754 search results for "prop 2"

ICYMI – LeDuff Exposes Whitmer Pick

Is it any wonder Detroit will NEVER see it's former Glory?

Charlie LeDuff has a lead on a great piece of property.

Of course Gretchen whitmer’s partner in crime got there first:

Gretch and the Dems are promoting Gilchrist II as a socially conscious black man from the city, who once worked for Obama and is an expert at Twitter. Black, notwithstanding, the neighbors here view him as another profiteering hipster from the suburbs. A guy with connections, a guy who used to work for the mayor, a guy who’s out for himself.

A playa.

What more could would we expect from opportunist Democrat politicians.  Who couldn’t see such things coming from leaders of the new #MOB ?

It is after all, the #PartyOfCrime

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Saturday Funnies

Just when we aren't looking, Democrats found another way to game the process.

Fake tea parties, pretending to give voters representation in redistricting, fake concern for children..

When will it all end?

And NOW they seem to have found a way to get their candidates extra leverage with a little known system called “compound vote tallying.”

It just ain’t fair.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(1)

Will National Popular Vote Be Resurrected During Lame Duck Session?

There has been an impressive amount of grassroots fervor that has resulted from the National Popular Vote push by Republican legislators in Lansing.

As I am sure you are aware, the National Popular Vote scheme would destroy the electoral college and game our system so that voters in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City, and other liberal-dominated population centers would control the entire nation forevermore. It would have meant Hillary Clinton winning the Presidency in 2016, and all the power of Michigan voters would effectively be nullified.

After it was revealed that Republicans were wined and dined with a trip to Hawaii and other lavish trips paid for by lobbyists, outrage erupted immediately. Legislators were inundated with calls and emails from angry constituents, and we were given assurances that the legislation in the state House and Senate to enact NPV was dead. House Speaker Tom Leonard admitted as much.

“I support the electoral college and the Constitution as our framers intended,” Leonard said to journalist Brandon Hall. “I have no interest in taking this bill up during the rest of my tenure as Speaker.”

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Danger Of The Left

Change you can believe .. ?

There have always been ideological differences between Ds and Rs and some other variations of the political spectrum.

What has held this country together however, is shared experience, similar desires for prosperity, and common pursuits that are rooted in the similar values. The nation has survived, thrived, and become stronger because of this. Our state and federal constitutions reflect the principle foundations upon which we as society agree to govern ourselves upon.

There are people however, that have been trying to twist those commonalities.  Recent suggestions that there is ‘polarization’ in our state and country are largely true.  Although conservatives and traditionalists can rightly argue that there has been little shift in their beliefs and mores, there can be no question the separation of ‘left’ and ‘right’ is growing.

We are a nation under siege from within.

In the video on the right, Whitmer’s extremist gubernatorial pick, displays a perfect example of what ‘Change’ has meant since we first heard that simple word used in the 2008 presidential elections.

“Movement to win this election. Because we need a movement to actually lead in Michigan. Movements are what make change happen. Movements are what deliver legislative wins. Movements are how we get to redefine the values in Michigan.”

We are the change we have been waiting for, right?

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Not This Year

NPV efforts in Michigan will not bear fruit this year, but ..

Yesterday, some good people gathered in Lansing to let legislators know that NPV was maybe not such a good idea.

They were apparently well received. And though there were no absolutes on future efforts, it was made clear that nothing will happen this year to give the progressive left it’s holy grail, a full blown democracy, when electing the president.  Norm Hughes who in large part organized the day long effort writes afterward:

Thank you to all the Patriots that went to Lansing today to talk with legislators. Several dozen were involved and they were truly great. We got firm commitments in both houses that National Popular Vote (NPV) will not be voted on this year. We also picked up at least 12 more NO votes on Convention Of States, meaning we have the votes to defeat it if they bring it up in the lame duck session.

This NPV snafu came at a terrible time, taking volunteers from campaigns to Lansing to educate the very candidates who want their help. I can tell you some top officials think it was one cluster ***. Those who took the Hawaii junket might have fulfilled their obligation to push it but it backfired, How are they going to explain that to their benefactors?

A “terrible time” indeed.

I can tell you that there are certain legislators who signed on that will still feel the pain.  When looking for the door knockers, local offices have found that certain representative candidates are not inspiring a ground swell of optimism.  They may well win their respective contests, but rightfully, they will have to work harder to do so.

