754 search results for "prop 2"

Election Day Whistleblowers Speak Out about Need for In-Depth Fraud Hearings in Lansing

Conservative Activists Wonder Why Republican Leaders are Unwilling to Act

LANSING, MI (Nov. 27) — Republican state leaders have refrained from scheduling a hearing that addresses the hundreds of sworn affidavits attesting to grotesque fraud under penalty of perjury.

The hearings in Pennsylvania on Wednesday unveiled shocking stories of impropriety, delivered by countless credible sources, that have started to influence public opinion. Still, Michigan lawmakers refuse to schedule hearings despite significant constituent pressure demanding them.

Former state senator Patrick Colbeck of Canton does not believe the attitude from his former colleagues is acceptable. He was on the floor of the absentee voter ballot counting board on election night in Detroit and believes the sworn testimony of these whistleblowers must be heard.

“Media says they see no evidence of fraud.  Legislative leadership says, “We have not yet been made aware of any information that would change the outcome of the election in Michigan.” Hundreds of poll challengers who witnessed fraud such as myself beg to differ.  We believe that the truth about election needs to finally be heard without a media censorship filter,” Colbeck said.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)

Has Dr. Shiva Proven Michigan Voter Fraud?

A recent youtube video by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai claims that precinct-level data in Michigan reveals voter fraud.  Dr. Shiva has a Ph.D. in biological engineering from MIT.  He has twice run for senate in Massachusetts as an independent, once after losing the Republican primary.  He also has some “interesting” views on other topics, as detailed on his Wikipedia page.

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(10)

Since when did, “We surrender unconditionally, wholeheartedly and unequivocally”, ever lead to accomplishing anything?

Well, it’s in the hopper.

Yesterday afternoon, Rep. LaFave introduced HR 324 to initiate impeachment proceeding against one Gretchen Esther Whitmer.

Take you pick on which one is the best reason:

  • Abusing her power.
  • Adversely affecting the education of millions of Michigan Students by depriving them of a proper education. (Work with me on this one, people)
  • Ignoring her oath of office and using the Michigan Constitution to wipe her backside with.
  • The deaths of thousands of Michigan Seniors with her “orders”.

The bill has been referred to the Committee on Government Operations.

It’s fate is inexplicably in limbo given SML Shirkey and Speaker Chatfield’s rather unusual tactic of waving the white flag, even after they both criticized the untold damage her actions have wrought on Michigan’s economy and general well being given her “orders” this year alone.

When you let a petulant child run wild for as long as you both have, and fail to act as a responsible adult (you know, that office you ran for), what other possible outcome did you expect?

My advice to readers, light up the phone lines, people!

YOUR elected officials can be reached here and here.

Speaker Lee Chatfield groveling on his knees before a democrat.

It’s now or never!

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Democrats Attempted Coup is Failing Them BIGLY

This is just the beginning. Ignore what our local Lügenpresse is regurgitating 24/7 among themselves. The press does not decide elections.

Federal Election Commission Chair, Trey Trainor, clearly states voter fraud is taking place. Then, we have something even more dubious coming to light taking center stage.

This does indeed lead us to the biggest question of them all.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(4)

Memory Holes

So, I understand RINOsaur Rick‘s newfound best friends Sleepy Joe, and Obama were in Flint yesterday. Must be some damn short memories in Michigan regarding all the aforementioned names.

Yep, and they☝️all got away with literal murder.

Yannow, a person would have to be considered dangerously stupid for them not to understand, with all the evidence on tape, and completely disregarded by Democrat AG Nessel, who panicked about blowing their cover in the Lansing Swamp, that the only reason Rick Snyder endorsed the criminal Biden/Harris ticket is payback for not being prosecuted, and providing the desired propaganda for Michigan’s worst governor ever to use on Fake News.

Thankfully, there are good people in Flint that are not fooled by the despicable charade.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

Narrative Brokers Don’t Like Rule Of Law

It is especially sad that the writer of a recent editorial may actually think this way ..for real.

I often marvel at how a political perspective can be so exposed in a single editorial.

The left would upend all manner of things traditional Americans and Michiganians stand for. Rule-of-law, constitutional authority, and what constitutes voting access. Today, the Traverse City Record Eagle editorial bemoaned the decision by the Michigan Appeals Court to uphold our state statute regarding absentee ballots:

“There’s nothing more frustrating than a last-minute rules change.

But that’s exactly what voters face after a three-judge panel at the Michigan Court of Appeals decided to overturn a lower court’s decision about how and when absentee votes should be counted.”

Actually, the rules have been in place for 66 years. One would think THAT is enough time to get your affairs in order to vote. The rules are the rules, and Act 116 of 1954, MCL 168.764a provides the rules for absentee voting, and specifically in Step 6: “The ballot must reach the clerk or an authorized assistant of the clerk before the close of the polls on election day. An absent voter ballot received by the clerk or assistant of the clerk after the close of the polls on election day will not be counted. “

So there is that.  (it continues ..)

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Brief Message From Michigan’s Unhinged Spiteful Schoolmarm

But first, a moment of class.

There is what the Radical Left Democrats ran out of their Party for calling out Kamala Harris on the record of her previous job as AG of California, and warmonger Crooked Hillary calling Tulsi a “Russian asset“.

That said….

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(0)

Big Gretch Wants to Talk About “Unhinged Distractions”?

What would qualify as an “unhinged distraction.” Oh, maybe trying to use position of power to cut ahead in line to get your boat put on the water during the alleged “flatten the curve” nonsense? Mmmm, maybe continuing to place COVID patients into nursing homes and LTC facilities while knowing that is certain death for our most vulnerable? If you guessed either one you would be wrong in the vile mind of Gretchen Whitmer.

Barr took criticism this week after he called the COVID-19 lockdown orders the “greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American History” since slavery, which was a “different kind of restraint.” His comments were made at an event hosted by Hillsdale College in Virginia.

“This is another unhinged distraction, and it’s deeply disturbing that our chief law enforcement officer is propagating it,” Whitmer said from the backyard of the governor’s residence in Lansing.

No, deeply disturbing is that Boobus Michiganderus actually elected this Exxon Valdez forehead, man-chopper sow as Michigan’s dysfunctional and corrupt governor. Because, in Whitmer’s first 510 days she owns two dam breaches and a stack of dead bodies.

Now, do you want to see a real “unhinged distraction?”

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)