Why would we expect anything else from the party of Clinton?
Democrats have been screaming about Republican leadership’s failure on the Flint water issue.
While we have no overreaching love for the governerd, who brought us expansion of Obamacare, lost our insurer of last resort, broke the law for his ‘roads’ funding boondoggle, and still hands out money like its not his own, it was not Rick Snyder who put lead in the pipes of Flint. He took credit for the failure of his bureaucracy to properly assess a fast developing public health issue, but he surely did not cause the problem.
Was it the bureaucracy itself? Yes. Decades of poor decision making by those who have by hook or crook made their life’s work to be the decimation of ‘Buick City.’ Poor planning and perhaps a little power mongering graft? From Reuters:
“Henderson’s lawsuit alleged that Mayor Karen Weaver ordered her assistant and a volunteer to redirect donors from a local fund set up to help families affected by the water crisis to her political action committee instead.
The lawsuit charged that the city employee was “specifically directed” to instruct people “step-by-step” to donate to the mayor’s “Karenabout Flint” fund through its website, rather than the Charity Safe Water/Safe Homes fund through the city’s website.
Sure thing.