Mr Hughes mentioned in a separate post on Facebook that some of the legislators responded positively to the Proportional Electors idea.  This is something which the electoral college was designed to accommodate.  There are two states, Maine, and Nebraska, which do not follow the winner take all formula.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)


Several months ago, we were warned.

The video on the right appeared amidst the nonsense of a US senate race elsewhere.  It is probably the only time in your life you will see the word “penis” in a seriously considered political video. (The ad is actually STILL posted on her official site – I have saved a copy as well)

The “P” word in this ad, is of course used to make sure that the viewers are advised that those who wear the aforementioned appliance are to be viewed with suspicion and disdain. That we cannot wait to show it off in just about every environment.  In short, that “Men are evil pigs.”

Aside from the absurdly overblown reaction to the false accusations of events supposedly 4 decades past, this candidate displayed a bizarre sense of propriety and judgement.  It was not enough for her to simply ‘hate men’ and let us know that the memberful sex was to be feared, but she actually believes that leaving such inculcation present and viewable during a statewide political contest is wise.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(0)

Discord & Disarray

Between bad proposals, and the best intentions the timing couldn't be worse.

Lobbyists know that our legislators have blind spots.

Its not that all legislators are blind, ignorant, foolish, or even downright incompetent.  Just most of them falling into one or more of those categories.

Unfortunately, some have gone back to the trough of stupid ideas a little too often.  Enough in fact, that they don’t even see the real reasons they are suddenly inundated with far reaching demands for change emanating from the pits of hell masquerading as fixes that are long overdue.

The convention of states (COS), and National Popular Vote (NPV) are two such changes that if successful, could threaten our very Republic.  The COS, in a way that opens the doors to quite literally writing out the very protections enshrined in our constitution.  The NPV, as a means to enable mob rule, and permanently entrench those who can then control media and other information sources.

And what about that NPV?

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(0)

John James Conversation 1

Getting to know the Republican candidate who will unseat Stabenow

In this election cycle, I am not sure there could have been a better person to take out Debbie Stabenow.

The meat puppet herself is already advertising that she is a defender of farms etc., though we know better.  It is the go-to place for her in each election cycle, even though she hates the ‘family‘ part of the equation.

Failure by previous candidates to note that Stabenow has failed the farmers in Michigan and elsewhere is compounded by being completely out-of-touch for 5 of the 6 years terms, unless one is a major donor; most of which are found out-of-state.

In this video series, John James candidly addresses such things appropriately, and with authority we have missed in prior electoral runs at this office.

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Voters Not Politicians?

The result could not be even remotely legal, so how can the proposal go forward?

The name “Puppets not People.” Would be more apt.

Proposal 2 of 2018 is one of the most bizarre creations to be tested before the voting public. Several pages of changes to our state constitution without the benefit of a convention, and a significant change to state government through a vote where maybe TWO or THREE percent of voters will have a full understanding of the changes being made.

The Michigan Supreme Court failed miserably in stopping what amounts to a coup of Michigan’s constitution. It should immediately review and recall its decision, or face future docket challenges it cannot meet.

The mess this proposal will create is undeniable.  Literally prepared for court battles, the proposal inserts language into our constitution that authorizes the commission to ‘prosecute’ the legislature for financial ability to defend itself against expected redistricting challenges.  What this means is that unlimited taxpayer dollars will be used to fend off any taxpayer disagreements with whatever crazy apportionment happens.

This ‘clever’ bit of political takeover quite frankly takes the power AWAY from the people of Michigan.  The Orwellian name ‘voters not politicians’ gives certain political influences (through social media and misinformation) more of a permanent grasp on the political mechanics, with little or no chance for timely corrections.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(3)

Convention Picks.

RightMi.com winning choices.

Our first recommendation is the “real deal” according to the people he has worked with.

It is easy to support Tom Leonard for the nomination of Attorney General. Aside from the points made in the video on the right, he has not wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on landfill content as has the other convention candidate, and has a full war chest to battle the pussyhat wearing leftist the Democrats are nominating.

Tom Leonard is our recommendation for attorney general of Michigan

Board of education choices find us with two GOP nominated seats expiring at this time. We defer to the MCU recommendations Of Dr. Zeile and Tami Carlone. at this time.

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