754 search results for "prop 2"

A Bump In Michigan’s Economic Road Ahead

First Fallout From The Midterm Elections

The automobile assembly and automotive parts supplier sectors have been key to Michigan’s recovery from the Great Recession, and the increased tax revenues collected by Michigan’s many units of government. These sectors have been riding a wave of expansion – and hiring – in Michigan since President Trump announced his intentions to impose higher tariffs on European vehicles and parts on May 23rd.

Although these tariffs were proposed under national security statutes, Trump clearly intended to retaliate against the 10% tariff the EU imposes on all American-built vehicles and parts. The U.S. currently imposes 2.5% maximum tariffs on European cars, trucks, and parts. so European made vehicles and parts enjoy a 7.5% advantage over American vehicles and parts in direct trade.

It now appears that the Trump Administration is going to delay or abandon these proposed tariffs. A Bloomberg article posted last night reports on a meeting held at the White House Tuesday which put off automotive tariffs for the foreseeable future. A draft report on U.S. – European trade was sent back to the Commerce Department for reconsideration, a polite way of killing it. That report must be issued before any tariffs can take effect.

The November 6th election outcome just killed that.

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The Future of Michigan’s GOP

More Michigan Media Lies; Not Even Quality Fake News

Ingrid Jacques tells us that the Michigan GOP is “running scared” in an opinion posted yesterday at The Detroit News. “Republicans fear that the end of traditional district drawing by lawmakers is their death knell.” Michigan’s Republican Party leadership shares our dismal view of the baleful effect of Proposal 2 on our future.

Ms. Jacques goes on to quote Secretary of State elect Democrat Jocelyn Benson, who will be in charge of the Proposal 2 redistricting commission:

“I have a deep background in redistricting law and in particular citizen-led redistricting,” Benson told me in an interview last month. “I do believe that it is the most impactful way that you can remove the conflict of interest that currently exists in districting, where people are drawing their own districts and preserving their own power.”

Ms. Jacques concludes her opinion, however, with soothing ‘independent’ reports from Wayne State Law Professor Robert A. Sedler saying there’s no doubt this will benefit Democrats, but that’s just because the contorted districts Republicans have drawn will no longer exist; and Eric W. Lupher of the Citizens Research Council imagining the GOP will keep control of at least one legislative chamber in the coming decade.

Republicans have nothing to fear. It is another tin foil hat conspiracy beloved of Trump supporters.

Feeling some reassurance?  You shouldn’t.

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(1)

In The End

Some things that must be said about the election of Nov 6

There was Chaos

The election of Nov 6 revealed much about our future, and what makes up a significant part of the voting public in our state. Michigan is now subject to the whims of estrogen,THC, envy, and puddle brained TV watchers.

Beginning Jan 1, we have a Governor who lies about her mother’s health care to get elected. Who advocates the further expansion of medicaid, but will not accept it in the family dental business. Who participates in the Vagina monologues; not from some little poetry club, but from the capitol steps in a way that makes Donald Trump’s worst days seem civil.

Beginning January 1, we have a Secretary of State who oversees our elections, but apparently couldn’t take the time to notice that workers in her office in 2010 were engaging in election fraud.  should there be any surprise if they will find suitable jobs for their efforts in the new administrations?

Beginning January 1, a nutty lesbian will be the Attorney General of Michigan.  While this may seem an abusive way to describe our state’s next top lawyer, it is actually objective and accurate, if only from observing the personal way in which she treated her staff and the in-your face ways she flouts her unnatural life choices.

Beginning January 1 and if of age, you can get buzzed, high, stoned, wasted, crunked, etc., ..legally.  You can carry around blunts, dope, weed, reefer, Mary-jo, Burrito, bag, and more ..legally.  You still cannot drive with it in your system however, so try to figure out how best to crawl to that factory job without getting behind the wheel playa.

Beginning January 1, the old gerrymandering scheme is out!  The NEW Gerrymandering scheme is in!  Only THIS TIME, it will be with the assistance of the Secretary of State who embraces election fraud. With the new 2020 census and fresh ‘apolitical’ eyes, what could possibly go wrong?

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In The Beginning

The very first time Michigan experienced 'Gerrymandering'

There was Chaos.

The 1961 Michigan Con-Con created a new way of apportioning districts.

Though it had not done away with geographical consideration that had existed for most of the 20th century to that point, it created the commission under which Four Republicans, and Four Democrats, and Four (if any 3rd party received 25% of the vote) 3rd party commissioners.  And as expected, the first commission was deadlocked.

The apportionment plan went before the Michigan Supreme Court, and the Republican plan was ruled as being as close to the apportionment rules as either plans, and ordered to be in effect.  In the meantime, the US Supreme Court applied a 1962 case (Baker V. Carr) which opined the authority over apportionment matters to Reynolds v. Simms, establishing the ‘one person, one vote’ apportionment standard.

This changed everything.

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Sunday Sermon – The Oft Forgotten Commandment

Mark 12:28-37

Many years ago a shabbily dressed boy trudged several miles through the snowy streets of Chicago, determined to attend a Bible class conducted by D. L. Moody.

When he arrived, he was asked, “Why did you come to a Sunday school so far away? Why didn’t you go to one of the churches near your home?” He answered simply, “Because I find love here.”

