876 search results for "Detroit"

Did Steven Crowder find Massive Voter Fraud in Detroit?

Conservative commentator Steven Crowder claims to have found “173K Anonymous Votes” in the Detroit election returns.

Crowder is a good guy, but he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.  The “precincts” with no registered voters are for absentee votes (that’s what AV means).  Some jurisdictions put their absentees in separate “precincts”, which often combine several real precincts together.  (Kalamazoo County used to do this.)  Note that Detroit has 503 real precincts, but only 134 AV precincts.  It’s a dumb system, but that’s how Detroit does it.

Does anyone think local Republicans or the Trump campaign wouldn’t have complained about fake precincts with thousands of votes if there was something here?  They didn’t, because they know how Detroit reports election results.

Recall that Detroit had 1000 FEWER votes for Joe Biden than for Hillary Clinton in 2016, which is hard to square with massive voter fraud there.

You Betcha! (2)Nuh Uh.(6)

Democrat Detroit’s Decades of Corruption Exposed

First, to any Doomers who *think* it’s over in this state- GTFOH This place clearly is not for you.

Yes, the question was raised about that “private monies” within here.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

Michigulag Memory Hole: Detroit – August 20, 2020

November 7, 2020: “This Felt Like a Drug Deal!” – Asian-American Ballot Observer in Detroit Describes Mysterious Van Dropping Off 61 Boxes of Ballots at 4 AM (VIDEO)

November 7, 2020: Affidavits: Detroit Ballot Tabulators Entered Names of Non-Voters During Count

November 8, 2020: UPDATE: Self-Described Dem Party Worker, MI Resident Who Bragged On Facebook: “I work for Wayne Co, MI and I threw out every Trump ballot I saw. Tens of thousands of them and so did all of my co-workers” Says “It was a joke”

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(0)

Absentee Ballot Backdating Fraud in Detroit

From investigative reporter John Solomon, formerly of the The Washington Post, The Washington Times, and The Hill:

Detroit city worker blows whistle, claims ballots were ordered backdated, FBI probing

The FBI is investigating allegations of election fraud in Detroit after a city worker stepped forward and claimed election workers were asked to backdate ballots that had come in after the election deadline had passed, multiple officials said.

A senior law enforcement official in Washington confirmed that an investigation was opened after the whistleblower’s concerns were forwarded from the Michigan Republican Party. “The FBI is investigating,” the official said.

GOP officials in Michigan said the whistleblower was identified and assisted by Phill Kline, the head of the Thomas More Society’s Amistad Project, which has been litigating voting disputes and irregularities across the country for months.

I doubt this would change enough votes to change the outcome of the election, but regardless this needs to be investigated, and any fraud prosecuted.

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Detroit Democrat Stephanie Chang’s New Police?

Headline: Opinion: Police should partner with social workers

The tragic and unjust murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and too many Black and Brown Americans by police officers has led our nation to a moment where we must act now to make real change happen.

That means reimagining how we respond to crime and the role of law enforcement in our communities so that we can better address problems and prevent crime. This can start with social work and police partnerships.

Hol’ up a moment… let’s review what Stephanie Chang, D-Detroit, thinks about “Black and Brown” seniors in Metro Detroit assisted living, nursing and, longterm care facilities, shall we?

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