And folks wonder how they are taxed out of their homes.
We have spoken of ..related things ..before.
This came to the in-box yesterday. Credit to Mr de Angeli for his continued pursuit of liberty by fighting the leviathan that grows best in the shadows of big government.
The Michigan Senate again postponed the vote on the Museum Tax (Senate Bill 653), which means senators are starting to get very scared about voting on it – but we have to keep up the pressure to end it once and for all.
Your emails are working. Now that senators are hearing from their constituents, they’re not so sure they want to vote for an unpopular bill that has zero support in their districts.
With every crisis facing Michigan – job, roads, schools – it’s absolutely absurd that the politicians in Lansing are signing off on a tax hike in Oakland and Wayne counties for museums.
Make no mistake, if it’s Oakland and Wayne counties today, it can be anyone’s county next time – and there will be a next time if we don’t speak out now.
We are aware that another organization is generating phone calls from metro Detroit to senators statewide. Which is good, but the problem is we don’t want senators thinking the opposition is all from outside their districts.
That’s why our petition only sends the letter to your own senator.
And if you did, follow up with a voice mail. You can look up your senator’s phone number here.
Your message can be as simple as this:
This is [your first name] calling from [your city or township]. (It is important that you identify you are a constituent.) I’m calling on you to vote NO on Senate Bill 653, which would authorize a tax hike in Wayne and Oakland counties to enrich two museums.
The people of Michigan are hurting. Our roads are crumbling. We have an employment crisis.
The last thing we need is to raise taxes for a museum. Please vote NO on SB 653.
If you don’t live in Wayne or Oakland County, you might add:
These tax hikes are wrong no matter who they’re taxing. If it’s Oakland and Wayne counties today, it could be our county next time.
We are winning, but now is the time to enhance the pressure, not retreat.
The rumor in Lansing is that they’re thinking about cutting Oakland County out of the deal and throwing Wayne County under the bus.
Folks, the bottom line of every local tax hike is the same: screw the people who oppose it.
If you want to support a local museum, you can write them a check. When you support a tax to pay for it, you’re voting to force those who wouldn’t – or can’t – to pay.
In other words, people who don’t have money to spare, people living paycheck to paycheck, people struggling to feed their families… they’re the ones who get burned by this, and it’s cruel and unfair to say “too bad; they chose to live in Wayne County.”
Let’s finish strong! If you haven’t already done so, sign the petition NOW, and if you have, follow up with a phone call using the script above and pass this message on.
Thanks for all you do for Liberty,
Adam de Angeli
Rescue Michigan CoalitionP.S. If you support our continued work to recruit, train, equip and mobilize grassroots leaders to defend and restore the Make America Great Agenda, please support our work with a contribution.

The same republican kakistocracy who gave us the Detroit bailout and DIA tax (along with blocking legislation barring the DIA tax renewal), are up to their same old tricks.
Of course, they didn't want to go after Macomb!
Want to know why?
Here's a hint: