Remember this quote?
“The truth is more people are killed by deer in a year than have ever been proven to commit voter fraud at a given time” – Double G
Ok, meet Democrat Janet Reed (it’s not polite to assume gender).
Vanderburgh Democratic activist Reed faces felony election fraud charge
There sure are a helluva lot of ‘murderous deers’ this year being convicted, Double G, and they all just happen to be Democrats.
Mark these words, when it comes to corruption and criminality, Michigan Democrats are the worst of the worst and now there is nobody in position to truly police them, anymore.
It’s all an inside operation.
Ed Duggan recommended Democratic consultant for #COVID19 contact tracing project, emails show #Michigan— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) July 2, 2020

If I am not mistaken, each instance could be used to prosecute. So a couple months times 400?
The only problem is that the taxpayer would have to pay for the undertaker.
That's a problem?