754 search results for "prop 2"

There Goes the Neighborhood

It appears one of our straying pachyderm within Lansing’s Recucklican Majority believes that an ever overreaching State government knows best for how your local community functions than youthe homeowner.

Local bans on short-term rentals in Michigan could be barred themselves under controversial legislation being considered by a Republican-controlled state House committee.

The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Jason Sheppard, R-Temperance, said the local zoning rules created to ban short-term rentals such as those available through Airbnb, Homeaway and VRBO infringe on private property rights and are an abuse of Michigan’s Zoning Enabling Act.

Now, bare in mind folks, this is the same jagoff that wants to ban boating for the majority of a 24 hour day on all inland lakes. Sell that one in a Pure Michigan ad campaign? Yah, Jason is a real deep thinker.

Furthermore, I smell a rat.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(3)

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

Is Thinkpol next???

If the title of this piece sounds familiar, then it should concern you a great deal.

If not, then you’re looking at the beginnings of the latest round “revisions” concerning what your family will be taught in Michigan’s Public Schools.

{Continued below}

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

Sunday Sermon – Render Unto Caesar

Who owns the vineyard.

Luke 20:1-24

One of the questions I get, as a pastor, is how I go about writing a sermon. For me, it begins with a review of the scriptures we have been given for the week. I think all of you know that we are a tradition that uses the common lectionary, which is a three year cycle of readings, that includes an Old Testament reading, a Psalm, a New Testament Reading and a Gospel reading. I start by searching for one of the readings that might have a relevant message within in it.

When I read through the Gospel lesson, however, which was only verses 9-20, I was a little confused because the parable by itself made no sense at all. So, I pulled out one of my bibles and began reading from the beginning of the chapter and continued on a few verses beyond the parable. This is what I just read to you, and when I had the context of the situation it made much more sense to me. It was then that I could see that Jesus was begging the question, “who owns the vineyard?”

The chief priests, the scribes and the elders knew they had been bested by this question so they plotted further to trip Jesus up. So they send spies who pose the question of taxes. I am going to actually begin with that question, because it offers us a little context of the day.

The Jews of Jesus’ day were vexed at living under a foreign, pagan government, whose rule was enforced by an army of occupation. The Jews paid a land tax, an income tax, a poll tax, an import tax, and a tax on grain, wine, and oil. We may think we are heavily taxed today, but things were far worse in first century Israel. Well that is unless, of course, our current governor gets her way.

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(0)

Gretchenomics: Yoopers Digging Their Next Meal out of the Dirt, in the Cold, and in the Dark

Alas! The DetNews highlights just how reprehensible the Bolshevist union of an offspring of the insurance lobby (Whitmer), and radical lesbian Nessel ✡️, has unfolded for Michiganians.

But new Gov. Gretchen Whitmer promised on the campaign trail to shut down Line 5, and she’s allowing that ill-considered vow to get in the way of sound policy.

Whitmer teamed with Attorney General Dana Nessel to block the work by declaring the tunnel unconstitutional.

Nessel’s opinion, issued last week, is that the law approving the deal violates the state constitution because its title doesn’t reflect what’s actually in the bill. That semantical objection seems an iffy legal stance, considering that so many laws in Michigan bear lofty titles that have little connection to their contents.

*Think* the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: it did the exact opposite.

But it was enough for Whitmer, who seized the ruling to order preparations for the tunnel work to cease.

This will surely end up in court. The Republican-controlled Legislature won’t stand by while the new Democratic administration usurps its lawmaking authority, nor should it.

Read the entire opinion here

SML Shirkey, Speaker Chatfield, I do believe you have your marching orders.

Ps. when it comes to Line 5 transporting daily 540,000 barrels of light crude oil and synthetic petroleum, 65% of the propane used in the Upper Peninsula, and 55% used statewide, methinks, someone takes the matter at hand a wee too nonchalantly.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Nessel Doctrine

Dana Nessel doesn’t like the title of the pipeline law.

So much so, that she is using that as a reason to stop the Enbridge tunnel construction from happening.  From the state’s official propaganda service:

LANSING – Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel issued her first formal legal opinion today, finding Public Act 359 of 2018 unconstitutional because its provisions go beyond the scope of what was disclosed in its title.   Governor Gretchen Whitmer had sought the Attorney General’s opinion on the constitutionality of Act 359 in a request submitted on January 1.

In her opinion, the Attorney General concludes that certain provisions of Act 359 – including those transferring all authorities related to a utility tunnel from the Mackinac Bridge Authority to the Straits Corridor Authority and requiring the Corridor Authority to enter into an agreement for the construction of a tunnel if a proposed agreement was presented by a specific date and met listed criteria – are unconstitutional because they violate Article 4, Section 24 of the Michigan Constitution, referred to as the Title-Object Clause.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Thought Carrie Nation was an Abject Failure? Try, Allah Nation

The first question should be, much like any homicide, does current statute prevent anything? If no, then what’s the point of criminalizing another whole new group of people other than to backdoor prohibition?

