754 search results for "prop 2"

Mr. Payne, That’s Just the Most Basic Side of Whitmer’s Fuel Tax Hike

It just warms the cockles of my heart that there is someone out there putting this obnoxious redistribution of our tax dollars into figures so the public is aware. This is what Michiganians are going to immediately feel out of their pocket.

Michiganians drive an average of 14,121 miles per year, according to the Federal Highway Administration. The average vehicle fuel economy for 2017 model-year vehicles was 24.9 miles per gallon, according to Environmental Protection Agency figures released Wednesday.

Do the math, and a 45-cent surcharge would add up to that $255 per year. That’s on top of the average current fuel bill of $1,389, assuming gasoline stays at the current $2.45 per gallon average price around the state.

Are the Envirotard dopes who are government subsidized in the purchase and, charging of driving their glorified golf carts around off the hook?

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The Word DUPLICITOUS Does not Even Begin to Scratch the Surface

It boggles the mind how this clown still collects a paycheck.

I’ve advocated for a tax increase to fund road repairs, and Whitmer reportedly will call for a 45 cents hike in the fuel tax. That will be painful for motorists, but necessary. Michigan has neglected its infrastructure for so long that there’s no painless fix. The hike will give Michigan the highest per-gallon fuel costs in the Midwest, but we have to do it.

Wrong, dummy, we already ARE the highest per-gallon in the Midwest.

How quickly everyone forgets.

As for the rest of this nincompoop’s idle drool about legacy costs, Proposal A, education and other adult age socialism, well, that’s what happens when local leaders cater to public sector unions for endorsements to the offices they sought, of which, the much ballyhooed Freedom-To-Work Act never even came close to addressing.

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Does a Peacock Complain About its Livery?

For someone who has held elected titles in Lansing, from 2001 thru 2015, this was not an accident unless she has Richard Bernstein selecting attire for her. Curves? Is that what corpulent menopausal females refer to it as now? It’s as if they believe that others do not have eyes.

And, on cue, not allowing an opportunity to go to waste, a white male Republican steps forward to Virtue Snivel. Lee, shall we discuss what a loser is and inappropriate? Soros NPV junkets? Millennials… the guiding compass in the House, which means this state is- totally screwed.

That stated, I fully cede the notion that there is a way to vote our way out of this creeping socialism, nanny-government mess that is Michigan. There are just too many bent-knee pandering fools and reprehensible, Retreads within to counter the opposition.

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A Question To Ask

Who is really in charge here?

Can the Federal Government own land?

Apparently so, if one reads the constitution.  “The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular state..” Stated in Article IV reads fairly clear.

But where are the limits?  If one were to go with that part as it has been interpreted, the congress then has power to declare all land to be under it’s jurisdiction, and subject no longer to the respective states, right?  Obviously not if practice is our guide. At some point there is a limit where the states retain control over their respective borders.  A further restraint on the ability of the federal government and Congress to simply take over land.

Yes, it is ALSO in the constitution.  And YES, it has been ignored. Article 1 Section 8 clearly sets forth a manner under which the federal government may acquire and control property.

“To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings; ..”

Emboldened parts being relevant.

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Lead, follow or get out of the way!

Or, current events that might come as a shock to you.

Did you catch the story about Virginia wanting to pass an infanticide law? Don’t worry, someone threw a similar bill in the hopper here in Michigan.

The answer is probably not. The democrats speaking out in favor of that story got it buried after their democrat Governor was exposed liking to pose either in blackface or with a sheet over his head (and no, I don’t mean cosplaying as the villain in a Scooby Doo episode).

Did you catch the story about the democrats plan to address health care in America? As if, Obamacare isn’t as much of a spectacular train wreck as it is. Probable not, it seems that Team “d” is still working out how to package it, in order to make it palatable to voters.

