754 search results for "prop 2"

Dangerous Dana “Nasty” Nessel now Attemps to Wash Away the Blood on Gov. “Half” Whitmer’s Hands

Rather interesting about face by “Nasty” Nessel.

May 1, 2020: Nessel leaves enforcing stay-in-place edict to local cops

The state’s top law enforcement officer says she will allow local police to “exercise their best judgment” about whether to enforce Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s stay-home edict until a lawsuit challenging the governor’s emergency powers is decided in court.

Bottom line, Michigan’s AG knew that the governor’s orders expired on April 30, 2020 at 11:59 pm and, any further actions by Half Whitmer are illegitimate and unlawful.

May 5, 2020?

You Betcha! (24)Nuh Uh.(0)

I Nominate Tara Reade

Never forget who Law breaking Gov. Gretchen “Half” Whitmer endorsed.

Okay, Sleepy Joe, I nominate Tara Reade, no matter how much the propaganda arm of the DNC Fakestream News media tries to bury the story and, yannow, ‘Weinstein Level Stuff’.

By now everyone here should know why.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Gretchen Whitmer’s Instinctive Lies

A crisis can reveal a person’s true character.  One striking example of this is Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.  She has a bad habit of lying about her political opponents whenever they disagree with her.  There are many examples.

1. Republicans in the Michigan senate approved several hundred appointees of Governor Whitmer without issue.  In February, they rejected the appointment of Anna Mitterling in a political dispute related to hunting rights.  The governor’s office immediately accused senate Republicans of sexism:

“Sen. Shirkey had promised to turn over a new leaf, but it’s now clear that they care more about their sexist, partisan games than the well-being of our state.”

Of course, there was no evidence of sexism, beyond the fact that Mitterling is female.  Senate Republicans rejected a male nominee soon after.

2. Early in the coronavirus crisis, Whitmer claimed that the Trump administration told vendors not to send emergency supplies to Michigan:

“What I’ve gotten back is that vendors with whom we had contracts are now being told not to send stuff here to Michigan. It’s really concerning.”

Whitmer never provided any evidence to support her claim.

3. When thousands of citizens drove to Lansing to protest the over-broad and irrational aspects of her lockdown policy, Whitmer implied that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was responsible for creating the protest:

“I think it’s really inappropriate for a sitting member of the United States President’s cabinet to be waging political attacks on any governor, but obviously on me here at home,”

(A group that the DeVos family has contributed to spent $250 promoting the protest after it had been organized by the Michigan Conservative Coalition, a grassroots group.)

4. Whitmer also claimed that protesters endangered lives by blocking ambulances from reaching a hospital:

“The blocking of cars and ambulances trying to get into Sparrow Hospital immediately endangered lives,”

Her claim was rebutted by Lansing police.

Whitmer has displayed little competence at governing in her time in office, but routinely lashes out at anyone she perceives as a political opponent.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Damn it, Where are my Wings?

Every day our trifecta of failed radical Grrlpower™ leadership stacks another load of bullshit on the pile.

Bullshit-o! Just because the lie is repeated it still does not make it true.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

All the News That’s Fit to Distort

As if Gov. Gretchen “Half” Whitmer isn’t enough of a national embarrassment, now the schoolmarm of malaise runs to the New York Slimes. Yes, folks, the lying print media propaganda arm of the DNC.

Gretchen, a suggestion, stop before you make an even bigger ass out of yourself… if that’s possible.

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(1)

And this is any better…why?

People thought that the Republicans might have had an epiphany last week while Michiganians were circling the Capitol Building in Lansing for a better part last Wednesday. Having 10,000 cars blocking traffic all around you and blaring their horns for most of the day does tend to draw attention, but I digress.

During a Friday News Dump, SML Mike Shirkey announced that not only was the legislature disinclined to extend Gov. Witless’ tyranny past May 1st, but that they had a plan, based upon a framework released by the White House on how this will be accomplished.

Outstanding! Now we can get Michigan back to work so that we can start fixing the colossal disaster her incredibly ridiculous “orders” have wrought upon our state.

But did anyone bother reading the fine print?

I’ve heard this line before.

{Read more about the trouble in Lansing by clicking on the red button below.}

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OK Karen

One of the things I have grown to adore about Trump Derangement Syndrome is that with all the frauds and liars who have it is that sooner or later they let their mask slip thus exposing the truth.

Whitmer said on Monday, Fox 17 reported.

“I also would just say, I think it is this group is funded in large part by the DeVos family and I think it’s really inappropriate for a sitting member of the United States president’s cabinet to be waging political attacks on any governor, but obviously on me here at home.

I think that they should disavow it and encourage people to stay home and be safe.”

“Contrary to the governor’s statements, the DeVos family hasn’t spent a dime on this protest nor has it offered prior support to the organizing entity,” Nick Wasmiller responded.

Holy shnikies! Does this insecure, narcissistic, overbearing ‘helicopter-mom’ schoolmarm see nazis under her governor’s mansion bed too? Is there not anything that family on the westside cannot do, well, other than get elected governor.

But I digress.

Cutting through all of Gov. “Half” Whitmer’s conniving lies- want to meet the Pandemocrats™?

You Betcha! (36)Nuh Uh.(1)

The Way It Should Have Been Done

Our state's Karen did it wrong.

Gretchen Whitmer has clearly been waiting for the opportunity to flex her Grrrl power.

Kurt Schlichter appropriately addresses the rise of these ‘Karens‘ recently.  His today piece hits a home run as usual (the guy bats about .880, and all of them bring in runs)  He writes:

“These mewling Mussolinis need to be slapped back, verbally if not physically, but as long as we are under this lockdown, they will not stop. They live for this, the chance to dictate to and control us, and the problem is some of them have positions of power.


This is not to say that the Chinese coronavirus pandemic is fake or unserious, nor that we should ignore it and pretend that it’s just another flu. It is to say that there is more going on now than a respiratory ailment. There’s an economic ailment that most of us are painfully aware of, and there is a freedom ailment, where the Karens in everyday life and in the corridors or power are taking advantage of this crisis to let their fascist flag fly.

When you have some petty official commanding Christians not to gather together in worship, that’s a line that they don’t get to cross. ..”

That line they don’t get to cross..

Truly you must read the rest, then read whatever the hell he writes every day he writes it from here on out.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

If The Democratic Party Approves of It – It’s Bad for America

Say, didn’t some dude named Joseph do this?

Well, yes, he did. It is known as the Holodomor.

But I digress.

So, what else have our 3 power-crazed females who make up Michigan’s Matriarchy of Misery been up to while Michiganians cower in their NKVD enforced isolation dwellings?

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(1)