What is Peter Meijer afraid of?
Yesterday’s assault on the Capitol didn’t have to happen. Politicians who spread the lies that incited this violence bear responsibility. Politicians who continue to lie in order to shift blame and falsely claim this was Antifa or BLM, are contemptible. More thoughts: pic.twitter.com/ZbMPfPXEi5
— Rep. Peter Meijer (@RepMeijer) January 7, 2021
WTF? Did Peter just call Jack Bergman, Tim Walberg, Lisa McClain and 144 other Republicans in the House and the Senate traitors? Yes, yes he did.
Folks, we ALL know Joepedo Xiden didn’t win and, there indeed is massive fraud committed on a global scale with this election. What we really don’t know is exactly what the hell we watched happen on January 6, 2021 but, for a day that had EVERY high-power elected official in the Joint Session of Congress the following makes ZERO sense.
Sir, I witnessed them walk people into and out of the building. Originally we thought it had been opened. The policeman said, “hey folks, we know why you are here,” and the crowd politely parted and even cheered as they walked up the steps. Same coming out with a couple of guys.
— NP🇺🇸 (@NP_Pubs) January 7, 2021
Capitol police open doors for the protestors. They stand aside and invite them inside. pic.twitter.com/OnSd3KGzz5
— Christina Bobb (@christina_bobb) January 8, 2021
Delores is the new face of "domestic terrorism" apparently. pic.twitter.com/woCjz8sp0w
— Gavin Mario Wax 🇺🇸 (@GavinWax) January 8, 2021
Uh-huh, as if Meijer doesn’t peddle crap made in China, just like Walmart does.
One of the men who was part of the siege of the Capitol building is John Earle Sullivan, an extreme BLM activist from Utah. He was arrested & charged in July 2020 over a BLM-antifa riot where drivers in Provo were threatened & one was shot. https://t.co/C0WQsEfcIG pic.twitter.com/Kxm5du2Ozs
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) January 7, 2021
John Earle Sullivan, who was inside the Capitol building during the siege on Wednesday, previously gave a speech in BLM Plaza in DC in August 2020 where he identifies as being part of an insurgency group & calls for a violent left-wing revolution. pic.twitter.com/6XeaTHmPlh
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) January 8, 2021
Go f**k yourself, Peter. OABTW, that’s a helluva alma matter you got there, Peter.

Umm.. that will be "El Presidente Joepedo Xiden" if you please.
On January 20th, 2020 a day that will live in infamy! All hope will be lost for next four years in the United States, we ARE Definitely SCREWED!!
Well, then I guess folks like Peter Meijer, and Lindsey, will have to ask themselves if it was worth them being accomplices to election fraud.
They’ll never get elected again. Follow the money. How did these politicians get their billions? Just like the Mueller Investigation, we’ll find out about the fraud, but it’ll be too late. Cheating took place in plain sight. There wasn’t cheating in Georgia? Correct. No laws were broken. That’s how the anarchists took control of the Republican Party by intimidation, they wrote fraud into their voting bill. We’re done.
They'll never get elected again .... we wish! Only one way to break the stranglehold of these thugs, we must all stand together. If we don't (this is how it has been and why we have them lording over us rather than them as our servants) stand together for what is right we eventually suffer together under what is.wrong. From what I've seen, most court the agreement of everyone rather than stand for what is right, so bland they are almost standing for nothing.
What is Q telling you?
What do you mean? Do tell us more about what this Q is you mention.
Yet, the Republican Party (actually the RINO Party in most places) continues to back these moldy pretenders. The RINO Party doesn't vet candidates. They refused to encourage making a difference at the root; education and FairTax. candidates and conservatives continued to act like thr RNC was our loyal friend and/or like nothing could be done without them. Look where 'they'd' be if 'they' had started to cast the RINOs off years ago, instead 'they' chose fear and coward under the RINO. The RINOs have not done one thing to make sure education, taxes, and our borders are as they should be so we are not vulnerable to this takeover that is going on now. Some are still standing up for the wrong side. Continuing to only 'fight' isn't the answer. We must tend to the root or nothing will be better. Throw them off! Educate people and make freedom of choice education a choice to everyone! Protect our income from being used and stolen, quit feeding the machine and let the country be ran by the people! Fairtax! Protect our borders! Without these things you can be overcome. We used to know this and they would remind one another to stand for what is right or hang together. Selfish pretenders, you didn't stand for what is right at the root or hardly anyplace. How do you like it now?
Am tired of trust fund, midwit Peter Meijer pussies within the GOP.