Nah, just kidding!
We all know that the legacy media here in Michigan wouldn’t touch this story with a 10-foot pole!
Everyone’s favorite alcoholic (and promoter of drag queens in public schools) got a bit too sh…well, I cannot accurately describe this and keep RM SFW, so I’ll move on. Well, Michigan AG Nessel enjoyed the “spirits” a little too much and had to be removed from a football game last year.
Old news, you may say.
Here’s where things get interesting. In an attempt at damage control, Delusional Dana tried to put a lid on things by having her security detail sign a NDA in order to keep the public embarrassment to a minimum.
Read about the outcome here.

Hey, is that Republican Co-Chairman Ron Weiser tossing a few back with Gretchen Whitmer and Dana Nessel???
H/T to 100% Fed Up and The Gateway Pundit

"so I thought it seemed like a good idea to eat 2 Bloody Mary’s [Full Stop]"
Two?! TWO!? Joo gotta be kidding me. 🤣 That's what everyone says when they get pulled over by the cops. At the very least the wrinkly-face yenta could've came up with a new line of shit.