213 search results for "the wall"

Memory Holes

So, I understand RINOsaur Rick‘s newfound best friends Sleepy Joe, and Obama were in Flint yesterday. Must be some damn short memories in Michigan regarding all the aforementioned names.

Yep, and they☝️all got away with literal murder.

Yannow, a person would have to be considered dangerously stupid for them not to understand, with all the evidence on tape, and completely disregarded by Democrat AG Nessel, who panicked about blowing their cover in the Lansing Swamp, that the only reason Rick Snyder endorsed the criminal Biden/Harris ticket is payback for not being prosecuted, and providing the desired propaganda for Michigan’s worst governor ever to use on Fake News.

Thankfully, there are good people in Flint that are not fooled by the despicable charade.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

It’s Time to Defund U of M

It’s time to put the cards on the table, especially, since this state has a Democrat governor that chose to ignore her Constitutionally limited position and through her actions blew a $6B dollar hole in our state budget.

University of Michigan’s endowment fund 10/17/2019 = $12.4 BILLION.

University of Michigan, given by our state legislators for 2020 = $325,531,500 dollars of coerced TAXPAYER’S money.

Why is this being brought up?

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BREAKING: Blind Squirrel Finds Acorn (No, not that ACORN)

Correctamundo! That Woman who defunded the police openly admits, that from BLM and it’s associate Antifa, domestic terrorists are Left-wing anarchists.

Suspect Charged in Gretchen Whitmer Kidnap Plot Had Anarchist Flag, Hates Police

Suspect in Gretchen Whitmer Kidnap Plot: Donald Trump a ‘Tyrant’

Folks, ever since Big Gretch uttered the words “Fix The Damn Roads,” her administration, the AG’s office, and the SoS, in this state has been nothing but kabuki theater.

Now, care to see what failed parenting looks like?

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Serious Question: Who the Hell Would Pay the Ransom?

By now everyone has heard about the latest buffoonery in Whitmer’s bizarre-o-land mitten, right? Yah, well, here’s an honest take on the whole crooked situation👇

FBI Announces Arrests of “Michigan Militia”, Actually Anarchists, For Plotting Against Governor Whitmer…

So, let’s get this straight… six days ago Big Gretch along with her Health Department get slapped down by SCOMI… two days ago Nasty Nessel starts her move to infringe upon Open Carry… last night at the Mike Pence blowout VP debate, Kamala Harris proved she is even more unlikeable than Hillary Clinton.

Poof! PFM! Today we have a politicized FBI that sent 15 agents to investigate a door pull, magically appear in Michigan over a handful of functional illiterates with “elaborate plans“?

Sorry, folks, I call bullshit.

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What are BC/BS former CEO Richard Whitmer’s Daughter’s Perks?

No, not just trying to cut in line to go boating in the only less restricted area allowed to in the state at the time… Democrats, being Democrat.

They don’t even bother to hide their crimes anymore.

It’s time for everyone to start seriously digging into Whitmer, Nessel, Benson/Friedrichs, and Duggan’s, money trail.

Care to wager the names Rossman-McKinney, Nessel, and RINO Rick Snyder/Rich Baird surface? Think Detroit Water contract, and how Mike Duggan became installed as mayor.

Quite incestuous, yes?

Ps. stack another dead body onto the Whitmer/Nessel pile of carnage.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(1)

Detroit Democrat Stephanie Chang’s New Police?

Headline: Opinion: Police should partner with social workers

The tragic and unjust murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and too many Black and Brown Americans by police officers has led our nation to a moment where we must act now to make real change happen.

That means reimagining how we respond to crime and the role of law enforcement in our communities so that we can better address problems and prevent crime. This can start with social work and police partnerships.

Hol’ up a moment… let’s review what Stephanie Chang, D-Detroit, thinks about “Black and Brown” seniors in Metro Detroit assisted living, nursing and, longterm care facilities, shall we?

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510 Days in Office and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is Responsible for Two Flint’s

Before delving into the dam failure and, moving known COVID-19 positive cases into senior and longterm care facilities, and a COVID positive case with mental issues that assaulted a 77-year-old veteran, let us reflect upon the identifiable mental disorders of the following tweet.

See them? Good.

Now let’s have a conversation.

You Betcha! (46)Nuh Uh.(0)

Dico Tibi Verum, Libertas Optima Rerum: Nunquam Servili Sub Nexu Vivito, Fili

Apparently, everyone here at RightMi.com and I, are on the correct side of history with this unfunny and “Half” Whit retort about our thin-skinned, beer-swilling Bruce Jenner look alike lawbreaking shitshow (yes, it is serious) residing at 2520 Oxford Rd, 48911 provided at taxpayer expense.

“Look people, it’s live free or die not live free and die.”

Isn’t that cute? Gretchen doesn’t get that she’s claimed the mantel of being a national ass BUT, that skit was also not impressive enough for our thin-skinned, beer-swilling, corrupt empress testosteroMom.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(0)