754 search results for "prop 2"

Things Observed During the Chinese Communist Party Virus in Michigan

It’s been mostly disheartening to watch Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s DNC coordinated economic destruction play out by her every ass-covering Executive Order issued with how the Michigan public and legislature has rolled over and, obeyed as if we were born as indoctrinated slaves. Is it that we all do not see what communism looks like? There are those of us on this planet that are, in the face of all odds against them with a crushing jackboot coming down that makes one disappear from existence, they have the spirit and will to stand up against tyranny.

(Full interview here) Warning: it is heartbreaking to watch.

In Michigan, 37 years ago that “peaceful” spirit and will was here.

In January of 1983, Governor James Blanchard had a problem. Michigan was in recession, losing jobs, and the legislature was facing declining tax revenues. Blanchard needed to hike taxes in order to maintain government spending, since real spending cuts seemed out of the question. He proposed, and passed through the legislature, a 38% income tax hike.

Taxpayers revolted. Recall drives were launched against Governor Blanchard and 14 state senators who supported the tax hike. Citizens launching these recalls were not taken seriously at first because no governor or state lawmaker had ever been recalled in the history of Michigan. Why?

Cold Fury™.

Today, with same pending doom soon to come crashing down upon our state budget, I see nothing but lazy rallying around a brave septuagenarian barber. God bless Karl Manke, however, where has the 1983 kind of spirit with all in Michigan gone?

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

As Stated Here Before, The Dam Breach is Whitmer and Nessel’s Flint

Hate to say I told you so [no I don’t] but, Told You So.

Headline: New flood lawsuit claims Michigan mismanaged dam

Oh, and Karen would like to speak to a manager

“The failure of the Edenville and Sanford dams has highlighted the dangers of aging and inadequate infrastructure,” said Teresa Seidel, director of EGLE’s Water Resources Division. “We created the map to help the public better understand what dams are in their community and the potential risks to life and property.”

Teresa Seidel E in 2019 was employed in Department of Environmental Quality and had annual salary of $139,227. This salary is 59 percent higher than average and 66 percent higher than median salary in Department of Environmental Quality.

19% of the DEQ budget ($96.5 Million) in 2018 … a stinking map. 🤡 🌎

Folks, this is what happens when Democrats staff their administration with Granholm era Greta Thunberg-type lobbyist loons.

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When all else Fails…

The Democrat Party and their propaganda arm MSDNC media trots out their Sleepy Joe’s stereotype of “black enough.”

“The truth is more people are killed by deer in a year than have ever been proven to commit voter fraud at a given time,” he told Hunt.

More lies and deception here if you can stomach it

Lt. Gov. 6′ 8″ is a waste of time, a waste of $111,510 + $18,000 in expense allowance a year, is universally despised in Detroit and, most importantly, reveals himself as being a full of crap stooge. #FeelTheBern




It must be a miserable existence for Garlin to live the sole sworn duty of kissing “that woman from Michigan“s ass.

And, the best endorsement of all?

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Sunday Sermon – Faith and Freedom

1 Peter 4:12-19

This week, America will pause for Memorial Day, a day when we honor those who have fallen in defense of our freedom. But Freedom is more threatened now than at any time since General Howe nearly defeated Washington’s army on the shores of Long Island in 1776. In an effort to protect us from a deadly virus, governors from all 50 states shut down their economies and issued stay at home orders to their citizenship.

Today, I want to illustrate the Christian faith as the foundation of our freedom. I will begin with two statements, followed by examples that explain and support those statements. The first statement is that America’s Freedom and Greatness is built upon a Christian Foundation. I understand that secularists decry this statement. They believe that our nation’s greatness is due to other factors such as geography, our laws, or our democracy. But other nations have all of those same elements.

Some might go so far as to say that religions contributed to our greatness. But again, look at other religious nations. In fact, look at the most religious nations in the world today, where Sharia Law is practiced, and you will not find greatness or freedom, you will only find oppression and poverty. Yet, here in America, greatness and supremacy in economics is powered and influenced, not by religions, but by its Christian foundation.

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Big Gretch: it Served as a Warning, NOT an Instruction Manual

Art always imitates life and, in Whitmer administration’s Michigan, you know, THIS ONE: science fiction now becomes reality.

One of the things I have truly enjoyed is new White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany. Blonde, beautiful and, incredibly smart. God created for the job in dealing with today’s Fake News propaganda arm of the Democrat Party and a public school system indoctrinated dumbed-down society.

Ps. this was just a li’l sumpin’-sumpin’ humorous to lighten things up around here as we Michiganians don’t have to be serious all the time.

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It’s as if Big Gretch and Nasty Nessel are Setting the Stage for Another April 19, 1775

Well, as expected, Big Gretch has LARAed Mr Manke into submission.

Karl Manke’s license and the license of his shop, Karl Manke Main St. Barber & Beauty Shop, have been “summarily suspended,” said David Harns, communications director for the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. The documents confirming the suspension were sent to the barber and his attorney.

Harns said he was unable to provide further comment on the pending case.

Separately, Manke faces “$1,000 and 1 year in jail per haircut” under a Department of Health and Human Services order, said Manke’s lawyer David Kallman.

Meanwhile, convicted prisoners are being released into public. This is a sick game the Democrats are playing.

How sick?

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Michigan Capitol Gun Ban—A solution devoid of a problem”.

It is clear that some in government and in the media detest guns and use every emotional opportunity to drive a wedge between law-abiding citizens and their firearms. They have seized upon imagery in the Capitol to push yet again for Draconian and unconstitutional gun control.

Michigan is an open carry state, and one of 18 states which allows people to lawfully carry in the people’s house, their Capitol.

Protesting at the Michigan Capitol has been a traditional exercise in principle for several decades, inside and out—generally without incident and not one incident with a firearm. Aside from triggering emotionally-unstable leftists, zero damage has occurred.

The most recent incident was in 2012 during the right-to-work protest. Many thousand union members stormed the Capitol, and some were arrested after breaking onto the Senate floor. Violence took over a peaceful protest on the lawn of the capital, as a tent which was erected for pro-RTW demonstrators was torn down by violent protesters. Michigan State police had to wear riot gear. Capitol sergeants were on high alert. A friendly sergeant even asked me “if we could get some of the militia boys to come down as back-up.”

It turned out to be one of the most violent demonstrations in recent Michigan history, and yet not one single gun was pulled and not one shot was ever fired.

Fast forward to April 2020, after weeks of government taking extremely controversial steps in handling the coronavirus pandemic by stealing the liberty and livelihood of the citizens. People are restless, bored, struggling, succumbing to depression and alcoholism, and pissed off.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(0)

May 14 Fundraiser for Big Gretch

Am so impressed with the spirit of our hard working, freedom loving, Constitution protecting, patriotic Machiganians out there. I mean, it’s what, like the third time peaceful, law abiding, citizens have gathered to exercise their God-given Right to protest the governor’s abuse of power at our State Capitol? That is just awesome, however, with all the great people displaying healthy civil disobedience against our lawless Executive Branch and rogue Attorney General, it makes me wonder why nobody has thought about this?

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(0)

Governor Leading The Lawless

The side effects of having an unrepentant lawbreaker as a governor.

Something occurred to me this morning.

One of the ways in which government has been able to operate at a board level is by Zoom, of some other streaming service.  The problem with this however, was the ways in which the streaming option limited the ability of those who wish to attend meetings and keep government open and transparent.

The answer was Executive Order 2020-15.  EO 2020-15 changed the requirements of having the meetings, to allowing by remote access with limited public interaction:

Acting under the Michigan Constitution of 1963 and Michigan law, I order the following:

Effective immediately and continuing until April 15, 2020 at 11:59 pm, to the extent that the Open Meetings Act, 1976 PA 267, as amended, MCL 15.261 to 15.272 (“OMA”) requires that a meeting of a public body be held in a physical place available to the general public or requires the physical presence of one or more members of a public body, strict compliance with section 3 of the OMA, MCL 15.263, is temporarily suspended in order to alleviate any such physical-place or physical-presence requirements, as follows:

Etc., and so on.. (feel free to follow through and see the conditions)

The order allows forms of electronic meetings that would not otherwise be allowed under legislative authority without the power assumed by the governor.  It essentially kept local governments ability to operate under ‘stay home’ conditions that might arise.

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