Did you catch the story about the democrats plan to “reform” tax rates? The economic wunderkind from The Bronx is looking at taking 70% of your paycheck before you even see it. Her muslim comrade house colleague is shooting for 90%. Again, probably not.

How about the American jobs and economic numbers for the previous month?

What! Are you kidding?

Now, this might come as a shock to most readers, but despite the top-notch job for what passes for news media here in America today, (I know, I know, that whole “global warming”-thing really took a toll on everyone last week), President Trump will be giving his State of the Union Speech this Tuesday from the floor of the US House Chambers.

What might be part of that speech you may ask yourself?

Let me throw out there an idea (or two).

{Click below to continue}

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Clueless Elitist or Corrupt Elitist?

Did a main street deplorable disrupt some Biddle Marsh big club backroom quid pro quo shenanigans?

Roughly three weeks out from a state convention, and ordinarily I’d be armpit-deep in some to-do list, but I’ve spent most of the past nine weeks considerably preoccupied. (If you really want to know why, then the obituary is here, and the funeral is here.) However, about four weeks ago, I had reason to have a rather lengthy and interesting conversation with one of the candidates for Michigan Republican State Committee Chair (the actual full title). I gotta tell you, it’s kinda nice to see that certain things really don’t change.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(1)

A State Of Emergency

Unbound utilities, unchecked environmentalism, and short-sighted planning responsible for when/if the lights go out.

Years ago I wrote on the EPA regulations that essentially write off the future of coal for electrical generation.

Shortly after that that I wrote another piece which described the layers of problems facing the folks in rural areas, and specifically the Upper peninsula with the failure to support our coal burning electrical platform.  However, the meat of the piece better describes the way in which natural gas providers have also played a a part in defeating coal.

Coming amidst an impending decision by the EPA on the Utility MACT (maximum achievable control technology)  rule that is expected to lead to job loses, plant shutdowns, and rolling blackouts across the country, this strange partnership raises a question.  What does Chesapeake stand to gain, by pouring money into a seemingly disparate organization with extremely different objectives and priorities? Politico writes:

The ads come as the coal industry is at war with the Obama administration over new rules to curb pollution from coal-fired power plants. The EPA is expected to issue new rules on Friday to curb air toxics from power plants, which are estimated to cost industry about $10.9 billion each year.Stricter rules for power plants are expected to offer a competitive advantage to the cleaner-burning natural gas industry.

Oh, so its an end-justifies-the-means kind of thing.  Rent seeking.  But when questioned, Chesapeake officials have stated that the flood of cash to ALA is merely business as usual for the company, which donates to “a wide variety and number of health and medical-related organizations.  Well that’s very responsible of them, bravo for being so charitable.

Of course we all know better.

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(1)

Sunday Sermon – Best Sermon Ever

What is the best sermon that you have ever heard?

Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Chris, Amen.

What is the best sermon that you have ever heard?

For some of you it may be the sermon that brought you to saving faith in Jesus Christ. For others it may the sermon that brought you great comfort in a time of great sorrow, or clear guidance in a time of indecision. Or for others still it may be the sermon that brought you back to God after wandering away from him.

Of all the sermons that have ever been preached in history, no one has ever preached a better sermon than the first one that Jesus preached in his hometown of Nazareth. The sermon is a marvelous example of Jesus’ teaching, which was the primary focus of his ministry while on earth. Jesus’ teaching contains glorious truths about himself, and how anyone can receive the good news he spoke about. So I’m not going to hold you in suspense, I’m going to say right out, the first Christians sermon was the best the world ever received.

I am under no illusions as to my skill level in preaching compared to Jesus Christ, but even so, let’s examine an example of Jesus’ teaching as set forth in Luke 4:16-30, our Gospel lesson today.

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RIF Rocks!!!

Entering day 30 of the government shutdown, with no foreseeable end in sight, I’m seeing a potentially big thing (in a VERY good way) for The Republic on the horizon.

Curious to know what that is?

{Hit that red button below to learn what that is}

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