754 search results for "prop 2"

And just who do we have to thank for this?

I STILL fear for the Republic.

That been said, I am disappointed, but I am certainly not in the least bit surprised with what transpired last November.

After last year’s raging dumpster fire of an election, there really wasn’t much to say about its outcome.

With what had transpired over the previous two years, the 2022 election should have been simply a formality, and we could’ve been focused on getting Michigan back on track, had the drive been there to accomplish that task.

Regrettably, certain people in our state were more concerned with “their candidate” winning than promoting (or even defending for that matter a political philosophy).

Their ego…conceit…hubris…call it what you’d like, blinded them to the actual threat.

Now, people are beginning to take notice of the consequences from their actions, or more accurately, LACK thereof.

And only now is it beginning to frighten them.

{Continued after the fold.}

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Sunday Sermon – Magic in the Faucet

Matthew 17:14-21

Thomas Edward Lawrence was born on August 16, 1888 in Wales. Popularly known as Lawrence of Arabia, Lawrence became famous for his exploits as a British Military liaison to the Arab Revolt during the First World War.

The desert raids of British officer Lawrence and his Arab rebels tied down many Turkish troops who could have been fighting the main British armies in the Middle East. Lawrence of Arabia’s struggle against the Turks during World War I was classic guerrilla warfare, and his personal account has become a classic of world literature. And, of course, many of you have seen the movie about the life of Lawrence of Arabia.

Lawrence wrote about his Arabian adventures in The Seven Pillars of Wisdom. During the war, Lawrence formed close friendships with many of the Sheiks of Arabia. After the war, he brought some of these Sheiks back to England to show his appreciation for their support against the Turkish domination.

They had a wonderful visit, appeared before the Joint House of Commons and Parliament and had an audience with the Queen. On the last night of their visit, Lawrence offered them just about anything they wanted to take back with them to their desert homes. They led him up to the hotel room, into the bathroom, and pointed to the faucets in the bathtub and said that they wanted to take faucets with them so that they would magically provide them with running water in the deserts.

They didn’t realize that the faucets were superficial. Behind them was plumbing, a hot water heater, an energy source that heated the water, a city main that supplied the water, and from the city main went a line to an outside source of water!

The magic was not in the faucet! It was what was behind the faucet that gave the water!

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)

Lively – Beware The Trap

Scott Lively on race and the mechanisms used to divide us.

Scott Lively is a guy who in his own right can split a room down the middle, depending where one is at.  However, his words are most often thoughtful and well considered.

But he warns those in the MAGA movement about those who vindicate arguments made against them. Popular figures who draw attention to themselves as representatives of a movement but can do more harm than good in the end.  He points out the way in which the ‘elite’s’ have positioned themselves to politically profit from divisiveness based on race.

In his most recent writing that I received by email (and you can see here), he discusses the way in which MAGA folks can be manipulated and polarized. Those of you who find their family members going off the rails (no matter which side of the argument) might look deeper to find that their (or your) arguments might be a little antagonistic and possibly fomented through hyperbole.

His concluding thoughts:

” .. What most bothered me was that Fuentes was literally and blatantly vindicating the accusations of the left against the MAGA movement, and that struck me as intentional, and thus Obiden-orchestrated. That hypothesis and the whiff of a potential homoerotic undercurrent in Fuentes’ network was partially vindicated in the recent (joint venture?) sabotage of President Trump by self-declared “ex-gay” (but still “gay” acting) Milo Yiannopoulos, using Fuentes and Kanye West as either allies or props.

Thankfully, Fuentes was only a small sideshow in the wild carnival atmosphere on 12/12, where tens of thousands of MAGA faithful from every conceivable constituency flowed and swirled like white-water rapids around both the several officially planned and the many spontaneous mini-rallies all over the Washington Mall and its environs – none of which echoed Fuentes’ themes (except a suspicious-seeming speech-maker at the Proud Boys stage the members there didn’t seem to know).

My point here is that the MAGA faithful need to carefully guard ourselves against the temptation to join the “right-wing” polar extreme that is characterized by blaming “the Jews” or “the blacks” collectively as the problem because that is just another “Whitmer trap” of the elites – used to justify the violence and cancel culture of the left, and to prevent the empowering unification of the conservative/populist Jews, blacks and whites against the elites themselves. ..”

The entire article can be read here:

Nick Fuentes and the elites’ manufacturing of white resentment

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(1)

If there was any doubt as to whether or not an education actually means being intelligent.

This post is going to be a little bit of what happened to me yesterday (and I’m pretty sure that some of you will be able to relate to it) and a little bit from my inbox.

I finally had a chance to spend some time with my friends over the weekend whom I haven’t seen in a while due to the unknown virus from unspecified origin ™. To put it very, mildly things didn’t go very smoothly.

These are friends (and they still are) that I’ve had going back several decades now. We don’t see eye-to-eye on all things politically. Despite that, we still got along over all that time and doing things that friends normally do for one another like helping each other out here and there and attending each other’s family events.

That ended about two years ago when they went into pretty much full lockdown mode, not wanting to have anything to do with anyone. Until last weekend, any attempts to meet earlier have crashed and burned when they would only agree to meet if certain ”precautions” were taken (mask wearing, “vaccine” status, meeting only in medically “safe” parts of the state, etc.).

I’m not 100% sure of what had changed.

Quite honestly, I didn’t care.

They were still my friends and I was still interested in meeting with them after they had finally agreed to drop their ludicrous conditions.

As sad as that is for them, how they choose to live their own lives is their concern. I had been living my life as close to normal as I could without succumbing to the fear and paranoia created by the propaganda promulgated by the government.

