Tag Archive for Republicans

Coming Out Swinging

Bill Schuette is immediately ready to face down the failed ideas of the left.

The left is bereft of ideas.

Well, maybe not ‘bereft’, but the ideas they have are generally failed attempts at creating equal outcomes instead of promoting equal opportunity.  Socialism, a well documented catastrophe of civilization’s epoch is now the new norm for the Democrat party.  The tragedy of the ‘best intentions’ has no equal in ways of starving and inciting misery in otherwise viable populations.

Venezuela is easily offered up as the latest misadventure of re-distribution.  Million Plus percentage inflation, pets on plates, and political corruption that would make the bolsheviks of old blush with envy.

Yet there are people in Michigan who still idealize such ‘planned society’.  They exist primarily in the Democrat party, and their newest flag bearer is not shy about pandering to the promises-that-can-never-be-kept in order to gain power.

Bill Schuette, having earned the nomination of the Republican party is wasting no time challenging the nominee of the Democrats.  In a press release today he appears confident that a comparison of her record and rhetoric will expose the regressive policies of those who once upon a time preferred to be called ‘progressive.’

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The Good, the Bad, & the Unattractive.

Bill Schuette begins the issues ramp up for 2018.

A partial ‘wish’ list by Bill Schuette in a recent editorial is a decent start to his gubernatorial bid.

Schuette, in preparation to take on a half dozen or more GOP contenders is capably using his AG pulpit to advance certain ideals that will probably be embraced by conservatives and GOP activists across Michigan.  Schuette, already enjoying a lead built on 30 or so years of campaigning for governor leaves little to question on 4(3?) key issues.  In today’s editorial on the Detroit News page:

First: Financial disclosure

Michigan is one of only three states that does not require disclosure of personal financial information by elected state officials. This common sense reform would provide new information to help prevent conflicts of interest in government decision-making.

We already require financial transparency from federal officials, so it is not a stretch to include state elected officials, from the governor’s office to the state legislature. I have both sponsored financial disclosure bills as a state legislator and complied with federal disclosure requirements while serving in the U.S. House of Representatives. It is not that difficult.

Personally, I don’t care how much you are worth.

But there are tells in the way your investments are made.  Add to this the cronyist environment that takes taxpayer money and pipes it through political process toward certain ‘investments,’ and a sickening reality becomes clear.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Daddy Day Care

Brian Calley's New Job.

nowBrian Calley eliminated any chance he might have of becoming Governor a couple of days ago.

In the fearful snit drummed up by #NeverTrump GOP operatives, Clinton, and the complicit media, Calley led a few other usual suspects in asking for the GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump to step aside. Calley smelled the end for Trump, gambled and rolled snake eyes on the come out. He jumped out in front of the Trump Train and yelled stop!

“The latest revelations about Donald Trump and his past make it impossible for me to maintain support of him,” Calley said in a statement released exclusively to The Detroit News. “This is not a decision I take lightly because I still believe that a Hillary Clinton presidency represents a disastrous alternative.”

Calley called on Trump to step aside and “allow a replacement to provide the kind of option America could believe in.”

Apparently, trains don’t stop for has-been politicians.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)

Mike Pence Destroys Clown

Deranged clown robs debate of dignity, punished by Indiana governor

joker-kaineNo matter which side of the political fence you might be on, you saw that Gov Mike Pence pummeled Sen Tim Kaine in last night’s debate.

Taking a page from Joe Biden’s drug induced debate performance of a few years ago, Kaine put on the creepy clown smiley face and persuaded America that he was actually trying out for Batman 12 – Resurrection of Joker. With a style of interruptions never seen before in presidential level debates, he embarrassed himself and quite possibly Hillary Clinton (assuming embarrassment is even possible for these two).

Pence wisely did not allow the adolescent antics of Kaine to get under his skin, stayed focused, and even professed his Christian faith in a way not often seen on a debate stage. He demonstrated class and accurately described the lessening of our nation’s security under the watch of Hillary and Obama, all the while Kaine was verbally poking him with a stick.

Team Trump looks real heroic after last night’s performance. 

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

Inside Job

Just order the damned happy meal and be quiet.

Customer:     A Whopper with cheese please

BK Guy:    I think you would like the Big Mac better.

Customer:     Big Mac? Isn’t that McD’s?

BK Guy:    Yes.  They are quite good too.

Customer:     Is this BK selling Big Macs now for the McD’s next door?

BK Guy:    Oh.. Not really, but I am.  I just think that is a better choice.

Customer:     But you work here at BK?

BK Guy:    For about 60 years. Yessiree.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(1)

So Its Trump

Donald Trump has passed through the gauntlet and is the Republican nominee

trump article openerIts been a personal quest to stay out of the presidential contest debate to whatever extent possible.

Now the nominee is clear. Though not surprising today, it was not the person most folks would have predicted in July of 2015.  In fact it was likely that even Donald Trump thought he could roll for a while, be outrageous, and then get back to business as usual.

