Alas! The DetNews highlights just how reprehensible the Bolshevist union of an offspring of the insurance lobby (Whitmer), and radical lesbian Nessel ✡️, has unfolded for Michiganians.
But new Gov. Gretchen Whitmer promised on the campaign trail to shut down Line 5, and she’s allowing that ill-considered vow to get in the way of sound policy.
Whitmer teamed with Attorney General Dana Nessel to block the work by declaring the tunnel unconstitutional.
Nessel’s opinion, issued last week, is that the law approving the deal violates the state constitution because its title doesn’t reflect what’s actually in the bill. That semantical objection seems an iffy legal stance, considering that so many laws in Michigan bear lofty titles that have little connection to their contents.
*Think* the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: it did the exact opposite.
But it was enough for Whitmer, who seized the ruling to order preparations for the tunnel work to cease.
This will surely end up in court. The Republican-controlled Legislature won’t stand by while the new Democratic administration usurps its lawmaking authority, nor should it.
Read the entire opinion here
SML Shirkey, Speaker Chatfield, I do believe you have your marching orders.
Ps. when it comes to Line 5 transporting daily 540,000 barrels of light crude oil and synthetic petroleum, 65% of the propane used in the Upper Peninsula, and 55% used statewide, methinks, someone takes the matter at hand a wee too nonchalantly.

Oh I know.. I was making an entirely different point.
Something the greeniacs also do not understand is the increase in traffic over the bridge that would require about 3800 Trucks daily to compensate for the loss in transmission capacity.
Roughly 2.64 Trucks EVERY Minute
Efficient and safe, yes?
Point taken. 🙄
More importantly.... do you finally began to understand why arguing plateaus has always been a losing stratagem long practiced by those on The Right, hence Trump, instead of just hitting the Leftist bastards square on the chin? The herd isn't going to follow the "bigger picture," which I agree with you on, however, the herd only understands and reacts to immediate pain.