Our ‘retaining water’ menopausal ‘helicopter mom’ governor Karen LARPing Walking Dead in our state, that never held a private sector job in her life – Gretchen Whitmer – unconstitutionally holding folks hostage via her jackboot Michigan State Police and Department of Natural Resources Conservation Officers, will if she can think, be ordered by her, this come to an end – peacefully – starting May 1.
“There has been a lot of confusion during the last few weeks pertaining to golf,” Burkardt wrote to members, in an email obtained by The News. “With these conflicting statements we are focusing on the fact that we are a private club that can allow play without opening any part of our golf operation including the locker room, golf shop or cart operation.
“With the availability of online tee times along with a membership that can adhere to specific rules, we could assure adherence with social distancing rules.”
In other words, governor, FuuuUUUuuck You! You too lezbo hebe AG.
We Michiganians have had enough of the Democratic Party bullshit.
Gov. “Half” Whitmer, you and Sleepy Joe along with now named John Kerry, on top of the indictments soon coming down, you people lost November 2020.
Kung flu scare was a bust- Game over.