As we think about that story, we need to ask ourselves whether others can say the same about our families and our church, and it is because we all struggle with loving God and loving others. But love is the greatest need of humans and it also the greatest obligation of humans. Let me repeat that: love is the greatest need of humans and it also the greatest obligation of humans.

If you can recall the last couple of Gospel readings – and don’t feel too badly if you don’t, because I find that a hard thing to do myself – but if you do you would recall that Jesus was continuously being opposed by the religious authorities. He was opposed by the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the scribes, and in last week’s gospel by a group of Jews.

He taught them; “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” But they didn’t understand, they didn’t believe. And in today’s gospel Jesus is tested by a scribe. Now, if you aren’t familiar with scribes, they were the persons who were responsible for copying the sacred texts so the next generation would have them available. Scribes were highly educated and were meticulous at their task.

Just to illustrate how meticulous they were: I am sure you have all heard of the Dead Sea scrolls.

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Michigan Cannot Afford Driskell

Gretchen Driskell is at it again, trying to convince voters that they’d be better off with less money in their pockets.

Despite losing her bid for Congress in 2016 amidst Donald Trump’s stunning victory in Michigan, liberal Democrat Gretchen Driskell is back to convince voters that it’s a good thing to give up the tax breaks President Trump fought hard to deliver.

Driskell’s approach to politics can be summed up in three words: taxes, taxes, taxes. It’s actually hard to imagine a tax hike she wouldn’t like. She’s advocated for higher property taxes, and supported a gas tax hike in 2010.

She’s also been vehemently opposed to President Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act since he proposed it, calling it a “scam” that actually “raises our taxes.”

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Michigan Benefits From Trump Tax Cuts

All of Michigan residents are winning from the Republican tax reforms.

The left would have you believe that only billionaires are the winners from the GOP/Trump tax reform measures.

While some claim the tax cuts only increase the debt, the reality is that the economy must expand, it must grow.  It is only growth that can support the already ballooned national debt, and it is only growth that can free those who are chained to dependence on others including services that cost taxpayers so much.

So is it the rich who are the sole beneficiaries of the tax reforms?  In Michigan alone, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.  From Bonuses, to lowered utility bills, the tax breaks extend to all, and allow the state’s economy to expand and create new opportunities that The Democrats would prefer you didn’t see.  Democrats like Debbie Stabenow, who wouldn’t support such performance increasing reforms.

Americans for Tax Reform have documented specific financial benefits (by state) that have developed as a result of Republicans taking the queue from President Trump. They report that:

Thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed by the Republican congress and signed by President Donald Trump, 90 percent of wage earners have higher take-home pay. And companies of all sizes are already giving bonuses and raises and expanding the scope of their operations.

Michigan specific benefits are as follows:

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Lest We Forget

Jocelyn Benson's criminally culpable past should certainly be remembered.

In 2010, it was the office of Jocelyn Benson that was organizing the fake tea party fiasco.

It was Oakland county operatives who committed felony election fraud.  Those same operatives were toadies for Benson and other political players masterminding the scheme to defraud voters that year.  Michigan Freedom Fund noted this a month ago, but somehow we missed it.  (H/T CS)

Benson has been intimately linked to a 2010 election fraud scheme that resulted in nearly a dozen felony charges and two convictions.  Benson, who was running an unsuccessful campaign for Secretary of State even then, employed a campaign manager named Jason Bauer.  That year, Bauer pled no contest after being charged with multiple felony counts in connection with a voter fraud scheme.  Bauer and Michael McGuinness, Jocelyn Benson’s then operations director, were busted forging records to set up dummy candidates in an illegal effort to siphon votes away from Republican candidates in metro Detroit.

To this day, Benson has yet to answer for the election fraud scheme perpetrated by her senior staff members, or to offer any remorse or explanation for her improper handling as a candidate for the state’s top elections post of individuals who were attempting to rig our elections.

Michigan voters need to be reminded of whom it was that tried to manipulate our elections. they need to be reminded that the #PartyOfCrime never quits. Power seeking by illicit players needs to be checked.

And in this case, making Jocelyn Benson Michigan’s Secretary of State is giving the robber the keys to the vault.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(0)


Proposal 2 backers don't want you to participate in the political process.

Proposal 2 is dangerous to the way in which we engage our political system.

‘Voters Not Politicians’ are a fraudulent front for outside interests.  While pretending to solve gerrymandering, it actually makes it worse, adds cost to state government,  and in the process prevents participation in the process of voting and campaign efforts.

It is bad for ALL parties though it is primarily being pushed by progressive interests from out of state.

Please share the video series broadly so that we can avoid the disaster that is proposal 2.

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Another compelling reason to leave Michigan's constitution intact.

Michigan’s Proposal 2 of 2018 is purposefully exclusionary.

Writers of proposal 2 do not want anyone with political knowledge to directly participate in the process of designing political districts.  Perhaps it makes it easier to control the process of those doing it?

Experience is apparently a bad thing.

It leaves me wondering a little.  If a person who had no concept of how plumbing worked was to design your home’s piping scheme, how happy might you be with the result when the water is finally turned on?

Please share with all your skeptical friends, instructing them to pass along as well.

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