Daily Archives: May 28, 2020

President Trump, U.S. SML McConnell, U.S. House Minority Leader McCarthy, a Moment of Your Time

Whatever you do – DO NOT BAILOUT – this lying to our Vice President and wantonly corrupt governor or lawless AG that has enabled it all, especially, with the “DEVASTATING” financial destruction in our state.

For her reckless decisions unfounded on science or data to lockdown our economy for months?

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

Things Observed During the Chinese Communist Party Virus in Michigan

It’s been mostly disheartening to watch Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s DNC coordinated economic destruction play out by her every ass-covering Executive Order issued with how the Michigan public and legislature has rolled over and, obeyed as if we were born as indoctrinated slaves. Is it that we all do not see what communism looks like? There are those of us on this planet that are, in the face of all odds against them with a crushing jackboot coming down that makes one disappear from existence, they have the spirit and will to stand up against tyranny.

(Full interview here) Warning: it is heartbreaking to watch.

In Michigan, 37 years ago that “peaceful” spirit and will was here.

In January of 1983, Governor James Blanchard had a problem. Michigan was in recession, losing jobs, and the legislature was facing declining tax revenues. Blanchard needed to hike taxes in order to maintain government spending, since real spending cuts seemed out of the question. He proposed, and passed through the legislature, a 38% income tax hike.

Taxpayers revolted. Recall drives were launched against Governor Blanchard and 14 state senators who supported the tax hike. Citizens launching these recalls were not taken seriously at first because no governor or state lawmaker had ever been recalled in the history of Michigan. Why?

Cold Fury™.

Today, with same pending doom soon to come crashing down upon our state budget, I see nothing but lazy rallying around a brave septuagenarian barber. God bless Karl Manke, however, where has the 1983 kind of spirit with all in Michigan gone?

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)