754 search results for "prop 2"

Don’t Say We Didn’t Tell You So

The fallout from Michigan's prop 2 is clear as milk.

Prop 2 was a disaster in the making.

Controlling the process was never going to be neutral, and clearly the control would be in the hands of whichever party controls the elections, the questionable Jocelyn Benson.

We have pointed this out in the past with a series of videos, and now the outcome draws near.  The Michigan Republican Party in trying to ascertain the nature of the process being designed by our current Secretary of State for the NEW Gerrymandering schemes is being stonewalled with ridiculous FOIA fees. From the Detroit News:

The Secretary of State’s office estimated it would cost $45,904 to process an initial Freedom of Information Act request that sought “a vast amount of information” from the department, Chief Legal Director Michael Brady told the Michigan GOP in a June 7 letter.

The state used a “conservative” labor estimate to calculate a $10,049 fee for a “narrowed, but still very broad” second request, Brady said in a separate letter denying a Republican Party appeal.

All they want is an unadulterated explanation from documents addressing the process being formulated from the Sec of State.

Real transparency.

And as many who are familiar with FOIA might know, the cost is supposed to be premised on the labor rates of the lowest paid clerical workers who can perform the task.  This suggests one of two possibilities; that the clerical workers in the state are grossly overpaid, OR that Benson’s office isattempting to keeps it’s motivations and early planning from the people of the satet for political reasons.

One or the OTHER.


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The Swamp Looms Over The MIGOP State Convention Once Again

It should come as no surprise to any conservative that the SWAMP is looming over the MIGOP State Convention scheduled to take place Friday and Saturday at the Lansing Center. While we tell voters we are going to drain the swamp, typically the swamp is coronated at these kind of affairs. It’s part of the immense hypocrisy that stains our party.

The swamp has its chosen candidates picked out. At the top of the ticket is former State Rep. Laura Cox, who lost a winnable State Senate seat to a completely unknown Democrat no-name challenger last year. After demonstrating her inability to connect with the public, she is going to be rewarded with the biggest leadership position in the party. It doesn’t get much more swampy than that.

Making matters worse, Cox is running a gutter campaign against her opponent Gina Barr, who was Director of Women and Urban Engagement for the Republican National Committee and worked as a regional field director helping win elections for Republicans across the country. The special interests are deluging delegates with false information urging them to vote for Cox, whose record of supporting tax hikes, spending increases, and crony capitalism in the state legislature is well-known.

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Are they even aware of what they’re selling?

So in the midst of all of the post-election analysis, we’ve heard the “experts” from other outlets drone on about why the 2018 Election went the way it did.

We’ve heard them tell us that this is the vaunted “Blue Wave” sweeping across America. Despite the rash of ballots “miraculously” showing up in places like Florida (and apparently now here) along with Arizona, democrats still only control the House.

We’ve been told that this is the year of the woman. Yet, I’m waiting to hear why superior candidates like Lang and Epstein didn’t benefit from this?

Finally, the media (or infotainment complex…take your pick), dredges up their favorite rationale for last Tuesday Night’s results: It’s all President Trump’s fault.

If you get past their self-created echo chamber, you might have noticed the marked lack of coverage of the rise in America’s economy that has taken place since the ‘16 election (far higher than any democrat or their sycophants claimed was possible) , unemployment numbers falling ACROSS THE BOARD, and a newfound respect for America around the world since a certain Chicago street hustler was no longer in a position to embarrass our Republic by bowing down to foreign leaders at every opportunity and generally showing no backbone with the same by conceding at every opportunity.

I’m going to bring up a topic that the so-called conservative policy wonks running the multitude of losing campaigns are loath to ask themselves.

{Post continues after the fold}

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RightMi.com Nov 6 Voter Guide

Our (probably not surprising) picks for tomorrow's big vote.

This ought to be simple enough.

Starting off with the premise that the Democrat Party has gone off the deep end, I will save a lot of you the time by recommending that none of those from the D brand are worthy of anyone’s vote.  The #PartyOfCrime has earned it’s hashtag, as well as a few more derogatory labels.

From the top to the bottom, it has defamed honorable persons on the national stage, to those locally deciding to not even show up.  Brett Kavanaugh was publicly abused in a frenetic way that has never before been seen. And locally, we have a Democrat county commission candidate who forgot to let folks know she was moving 80 miles away before the election.

Ya know, while I don’t like to get too serious about some things, I believe that when selecting those who represent us in our Republic, it means something.  Elections have consequences, and civil discourse is somewhat tough when dealing with those who cannot respect process or even take a leadership role seriously.

In any event, we start at the Governor’s race.

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Be Like Johnny

Johnny would fall for anything.. well, ALMOST anything.

Frankly, I am running out of time to be doing all of the animations etc..

In any event, enjoy this informational piece. It  is my latest on Prop 2.  It would make a GREAT RADIO SPOT if someone wanted to do the buy. Well, actually, it runs a little long, but what the heck.

Anyhow, have a great weekend.

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Mind Readers

Assuming Proposal 2 were to pass?

What prevents a person from declaring a political affiliation that is not truly what they are?  Are there mind readers employed by law enforcement agencies who can sort it out?

Enjoy and share this video with all of those whom you think might be stupid enough to think Prop 2 is a good idea.  Maybe share with those who might also find it entertaining.


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Turning it up another notch.

I’m honestly NOT surprised here.

