RightMi.com winning choices.
Our first recommendation is the “real deal” according to the people he has worked with.
It is easy to support Tom Leonard for the nomination of Attorney General. Aside from the points made in the video on the right, he has not wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on landfill content as has the other convention candidate, and has a full war chest to battle the pussyhat wearing leftist the Democrats are nominating.
Tom Leonard is our recommendation for attorney general of Michigan
Board of education choices find us with two GOP nominated seats expiring at this time. We defer to the MCU recommendations Of Dr. Zeile and Tami Carlone. at this time.
“State Board of Education – now at a 4-4 tie the Board is forced into a co-presidency and walla, great things are beginning to happen. Both seats up this year are held by Republicans. If the GOP does not carry both, the SBE slips back into left wing ideologue as it did before voters dumped the President two years ago.
…Co-President of the State Board of Education Dr. Rev. Richard Zeile is up for re-election. He is eminently qualified and the SBE has made huge improvements under his leadership. Richard is a deep thinker who is becoming a force for good not only in Michigan but nationally as he veers more conservative with more experience. We strongly recommend a vote for Dr. Z!
Tami Carlone, CPA is our second recommended vote. Tami has been a burr under the saddles of politicians supporting or confused on common core and other nationalizing of public education, strongly advocating return to local controls and proven education systems. As a CPA we are anticipating she will dive into the waste and fraud that keeps increasing education costs despite thousands of fewer students and lousy results. She has been a resolute volunteer, and a model mother to two star UofM students. Bring it on!
Ida Byrd-Hill has some novel experience favoring non-traditional education and favoring minority communities. She wants even higher taxation and education spending, and is endorsed by MEA. These shallow and narrow interests do not recommend her to conservatives. “
It should be noted that Ida Byrd-Hill states that she opposes common core, yet according to her solutions may well be confused about what she advocates. According to Melanie Kurdys:
Ida Byrd-Hill posted this video. I encourage you to listen. She is incredibly WRONG on her facts. Common core was NOT based on the excellent MA standards that propelled its student achievement to number 1. Professor Sandra Stotsky, one of the authors of the MA miracle has testified time after time, three times here in MI against CC. Then Ida claims MA was the first state to have a high school exit exam. Wrong again. NY has had one since 1878! And finally, Ida claims that parents can make a difference. Where has she been as parents across the state rose up to oppose CC?
https://youtu.be/AaA6uPeY1NU Ida Byrd-Hill’s video, “I Hate Common Core”
As for Justices, Our pick is Justice Wilder Only. MCU Jay taylor explains the why of it well enough here:
Clement has become a rebel on the Court, siding with Democrats on this and other matters, including Court orders. In one case they overthrew long standing Michigan Common Law on liability by allowing a social guest to sue the host for her own negligence. Viviano is straying. with her. Read More Here
In the reapportionment decision the new cabal was insulting. disparaging and dismissed the Republican Rule of Law judges. This should offend those who nominated and worked to elect a Republican majority.
Read the article, and note the importance of taking the Secretary of State as well.
Which brings us to our last winning choice. Joseph Guzman for Secretary of State A note from him today:
I want to take this opportunity to very briefly point out the importance of defeating the two Democrat-led voting initiatives on the November ballot that will seek to make radical and damaging changes to our state constitution.
This ballot proposal combines a few reasonable accommodations with two very objectionable changes, leaving us with a terrible net result. Two measures included in this initiative are to provide more time for veterans to send in their ballots and to provide for auditing of results using unspecified methods. Both could be achieved through straightforward legislation.The initiative these seemingly harmless changes are attached to, however, includes straight ticket voting, anytime registration and no excuse absentee voting – all measures that we strongly oppose. Promote the Vote, if passed, would leave these compromises to voting integrity permanently enshrined in our state constitution.
This initiative creates a citizens commission to take over all redistricting. I have posted on my website about the selection process for this independent board – rife with opportunities for abuse and misrepresentation.More disturbing is that neither the legislature nor the governor will have any power to intervene with the outcomes driven by this unelected, unaccountable commission. Scary.
There is much more to share about these two initiatives, for now suffice it to say that protecting our voting systems from losing all integrity will give us a very important reason to vote in November.As your nominee in the general election, I will do all I can to lead us to victory in opposing these measures. I ask for your support on Saturday.
Thank You and God Bless,
Joseph Guzman
Here’s to a great convention!

Fantastic selections!
Am keeping my fingers crossed....
Just in from Guzman::
7 Reasons Dr. Joseph Guzman Is The Conservative Grassroots Choice For Secretary Of State
Delegates and alternates:
Grassroots conservatives are rallying behind our campaign for Secretary of State because they know the stakes are high, we simply can't let a radical liberal Democrat count the votes during President Trump's re-election in 2020.
1. I am the only candidate who has promised to finally hold Detroit accountable after years of election mismanagement.
2. My opponent raised tuition at EMU-well above inflation while Jocelyn Benson actually froze tuition as Dean at Wayne State. The liberals will hammer my opponent as out of touch.
3. I am the only candidate in this race who has committed to not raising fees or budgets. My opponent's support of a gas tax increase in her State House campaign has many Republicans worried.
4. We must streamline branch services and provide more online alternatives-I have a plan to get this done in my first year as Secretary of State.
5. I am the only candidate fully prepared to start working effectively for Michiganders on day one, I have extensive experience, including running a Pentagon department with a $150 billion budget and a staff of 5,000.
6. The liberal media won't know how to handle a Hispanic conservative who stands with President Trump and supports building a wall-neither will Jocelyn Benson.
7. It's imperative we preserve alternatives to "Real ID," and I will fight to make sure of it.