State Rep. Abdullah Hammoud concedes that his goal is not just to eliminate drunken driving. He wants to keep anybody who has consumed any amount of alcohol from getting behind the wheel.

“Drink, or drive,” said Hammoud, D-Dearborn. “Choose one. It should never be both.”

Hammoud, 29, a non-drinker with a background in public health, introduced a package of bills last week that would lower the threshold for drunken driving to a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.05, from the current 0.08.

Hammoud a non-drinker? Allah-Shazam! Guess what? He’s a non-pork eater too. Shall we criminalize eating bacon? Why not, Abdullah’s Democrat Party buddy, Alexithymia Ocashew-Cortex wants to ban cow farts, and am pretty sure pigs fart too so, let’s not offend any moslems, right? 🤦‍♂️

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Michigan Town Hall – We Build the Wall March 14th (Update!!!)

Okay, I just got back from a weekend with the family and I’m catching up on some correspondence when I came upon this in my inbox from the We Build The Wall organizers over the weekend:

This is Brian Kolfage. I want to make sure you all are aware that we moved our venue to Cobo Center. 

Two reasons why. We outgrew the Warren location by a long shot. We aren’t sure how many 1000’s are showing up so we need to be prepared.

Secondly, security. We need command and control of this event and the venue Cobo Center offers this security for our guests. 

With onsite secure parking, and onsite security who is trained to deal with these functions they are highly competent. Furthermore, we have 18 on duty Detroit Police Officers dedicated to working out event. 

With all these steps taken we believe security of our guests and speakers to be priority and have mitigated any mishaps from protestors who will not be permitted in the venue or building. 

This is going to be an awesome event for everyone and want to ensure it’s safe and secure for you and your friends.  

Thank you for understanding! I hope to see you there! 

Brian Kolfage 

While I’m glad at the outpouring of support for this event which apparently has more Conservatives backing it, than who attended last months GOP State Convention (how sad is that), I’ve got to chime in a several items regarding this Thursday’s event.

With all due respect to Mr. Kolfage, if anyone thinks that they’ve got the agitators under control…you don’t.

Yes, you can “secure” Cobo Hall and keep them at bay.

No, you cannot keep them from harassing attendees entering or exiting Cobo, or worse yet, vandalizing property. The Cobo Parking lots CANNOT be secured. Not only is it a public parking lot, it’s just far too big to effectively patrol.

Making matters worse, my sources have tipped me off that they are already aware of the new venue and are already planning for it. Unfortunately, that’s all I have at the moment.

This IS NOT meant to warn people away.

Just the opposite. I want to see as many people as possible at Cobo this Thursday. I especially want to see them arrive and leave as safely as possible for what should be a memorable evening (in a good way).

I would just want to make a friendly warning for attendees to locate other parking options around Downtown Detroit. There are many within walking distance of Cobo, and this is one of the rare times when I’ll advocate using it, take the People Mover to get to and from Cobo.

So to wrap things up, The We Build The Wall Michigan Town Hall will NOW be held at Cobo Hall in Downtown Detroit in Hall “B” from 7:00pm to 8:30pm

And from The We Build The Wall event page:



To ensure the safety and security of all guests, we respectfully request that attendees refrain from bringing back packs or any other personal bags or luggage. Upon arrival you will be subject to a security check prior to entry which will include metal detecting wands and a possible pat down in the event the wand detects metal of any kind.

Again, I’m not trying to scare anyone away. Forewarned and forearmed…that sort of thing.

For those interested in attending, please click on the following link.

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(1)

Gibsmedats and Shé Guevara

Fellow Michiganians, we are doing it all wrong.

Whitmer unveiled her first budget proposal on Tuesday, March 5, and her proposals for a higher gas tax and a significant education funding increase got most of the attention.

But included in the spending plan was $15 million for a Flint reserve fund and $8.1 million in funding for existing programs addressing the Flint water crisis.

What surrounding communities need to do is mismanage their affairs and become totally irresponsible in their decision making as this is the new pathway to financial reward.

In this Friday, Oct. 26, 2018, photo, Gretchen Whitmer, Democratic gubernatorial candidate, cheers before a rally in Detroit. As the midterm election approaches, GOP leaders are bracing for the worst as Democrats appear poised to win the governor’s office and other statewide posts and to make gains in the Legislature. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

Ps. Stamas, you’re still an incorrigible reprobate.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)