The more he stretched credibility however, the more he appealed to those looking for the ‘not normal’ in politics.  Many, whom we might describe as angry and disaffected with politics-as-usual, found his antics refreshing and (in some strange way) appealing. They see in him a willingness to confound convention and ‘normalcy’ in the body politic; “normalcy,” being a condition which has proven inadequate for our nation, and has created a slow road to some bizarre and unrecognizable dystopian squalor.

At the same time, those who created this environment through passive aggressive politics and (even worse) outright compromise of principle, have been freaking out.  The #NeverTrump brigade was born and now faces a conundrum with an impending Hillary presidency.  ‘Moderates’ who give in to the liberal agenda frequently, screamed “He’s not a conservative!”

As-if conservatism was ever really important to them.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(1)

Former MiGOP Comm Director Freak Out?

Medical attention required, as stroke victim cognitively impaired beyond reason.

11703079_10207830552694502_7459487762420931420_nPerhaps Bill Nowling, formerly the Director of Communication for the Michigan Republican Party has popped a vessel.

In a Facebook post, Nowling now pleads with his fellow Republicans to vote for Bernie as apparently he did “feeling the Bern” yesterday.  Nowling says that “the only way to defeat an anti-establishment candidate, in an anti-establishment environment, is with an anti-establishment candidate.”

Also making comparisons of Trump to Hitler, he calls himself a yellow dog republican.

Unless this is an elaborate prank, this is a perfect example of the establishment self destruct that is going on right now.  As a former apparatchik of the MiGOP, Nowling once used his communications skills to target liberals and their antics.

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.


H/T Joan Fabiano

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(2)


Just to be clear.

A while back this site left the rah-rah part of the neighborhood.

Rightmi.com stopped being the default cheerleader for the Michigan GOP as a matter of principle.  Particularly since the primary part of the MiGOP has all but abandoned its tenets and reason to exist.  What exists now is a shell of pseudo conservatism, and a mockery of the platform under which the party pretends to exist.  Arguably, we still prefer the Republicans who run on conservative platforms but the party mechanism makes it tougher to sort them out.

There is some seriously spoiled fruit in the party.  Snyder is no ‘Republican,’ yet his ‘purchasing’ of, and carrying the flag as one, is enough to fool the soft stupid on both sides of the aisle.  The machinery in place to keep Republicans in majority has corrupted the ability to recruit and retain true conservative leadership as well.  Ronna Romney does her part to keep those crazy doctrinaire Republicans in check using party money and resources.

In fact, its one of the reasons I am changing my phone service to a different carrier.  It allows me to block solicitations for the MiGOP, and these calls usually come from outside the state anyhow.

Having said all that, I still believe today’s loyalist Democrats are the bane of intellectual development.  Even more so than the blind loyalist Republicans who still support bad apples no matter what..  Flint, Detroit, etc..  The inability to look at the results of generational liberal rule and deduce the higher incompetency rate is beyond mind blowing.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(0)

Turning The Tables

Last night's debate revealed the true order of things.

I really dislike having to cry foul about the ‘mainstream’ media.

Michigan has its own media issues, much of it protecting the bad actors in Lansing.  Some of it locally even pursuing its own agenda.  But in the national scene?

Indeed, after last night’s CNBC GOP debate, it will be a lot easier to do so.  After the assault of “Do you still beat your mother” line of questions to a number of the candidates, it was apparent that there was no intention of talking about policy and the crushing debt our nation faces.   The only purpose any liberal media outlets might have in such an event is to personally destroy each and every viable GOP contender for Team D’s advantage.

However, after Ted Cruz (to the right) said what needed to be said, it was clear the candidates would not be victims for the remainder of the carnival.

It simply got better from there.   With little to no ‘friendly fire,’ in the balance of the show, there was something to cheer about from nearly all of the candidates.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Three Cheers For The B Team

House Democrat turns on the heat.

Steudle-GranholmKirk Steudle was appointed long before Rick Snyder was the new sheriff.

Jennifer Granholm appointed Steudle to the Michigan Department of Transportation post in 2006. He did such a bang up job leading to our current road conditions across the state, that no local communities have had to pursue their own millages for road fixes, and the trunklines, bridges and arteries are in top notch shape.  In fact, we have been able to lower taxes, return money to taxpayers and by-golly, put shock absorber companies at risk due to lack of business.

Now, [SARC OFF] a Democrat legislator is doing the job that any one of dozens of Republicans should have done LONG before ever asking taxpayers to bend over last May.  From the Lansing State Journal:

In a news release late Wednesday, State Rep. Scott Dianda, D-Calumet, a former MDOT employee and state employee union official, said he’d introduced a bipartisan resolution citing numerous issues — from idle railcars that cost millions of dollars to state auditors’ repeated warnings about weak oversight of MDOT’s warranty program — that he says show Steudle is “unfit to lead the department.”

Huh, I wonder where we have seen that before?

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