Jocelyn Benson's criminally culpable past should certainly be remembered.
In 2010, it was the office of Jocelyn Benson that was organizing the fake tea party fiasco.
It was Oakland county operatives who committed felony election fraud. Those same operatives were toadies for Benson and other political players masterminding the scheme to defraud voters that year. Michigan Freedom Fund noted this a month ago, but somehow we missed it. (H/T CS)
Benson has been intimately linked to a 2010 election fraud scheme that resulted in nearly a dozen felony charges and two convictions. Benson, who was running an unsuccessful campaign for Secretary of State even then, employed a campaign manager named Jason Bauer. That year, Bauer pled no contest after being charged with multiple felony counts in connection with a voter fraud scheme. Bauer and Michael McGuinness, Jocelyn Benson’s then operations director, were busted forging records to set up dummy candidates in an illegal effort to siphon votes away from Republican candidates in metro Detroit.
To this day, Benson has yet to answer for the election fraud scheme perpetrated by her senior staff members, or to offer any remorse or explanation for her improper handling as a candidate for the state’s top elections post of individuals who were attempting to rig our elections.
Michigan voters need to be reminded of whom it was that tried to manipulate our elections. they need to be reminded that the #PartyOfCrime never quits. Power seeking by illicit players needs to be checked.
And in this case, making Jocelyn Benson Michigan’s Secretary of State is giving the robber the keys to the vault.

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