Speaking of which…

{Post continues below}

You Betcha! (3)Nuh Uh.(2)

It’s Time for a Grassroots Reality Check

Since at least Jan.6 – when it became abundantly clear that the election would be stolen and Trump would be ousted from the White House – the grassroots has been its own worst enemy.

Conservatives throughout the madness of a stolen election and the unprecedented fallout have grown increasingly desperate, relying on false idols to pied piper them with false hope and becoming increasingly unmoored to objective reality. In doing so they have empowered the RINOs and the far-left radicals by living up to the most caricatured portrayals of conservatives as humiliating, deranged crackpots who are not worth taking seriously.

Just look at all of the failures and dead ends that conservatives, populists, patriots, America Firsters, freedom lovers, and so forth have pursued over the past year.

We all hoped that the “Kraken” lawsuits offered by Sidney Powell and many other attorneys to challenge election fraud would come to fruition. They did not.

We all hoped that the Arizona forensic audit would be a game changer and have cascading ramifications throughout the country. Instead, it fizzled.

We all hoped there would be a “plan” of sorts from the Trump White House to deal with election fraud that everyone could see coming from a mile away. No such plan ever existed.

We heard how the military was going to reinstate Trump – mind you, the same military filling its leadership ranks with transgender communists who believe in critical race theory – but that never happened.

We heard that the white hats were going to deliver, under the jurisdiction of Jeff Sessions or Bill Barr, with serious investigations and indictments over deep state crimes. Instead, all the conspirators got away scot free and now enjoy well-paid positions in government, media and the corporate sector.

Can we sense a pattern here? Disinformation agents put out fantastical notions to keep the grassroots satiated, that never even come close to coming to fruition, and by the time that the previous predictions have failed, the same buffoons who led the grassroots astray rush headlong into their next narrative of gibberish or look for scapegoats to avoid capability. 

You Betcha! (37)Nuh Uh.(6)

Sunday Sermon – A Defense Of Marriage

Genesis 2:18-25

Traditional marriage is under attack like never before.

People not only in America but all over the world are debating and arguing over what a marriage is and what a marriage isn’t. As Christians it doesn’t really matter what our opinions of marriage are or whether or not we think that it should be re-defined. What should matter to believers like us is what the Bible and God says about marriage.

The Bible clearly defines marriage and anyone who cares to read it for themselves will find there really are no gray areas even though some people will attempt to say that there are. Marriage is biblically defined as a holy union ordained by God to be between one man and one woman. No human being, no act of congress, nor any society created marriage. Marriage goes all the way back to Genesis. In Genesis 1:27-28 we read this: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” And in our first reading this morning we read this: So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

Wu Flu to Blue Flu

Time for a National Strike.

Government is lying to you.

The vaccines are likely dangerous.  Yeah, my opinion, but consider how those in power have learned that there are more sheep than lions in our midst.  The elections were openly stolen, the fraudulent ElPresidente floated then presumably backtracked on a mandate that will get people more lead than DNA modifier in their blood,and the CDC at the executive’s direction, is in-your-face telling landlords that private property is no longer a thing.

And now ‘woke’ management is attempting to force workers to poison themselves with an unapproved and untested cocktail of mystery margaritas.   Home Depot announced yesterday that it would force its workforce to don slave masks, with Rocket Companies and others following suit:

“Rocket Companies Inc. will require unvaccinated employees to wear masks in the office and get tested weekly, the mortgage giant said Wednesday.

COVID-19 cases nationwide are on the rise as the more contagious delta variant spreads. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is recommending even vaccinated people wear masks when in public indoors to protect from the variant strain in areas with “substantial” or “high” transmission. “

Its time to walk.

Someone correctly pointed out recently to me, that it doesn’t take everyone doing it before it has real effect.  If only a small percentage of those who deliver goods, for example were to catch a cold and simply not feel good enough to work for a week, those goods might not make it to Washington DC markets and restaurants.  They might not resupply the major metropolitan areas such as Detroit, NY, Chicago, etc., which have been homes to so many of those who are an anchor around our necks, socially and culturally.

Perhaps like the police, who know how to use their personal/sick time while negotiating contracts, its time to renegotiate the power back to the Midwest which the rest of the nation cannot do without.

Now I have to rest – I feel a two week sniffle coming on.


Oh yeah Psst!!

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(2)

Ed McBroom Needs To Go.

Abject failure McBroom fails at least ten fact based tests of logic.

It really doesn’t take much imagination to see the likelihood of fraud in the 2020 election.

At the very least, where this an appearance of something wrong in one of the most important aspects of government, we need to be reassured that all doubts about the election are unfounded.  Yet instead of pressing for a REAL audit, and not the sham of a spot poll of selected counties, Ed McBroom’s commission report not only says ‘there is nothing to see here,” but adds “..maybe we arrest anyone who dared to say otherwise!”

Which has correctly earned the rat a little appropriate shame from at least some in the Michigan Republican Party. It needs to be spread a little more.  The Detroit news reports:

A committee inside the Michigan Republican Party plans to consider Saturday a proposal that calls for the resignation of GOP state Sen. Ed McBroom, who led a probe finding no evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 election.

He needs to be shunned completely.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(3)

Accountability Must Be Achieved Before Party Unity Can Be Tenable

A frightening hellish reality has been thrust upon us. From the COVID-19 disinformation campaign and subsequent lockdowns to the Black Lives Matter terror uprising and demonization of law enforcement to the third-world style vote rigging in Detroit and other inner-city fraud centers on election night, our current reality is outpacing many of the dark prophecies laid out by the literary greats of the 20th Century about the technological enslavement that was to come.

And it’s all about to get a million times worse. We can all feel it. If there was a time where political unity was desperately needed among Republicans with the burying of internecine squabbles, it would be now, right?

Well, it’s not quite that easy.

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(0)