Yes, it’s still early in the year and, we obviously haven’t reached peak 2021 yet, but. . .

Yes, it’s still early in the year and, we obviously haven’t reached peak 2021 yet, but. . .
I had not realized that WXYZ’s Simon Shaykhet has become the Jim Acosta of CNN fame sensationalized Fake News with edited video to perpetuate the everything is an “outrage” narrative.
Full video footage and what WXYZ edited for their newscast, here. “C’mon man this is a government vehicle too“, pure obnoxious stupidity.
For us normal folks, I’d say the delivery driver f*cked around and found out that being an asshole when not obeying the Law while also refusing to comply with all said Law entails, it does indeed have a future of unpleasantry waiting for you.
And, to the virtue signaling neighbors and Mayor Jim Fouts that WXYZ gathered for their narrative furthering report, I say to you that when your neighborhoods go to Hell, you only have yourselves to blame for your lawlessness enabling actions.
First, the question must be asked: where was Justin Amash when lawless Democrats deployed their foot soldiers to issue invalid ‘Disorderly Persons‘ tickets to lawful, peaceful Michiganians demanding the return of their Right to Commerce? Go ahead, Liberaltarian clowns bleat away.
Now, let us get to the meat and potatoes of this post.
Just when one thinks the Whitmer administration clown show couldn’t out do itself with THIS.
“Google how to do a haircut or throw your hair in a ponytail or curl it”
Oops! Why should barbers and beauticians be forced to pay a license fee to the state government, anyway? Good question, yes?
Big Gretch overloaded her big ass, AGAIN.
Note those words: arbitrary and unreasonable.
Hmmm, now where have we seen this exact kind of pathetic display of low T beta manlet before?
Grown man cries when he gets a video gaming graphics card for Christmas.
American betas have regressed to infancy.
— ChateauEmissary (@ChateauEmissary) December 28, 2015
Oh! That’s right …it was in this Michigan video here starting at the 1:32 mark.
Sorry, Lt. Puss-cake, forget about 2018. Man Law: you poke it you own it.
Oh noes! It’s the great “bleed out” of 2015.
Remember back in 1985, when this was never to be used as a device to stop you for revenue? I do. This garbage started as a Secondary Offense. Today, the ‘bleed out” is written expressly for the purpose to make a grant-gamed, quick shakedown buck with occasional extra perks.
However, the Thin Blue Line sure do get their panties in a bunch, don’t they? So, who is forcing any of them to become LEO? Nobody. Does anybody ever see LEO lobbying our Lansingcritters to get rid of such money-grab “laws” as Click-it or Ticket? Hell no. Actually, LEO is behind most of our invasive quick-buck “laws” because they’re the departmental arm who provide Tough On Crime™ campaign propaganda for our Lansingcritters as well as elected Municritters. Perhaps, the alleged doctor should’ve directed some of his frustration there, too.
Frankly put, Haddad needs to STFU, and quit being such a whiny li’l bitch, because as we all know, Officer Safety often tells lies and/or shoots pets, especially, if there’s a Reserve Note involved for a State government $74+ Billion in the hole.
Ps. Mrs. Russell, go find something better to do with your life other than playing sensationalized “gotchya games” with Private Citizen’s employment because your daddy was Redford Po-po. WXYZ should know better than to air such crap. Seriously, some dude rationalizing a hypothetical scenario when he’s frustrated with a frivolous money-grab stop is a whole world of difference from when LEO loses their shit.
OABTW, Wagner never lost his job, did he? Nope.
Not much more can be stated than has been stated numerous times before.
Yep. Stated it before, and I’ll state it again… 1920 was a banner year for Progressives.
Oh, lookie here at this headline. The Donald sure knows how to make things happen. Within a week’s timeframe Trump, has ’em jumping through hoops on the deplorable treatment of our Veterans with a simple poke at the war zero who screws over anything and anyone for personal gain, and now, the Undocumented Democrats.
Michigan Republicans, Congress rush to ban immigrant ‘sanctuary cities’ in wake of murder
The Bee-esS is so thick in our alleged two party system one needs wings to stay above it. Michigan Republicans, which hold every lever of power in Lansing, have sat around with their collective thumbs up their posterior for damn near a half decade on this illegal alien issue.
Want an “extra” Billion Dollar$ for fixing roads? We wrote about where to find it here:
Does anyone see this schmuck bringing up that issue? Hell no! Tax more (new Revenue), spend more (without accountability) ’cause, you know, “jobs, jobs, jobs“. That sleazy organization is little more than being about defending and expanding “cheap” subsidized labor:
So, where do you think Slick Rick stands on the issue of illegal aliens? Why, he fabricates history in his Progressive little mind and spews it out as if it’s a normal thing to do. There’s the problem with Snyder’s brand of crony capitalism. His house of cards falls when sunlight shines upon his gamed leveraged use of public monies becomes apparent for everyone to see.
But I digress.
Back to illegal aliens. Remember this?
Gatecrashers. They’re an insult to all who have legally obtained citizenship. But, whose base are we talking about here? Democrats and their poverty plantation, which pandering whores like Boehner, McConnell, and Priebus, desperately try to imitate. Do not even get me started on the state party apparatchik’s dunce trying to wage a cat-fight with sHillary.
Luckily for Little Ronna, she has someone who is her mental midget equal. Yes, Brandon, we get the “Mexican immigrants” drift your race hustling, vote buying, MDP/DNC sleaziods parrot because if the gatecrashers voted Conservative, your Party would have the borders sealed tight in a heartbeat.