So, it was about creating the ordained all along.
OK, so this dingbat has conveniently dropped out of the running and this RINO is being ushered in again as chair before a vote ever takes place.
Oh, I know, Booby ShowStak doesn’t take kindly to anyone using the correct four letter word when talking about Ron. You know what? F**k that grifter too!
This state really is something else. I mean, it’s as if you all have a memory as long as an ant and, have willfully forgotten exactly who RINO Weiser truly is. Fact? RINO Weiser is everything that America First is not. In other words, he is NeverTrump from the beginning and, such a lowlife with slimy Bush 43 connections that he’ll co-opt any rube underling to be part of him just like the establishment RINO’s took down the TEA Party. Yes, I’m looking at you, Meshawn!
Weiser seems uneasy.
He doesn’t talk much about his party’s presumptive nominee, the flame-throwing Republican who has rankled some in the GOP establishment, not to mention Democrats, with braggadocio and a penchant for racial, religious and gender divisiveness.
“Have I met with him? Yeah, I met with him privately. Have I given him my opinion? Yeah, I have,” says Weiser, who turned 71 on July 7.
“He is very bright and he listens to people.”
Weiser, a former U.S. ambassador to the Slovak Republic under President George W. Bush, is far from being a full-throated Trump booster.
“He wasn’t my first choice in the primary,” said Weiser, who stayed out of the primary race.
But Weiser is a good party foot soldier, calling it a “binary choice” between Trump and Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic Party nominee.
Party, not necessarily candidate, comes first.
Uh-huh, poof! PFM…. and, magically Besty is Secretary of Education. Only a fool would not see why the DeVos lobby was in a hurry to certify a bogus election and now wants to out all except their chosen own. Poor Craig Mauger… he spelled cuckservative wrong.
But I digress.
Exactly who is trying to bullshit who here?
“There’s no question that until Trump makes an announcement about [whether he’ll run again in 2024,] he is the titular head of the Republican Party, both in Michigan and nationally,” said Michigan strategist Dennis Lennox, who has called for Maddock to withdraw as the presumed state co-chair because of her organizing efforts for the U.S. Capitol protest.
Meshawn, the twink is already telling you it’s a RINO Club and, you without “$$$$” are not in it.
The president of that particular office is Patrick McDaniel, the husband of the RNC’s chairwoman.
Reed, the party spokesman, told ProPublica that the Hylant contract “did not violate any RNC policy,” despite the organization’s written guidance about awarding business to members of an employee’s family. Reed said the RNC’s then-treasurer “solicited and signed off on” Hylant’s services. He did not not address who recommended Hylant or why the work was done out of the company’s Detroit office. Reed added that McDaniel’s husband “does not own this company and he received no financial benefit from this work.” Neither Hylant nor Patrick McDaniel returned messages seeking comment.
The two companies whose executives made contributions to McDaniel’s PAC had not received work from the RNC before she became chair.
Less than a week after McDaniel took over the party in January 2017, the RNC made its first monthly payment to the Templar Baker Group, a small political consulting outfit in Michigan headed by Robert Schostak, who chaired the Michigan Republican Party before McDaniel. Since she has been at the RNC, campaign finance reports show, Templar has been paid more than $550,000 for “political strategy services.”
Schostak is also a partner in MadDog Technology, a firm that is chaired by Peter Karmanos Jr., who helped found Compuware, once Michigan’s leading computer technology company. Last year, according to FEC filings, the RNC paid MadDog $50,000 for “website services.”
During McDaniel’s first month as RNC chair, Karmanos and a political spending entity used by the Schostak family contributed $10,000 each to McDaniel’s PAC, federal tax filings show.
It actually astonishes me that most haven’t figured out the game that is being played. Now that the RINO’s have undermined (apparently from the sidelines- look at the dates) the America First agenda within the Party with their Cancel Culture agenda that the GOP/MIGOP is back to its tradition of representing local and national Chambers of Commerce (where the real donor money comes from), and not Main Street Michiganians and Americans.
The fact is: RINO Weiser lost all three top offices in 2018, and as chair in 2010 gave Michigan this RINO traitor, which is now getting what he deserves. I hope Joepedo Xiden’s ass tasted good for One Dumb Nerd, because he reinforces that it is truth!
Sadly, this MIGOP shitshow isn’t going to end like it does in the movie.

If Ron Weiser is an anti Trumper, why did he sign up to be district(13 states) chief fundraiser for the Trump Campaign ????
This article is pure bullshit. Mr (or Ms or whatever) Corinthian Scales is obviously typical of those not honest enough to use their own name. Just not trustworthy. Don’t know what his or her problem is, but I’m not buying this lie.
He is nothing more than a money handler for Democrat-lite, you dumb old fart.
Now, go fuck yourself.
Seriously, you can't see ... wow. Then you want to throw crap because someone isn't using their real name LOLOLOL Yeah, a real name will go a long way to ensuring ... WTF ... NOT. I know a lot of people who use their real name and they lie, cheat, and steal; D.C. is full of them. Then they turn and attempt to annihilate those who don't agree ... and like you, they resort to personal attacks. Bring it AH 'cause that's all ya got. Mean while, back at the ranch, I've got work to do and a door of truth to keep open so you RINOs can't continue to have the only platform. Go and stay over there with your comedic never whoevers, I have a strategically place X for ya.
Tom, I have to disagree with you. Ron is, and was, a never-Trumper. Laura Cox and McDaniel did absolutely nothing to assist in the election RICO, with financing for attorneys for defending against a stolen election. I see the needed money went elsewhere. John James won election twice, yet he's still not our Senator. Too Bad, he would have been great for MI and the Country.
Yes, Tom, real foreign involvement in our elections, and yes, the MaChines were online, votes changed in real time, and they weren't even clever about it. But, not only did we loose James, we lost the Supreme Court, the State School Board, and University boards. And, guess what Tom, this went on during the primary too. Really, Millages passing during height of covid and millions out of work unable to pay rent? Millions more dollars stolen from our pockets due to election RICO. And contracts allowing foreign access to our elections occurred with Snyder as Gov. and Scheutte as AG at the helm. 2 more never-trumpers.
Meh, leave Tom alone. There's a saying that, "There's no fool like an old fool." Know why that is? Old farts like Tom have had decades of practice.