213 search results for "the wall"

Just one more won’t hurt.

I just wanted to dove-tail on an earlier post made by Jason regarding SB-653 to institute a museum tax on Southeastern Michigan.

Well, not ALL of Southeastern Michigan.

Even the backers of this heaping, steaming pile of legislative waste sponsored by the entire Michigan Senate democrat caucus realized that well is running dry, so they were going to focus on the easier marks in Oakland & Wayne Counties instead.

No, I’m not kidding.

They didn’t call them easy marks directly, per se (that would’ve been too obvious), but they did spell out their plan when they went before the Michigan Senate Committee last December to push for this little shakedown.

Check it out for yourself, it’s a short video cued up to the best part. OABTW, be sure to check it out at the 5:23 mark regarding the “Time sensitivity with the bill”


So, what insulting here?

Oh, the fact that not only did four “republicans”, namely Sen. Ken Horn, Sen. Curt VanderWall, Sen. Kim LaSata, Sen. Mark Huizenga, voted to move this bill out of committee, instead of letting it die a slow death, but they voted to have it take immediate effect!

Now, why would a “republican” from Frankenmuth vote to promote a tax hike in Oakland & Wayne Counties?

Better yet, where is that same zeal shown in the video to let Taxpayers know how that money is being spent?

Or better yet, to allow communities to opt out of this grift?

Stay tuned…


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Why is a Republican Who Approved Voter Fraud Up for a Promotion in the Party?

In lieu of the election farce that took place last November, heads need to roll in the Republican Party, and that is finally beginning to happen.

Michigan Republican Party chairwoman Laura Cox is history, having failed to do anything to stop voter fraud before the fact. She will be leaving in disgrace with it largely being recognized that her incompetence harmed the state and the nation, perhaps irreparably.

The cowardly party hack attorney Aaron Van Langevelde, who certified the fraudulent vote total before whistleblowers could even finish their testimony, has been replaced on the state board of canvassers. These moves need to be the beginning of a major overhaul within the MIGOP.

Much to my horror, I have learned that members of the 14th District Republican Party are considering Monica Palmer to lead their Congressional district. This would be a major setback toward improving leadership within the state party.

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2020 Michigan Local Election Results

There were many local election results of interest in Michigan.  Rs picked up some seats in areas where President Trump did well, but there were also missed opportunities due to local GOPs not contesting seats.

Allegan:  Rs won all six countywide offices and won 7/7 county commission seats, all uncontested.

Bay:  What a failure by the Bay County GOP.  Rs won all state elections in Bay County, but the Bay GOP did not contest six of eight countywide offices.  Popular D county executive (and former congressman) Jim Barcia was reelected.  R Michael Rivard did defeat incumbent D drain commissioner (and former state rep) Joe Rivet.  Rs contested only two of seven county commission seats, and won one of them.

Berrien:  Rs won all seven countywide races.  Rs won 10/12 county commission seats.  The district 5 (St. Joseph) seat resulted in a tie, which was won by the R drawing lots.

Calhoun:  Rs won all five countywide offices and 5/7 county commission seats.

Eaton:  Rs won 3 of 5 countywide offices, prosecutor, clerk, and drain commissioner.  Former state senator Rick Jones lost for sheriff by 2.6%, and an R lost for treasurer by 4.5%.  Rs won 9/15 county commission elections, picking up three seats.  An R won district 10 by 7 votes.

Genesee:  Ds won all six countywide offices.  Rs won 2/9 county commission seats, holding district 6 (Fenton) and picking up district 7 (North), but losing district 9 (East) by 2%.  Rs also came within 5% in district 5 (Grand Blanc) and 2% in district 8 (West).  Thus Rs were close to winning a majority on the Genesee County Commission.

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A ‘Glitch’

Antrim County may have exposed a significant issue with voting during the 2020 Presidential election.

If it was not for a history of STRONG conservative voting in a Northern Michigan County, we might not have been aware of yet ONE more way in which Michigan’s vote is being manipulated.

This mornings discovery of a Biden win in Antrim County was by any estimation an amazing thing.  Literally ‘flipping’ the 70% GOP stronghold on its head, the vote gave the former president an unrealistic win over the popular President.  The county clerk somehow missed the obvious* after the tallies were made and the data reported up to the state.  From the Free Press:

Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy, a Republican who ran unopposed and won a third four-year term Tuesday in the strongly GOP county, said results on electronic tapes and a computer card were accurate but it appeared that some of the results were somehow scrambled after the cards were transported in sealed bags from township precincts to county offices and downloaded onto a computer.

In 2016, Trump won Antrim County with about 62% of the vote, compared to about 33% for Democrat Hillary Clinton. Trump beat Clinton by about 4,000 votes.

Last nights reported total had Biden beating Trump 7769 – 4409.

And to add a little perspective on this, I would wager that at least 4500 Antrim County folks were present for the Trump Rally Monday.  In fact the county is SO PRO TRUMP, they sent logging trucks to assist in the rally prep, providing additional walls for the event and protection of our President.

Anyone familiar with this part of the state would immediately recognize the numbers as being suspect.  It certainly calls for a complete and intensive investigation, and reminds us that election integrity in Michigan is not guaranteed.  Officials might claim that the system worked and we caught it this time, but somehow this rings a little untrue.  What would have happened I wonder – if the predisposition of the county to the GOP was less known?

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