After the Uniparty establishment had gone out of its way to remove President Trump from the equation before November 5th by utilizing literally everything at their disposal from weaponizing our own government (such as “intelligence community” & lawfare) to promulgating negative propaganda from the legacy media at a level that would make Joseph Goebbels blush with envy…now they want him dead!

At around a quarter after 6:00pm this afternoon at a campaign rally near Butler, PA an assassin tried to shoot President Trump while he was speaking.

Fortunately, he only managed to wound President Trump.

Unfortunately, at least one of the members attending the rally is now dead.

And if what word being put out is to believed at this time (a little before 8:00pm), the shooter is dead as well.

There has been a steady barrage of well wishes from “both sides” of the aisle. Nothing from the White House. I guess that they’re still having a problem waking their figurehead up from his 1:30 nap.

I’ll follow up with more information and have more to say about this later.


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Idiots In Grand Rapids – Patriots in Houghton Lake?

'Leadership' discourages grass roots participation when they need it most - if only to give the scheme credibility.

The shortsightedness of the so-called MI Republican Leadership of not allowing duly elected delegates access to their roles as they assume their coup derived ‘authority’

Foolishness is the hallmark of losers

February 29, 2024

Dear 1st District Delegates to Convention,


In the wake of the court orders in Kent County against Kristina Karamo, we are left with few options in our fight to save the grassroots movement in the Michigan Republican Party.
Here’s what you need to know right now :
1) The Secretary Angela Gillesse and Treasurer Jennifer Standefer still hold their titles in elected offices.
2) The Secretary has sent all of the credentials she received from your County Chairs to Mr. Foster of Mr. Hoekstra’s team, and 25 counties were DENIED credentials to the Grand Rapids Convention.
3) The repeated disregard for the established rules has caused irreparable harm to the delegates right to engage in the convention process.
I have been involved in the party for many years – many state conventions, served as a State Representative in Lansing, and as you know, a target of the Democrat Attorney General – and I have never seen anything like what has been playing out right now in our party.
Over the last year, you have been a victim of deceiving propaganda and fake news against our grassroots leader, who has been a fearless warrior for freedom.


Recent court orders prohibit Kristina from acting as Chair of the Michigan Republican Party (MRP) in any manner, and nullified all of the meetings she’s called since January 6, 2024. This puts us in a position where we have to pivot to next steps and take the fight in a new direction.

The newly declared administration of MRP appears to be inviting dissent, disregarding rules with the consent of their RNC allies and we will not play that game by falling into their plan.

Denying the majority of the Delegates elected at the County Conventions in the 1st District from attending the State District Convention is not acceptable. So, where does this leave us?

We have been eagerly awaiting decisions from the court, but we can no longer wait. Your county Call to Convention stated we shall convene on March 2nd, and that is what we will do. Your 1st District leadership has formulated a plan to hold this District Convention in Houghton Lake! We are working hard to make it a meaningful Convention with enjoyable events starting tomorrow night, March 1st! Stay tuned!


I understand this is a lot of information to digest, and it might be irregular. That said, this is the battle we signed up for at county convention, and we need you all to stick together and show up!
You have my pledge that your team will NOT stop fighting for you and for your rights as Republican delegates.

Thank you all for fighting for what is right.



Daire Rendon
1st Congressional District Republican Committee – Chairwoman

For questions, contact:
michigan.1.gop@gmail.com*Delegates may register 1 guest.
*Press must pre-register
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Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

Why bother with the elephant in the room if it is dead already?

Michigan Republicans are the most gullible, and idiotic Republicans anywhere.  And I say that to be nice.

I was elected a delegate, I voted for people to elect our chair, and those people elected a chair.  The position has a specific term unless properly removed through process where I and other delegates have a chance to weigh in on.  I don’t recall a convention for such a purpose, and some non convention convention happening as a result of Strategic national (or other political flame-throwing operation) is not exactly binding over the process in which we govern our party.  But I guess there are judges who think it is? (As an aside who this judge has donated heavily to in the past might offer ..insights – Rhymes with Rick Snyder and Brian Calley)

A Kent County judge affirmed Tuesday that Kristina Karamo was “properly” removed as the chair of the Michigan Republican Party.

The decision follows months of internal disputes within the state GOP concerning its financial health, culminating in a vote on Jan. 6, 2024, where party members opted to oust Karamo from her leadership position.

Kent County Circuit Court Judge J. Joseph Rossi, in his ruling, stated that any actions taken by Karamo on behalf of the Michigan Republican state committee since January 6 are void. The ruling also barred her from representing the party.

Who elected that guy? Oh yeah Grand Rapids did.  Not the duly elected delegates of the Michigan’s congressional districts.   So there is that.

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Once Upon A Time in America You Could Trust Your Physician And Pharmacist

In recent times, 'medicine' has certainly hit it's low

Good afternoon fellow Patriots. Once upon a time in America, outside your immediate family, two people you could trust when in came to matters and concerns for your health was your family physician and your local independent pharmacist. Hospitals were locally managed and controlled by the members of the community, and staffed by the doctors living in the community or surrounding area.

Specialists were brought in on an as needed basis, or patients were referred to the nearest medical center, usually a university hospital with an associated medical school, when complex medical issues required specialist consultation. There were no mandatory treatment protocols that physicians must follow when caring for patients. Physicians were free to use their training, diagnostic skills supported by necessary testing procedures to ensure appropriate, proper and ethical treatment pursuant to their Hippocratic Oath. The most widely accepted short form translation of said Oath within the public domain is “…first do no harm”. However a complete translation would read as follows:

“I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous.”

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