125 search results for "election fraud"


Michigan statewide results are unworthy of certification, period.

Michigan’s top election official has soiled the bed.

Not unexpected, but very real and is as evident as the mess dripping off 6tally sheets in Detroit since counting started Tuesday evening.  Giving Jocelyn Benson the benefit of the doubt, I guess we could call the entire affair ..gross incompetence.  You can decide if it is enough to explain illegal mailings, purposefully overwhelming clerks with procedure changes, and dropping late notice and unnecessary and illegal rules about firearms in election places.

Her office is apparently unavailable at the most critical times during the count, and when fraud is literally happening before folks eyes, there is no adherence to state law.  To call this ‘planned malfeasance’ would be a compliment, as the evidence piles up making the case for felony election manipulation seemingly only possible in 2020.

In 2016 there weren’t agents in Michigan’s top offices. In 2016 they didn’t see Donald Trump even having even the slightest chance of winning the ‘blue state’ of Michigan.  It’s 2020, and three criminals run the prison, and they saw him coming this time.

Antrim County offers a glimpse at what might happen when we have problems with electronic equipment and such, but Detroit is as Detroit as it has ever been, and with it’s large population, it offers great cover for the largest election fraud operation ever perpetrated on the voters in Michigan.  this state has seen it for decades, and that is why there are laws that protect the sanctity of the vote, and why there are procedures to allow challenges to illegal ballots and over counting.

This time it was overwhelming, and those laws are being ignored.  Ballots appearing after cut off times, ballots being re-run, ballots with no names being run?  Challengers are being kept away from inspecting after calling out these problems, and a majority of this action happening in one particular place.

Any judge looking to answer the Trump campaign’s concerns on this will have to have options however.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(1)

Old White Dude in Indiana Deserves Life in Jail

Remember this quote?

“The truth is more people are killed by deer in a year than have ever been proven to commit voter fraud at a given time” – Double G

Ok, meet Democrat Janet Reed (it’s not polite to assume gender).

Vanderburgh Democratic activist Reed faces felony election fraud charge

There sure are a helluva lot of ‘murderous deers’ this year being convicted, Double G, and they all just happen to be Democrats.

Mark these words, when it comes to corruption and criminality, Michigan Democrats are the worst of the worst and now there is nobody in position to truly police them, anymore.

It’s all an inside operation.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

September 30? Biden’s Internal Polling Numbers Must REALLY SUCK

Laying the groundwork for closing down In Person voting.

Gov. Whitmer signs bill extending the expiration of driver’s licenses, state ID cards, vehicle registrations to Sept. 30

I am pleased to continue to work with the Legislature to codify significant Executive Orders that help Michiganders cope with the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Governor Whitmer. “These bills will give Michigan residents peace of mind and reduce the amount of person to person interaction necessary when renewing licenses and registrations.”

“We are grateful for the support of the Legislature and Governor Whitmer in our work to ensure essential transactions can be conducted in our branch offices in a way that balances the health of staff and customers with the needs of Michigan drivers,” said Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. “We have been continually assessing the safest way to maintain branch operations and this legislation will go a long way toward those efforts.”

This leaves 34 days until the election so, for anyone with reasonable intellect, one sees this provides the Democrats opportunity to move the goalposts, again.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Welcome to 1981 Poland and a Time to Reframe

“This is not going to be going away. These measures, social distancing and washing hands and perhaps even wearing masks I suspect will be part of the way we live for at least the next year until we get that broad immunity, until there’s an antiviral. But I think we are cautiously optimistic,” so says the Buckwheat-haired Kwame wannabe Detoileter.

“We’re going to be in a – new normal – for quite a while.” so says the obese beer-swilling sow.

“This is a big step and it’s right before the holiday weekend,” Whitmer said.

The bars, restaurants and offices reopening in Northern Michigan still must abide by limits on seating to promote social distancing. Local municipalities are allowed to enact tougher restrictions than Whitmer’s looser orders.

Now, why didn’t those business owners think of that before? I mean, the average restaurant operates on an 8% profit margin at full capacity so, why not cut seating in half as a pathway to prosperity! Most I know are not even going to waste their time opening for the holiday weekend due to expense of re-inventory costs, which meats have skyrocketed in price and finding staff that is now payed equal if not better to sit at home on their ass. Most have learned from the partial operation take-out fiasco that to simply close the doors they hemorrhage less money.

And, why is all this being rammed down everyone’s throat? What I have posted from the start of this farce flu bug shutdown.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Democratic Party Voter Suppression Since at least 1924

What lengths will Michigan’s Democratic Party go to just to protect a looney tunes female in CD-11? Remember, this was brought to your attention before when stating, “What it always is about: power and, controlling the power of your vote.”

Well, here you go.

A decision by Eastern District of Michigan Judge Terrence Berg is expected in the coming days. He is an appointee of former President Barack Obama.

Whitmer noted the pending lawsuit on Friday.

“It’s really important that especially in times of crisis we protect these fundamentals that are truths of our democracy and our republic and that it’s important that we continue to have our elections, do them as well as we can and keep people safe in the process,” the governor added.

Like as in mail in election fraud? What about the governor’s “science and all of the best practices,” is all that just flapdoodle? Rock solid logic for old beer-swilling “Half” Whitmer who says abortion is life sustaining, right?

Oh, it gets better.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(1)

That Has To Hurt

When something is SO bad it cannot be ignored.

Jocelyn Benson and Dana Nessel are probably less than enthused.

Less enthused about their prosecutorial discretion, given the fact they must actually dress down one of their own.  However, the fact that Southfield Clerk Sherikia L. Hawkins could possibly have been reached at her office, is a testament to the real justice in an election fraud case that these two ‘guardians’ of our vote are willing to pursue.  Nessel’s grand opening:

” “Voting is fundamental to the very essence of our democracy,” Nessel said during a Monday news conference. “It is incumbent upon state governments to safeguard the electoral process and ensure that every voter’s right to cast a ballot is protected.” “

Trust us to make this right.

Followed by Benson’s:

Hawkins’ alleged actions, did not alter the outcome of any election, Benson stressed, and “there were no voters that were disenfranchised.”

“All valid votes in the election were ultimately counted and the final official vote total was accurate,” Benson said.

Uh huh.

Downplay the potential damage, right?  In other words, “don’t worry, this is a one off, and all the Democrats won where Democrats win.”    ‘Writing a letter,’ Benson clearly sent a message however:

Benson said she sent a letter to Hawkins on Monday, saying that the pending charges compromise her ability to administer the upcoming Nov. 5 city election. In the interim, she said, the state’s Bureau of Elections with work with staff in the Southfield clerk’s office to handle all administration of elections in the city.

“My office will remain actively involved” to ensure elections in Southfield run smoothly, Benson said. “Our response is careful, measured, swift and the consequences are severe.”

Benson: “leave the ballot fraud to the pros.”

Sending the unmistakable message “Call me next time before you further embarrass us you rank amateur.”

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)