754 search results for "prop 2"

THIS is what democracy looks like?!?

Short follow-up to a previous piece regarding more “unusual deliveries” made within Cobo Hall the night during last year’s election fraud.

The Gateway Pundit released a new video showing a second vehicle making “special deliveries” of its own and escorting the van from the previous video dropping off “legal ballots” which were sitting in open US Mail trays and not secured in any way, shape or form. Don’t even bother asking how human chain of custody was ever documented.

Pardon me? Can you tell me how I can get back to Jefferson? I made a wrong turn and have been driving around in here for hours!

As expected, the local media wasted no time in circling the wagons attacking the first video.

They made the same dismissive arguments claiming that the witnesses to election fraud were either ignorant of how the process works, or trotted out their own experts to refute.

One such “expert” is Christopher Thomas who claims that nothing illegal or inappropriate occurred. Nope, no conflict of interest there whatsoever.

For the record, Christopher Thomas worked directly for Detroit City Clerk Janice “Speed Racer” Winfrey.

The same Janice Winfrey who overseen multiple citywide elections that were rife with voter problems (i.e. poll books out of balance, voter records not up to date, problems any legitimate clerk who cared about their job would have fixed years ago, etc.)

He also failed to mention anything about an unknown car driving around inside of Cobo Hall.

Oh, THAT mysterious black car with out-of-state license plates!

The second video can be seen in its entirety here.

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Addressing Election Fraud

Following an appalling display of hubris from elected officials on “both sides” of the aisle over the undeniably obvious election fraud which occurred last month, Conservatives are not only asking themselves why this level of theft has been allowed to happen against President Trump given the actors involved, but are now asking themselves “What’s next”?

{Post continues below}

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(2)

Polling: What Went Wrong?

People who want to know the future have many tools.  There are crystal balls, fortune cookies, horoscopes, and just a bit more credible, public opinion polls.  The 2020 election featured a spectacular failure of the polling industry.

RealClearPolitics catalogues all major (non-candidate) polls.  They also average the results of all recent polls, which effectively increases the sample size and reduces the margin of error.  Their national polling average was Biden +7.2, while the popular vote was Biden +4.5, an error of 2.7%.  The results in many state polls were even worse.  In Ohio, the error favored Biden by 7.2%.  In Iowa, it was 6.2%.  In Wisconsin, it was 6%.  Overall, Trump outperformed the polls in 33 states.  Curiously, Biden did overperform the polls in a few states, including Minnesota.

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(7)

Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming

It is said that you never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake so, I sorta hope it doesn’t draw too much attention to this corrupt hair brain👇

Frankly, the nationally recognized loony tunes yammering of a crooked, aging yenta is a gift that never stops giving. Why?

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