The tax hiking surrender monkey majority in Lansing, led by none other than a duplicitous twit from Livonia, lets the retaliation cat out of the bag.
Unionized police and firefighters could again receive retroactive pay raises through new contracts under legislation being considered in the state House that would exempt them from a 2011 law.
The Legislature three years ago outlawed retroactive pay raises for unionized local government workers for time periods when they were working under an expired contract.
But state Rep. John Walsh, R-Livonia, said the law was meant to be aimed only at public school employees and was not intended to cover police and firefighters, whose unions are governed by a different collective bargaining law.
Because those within the union of First Responders are Heroes™ propaganda, oh, say like this example here, have way more enforcement value to a politician than those within the MEA?
Or, the errors of the past?
Under Public Act 312 of 1969, public safety unions have binding arbitration rights to settle contract negotiations over compensation, benefits and working conditions. The law was intended to help settle labor disputes in firehouses and police departments, and avoid union-orchestrated sickouts and work slowdowns.
Walsh is sponsoring the legislation to reinstate retroactive pay raises for police and fire unions, arguing the 2011 act created a conflict with the 45-year-old binding arbitration law.
“I think we made a mistake,” Walsh said. “If we don’t do this, it’s only a matter of time before we have lawsuits, which is in no one’s favor.”
Read the bill before voting on the bill, Rep. Walsh? Preposterous when just following orders. Besides, when the Hell did a legislator truly give a rip about lawsuits as a good many of them have a law degree and their crony friends in that “profession” have job security as the result.
But Michigan cities are trying to quash Walsh’s legislation, arguing lawmakers should have known the consequences of their actions three years ago.
“This has been a game changer in settling municipal contracts,” said Samantha Harkins, state affairs director for the Michigan Municipal League. “We’re settling contracts more quickly.”
Harkins said the legislation [HB 5097] would “undo the most effective cost-saving measure this Legislature has passed in recent years.”
“We’re just picking winners and losers,” she said.
Police and firefighter unions are lobbying in favor of being exempted from the ban on retroactive pay raises.
I can most certainly sympathize with Samantha Harkins. “Team R” is picking winners and losers, again.
Another great argument for a Part-time legislature.

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