Education, Government Incompetence, Liberty, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Opinion, Rent Seeking, Republicans
I would be far more concerned with our governor’s actions at this time, than with a bug.
by KG One • • 1 Comment
They say that in building and maintaining a brand, messaging is vitally important.
The Guv didn’t stray too far from that lesson tonight.
{The Right Michigan rundown from her (second) Statewide Huwan Virus Town Hall continues below the fold.}
2020 Presidential Election, Conservative News, Cronyism, Democrats, Detroit, Economy, Education, Elections, Government Incompetence, Liberty, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Opinion, Republicans
Doing something right for a change.
by KG One • • 3 Comments
There was a story which a friend of mine passed along to me several years ago regarding early American History, specifically relating to government spending, which I immediately enjoyed and still remember to this day.
It focused on a conversation between one Davy Crockett and a constituent by the name of Horatio Bunce, regarding an appropriations bill in the US House of Representatives. Mr. Bunce took issue with not only the speed the appropriation was made, but why it was even made in the first place. During their conversation, he also drove that point solidly home by reminding the then campaigning Rep. Crockett:
“The people have delegated to Congress, by the Constitution, the power to do certain things. To do these, it is authorized to collect and pay moneys, and for nothing else. Everything beyond this is usurpation, and a violation of the Constitution.”
Let’s just say that Rep. Crockett had an interesting response to that situation to say the least (along with how it guided his future decisions).
So, what does a discussion nearly two centuries ago have to do with Michigan Politics today?
{Press that button below to find out.}