Taking a break from the daily Kung flu hysteria to focus on the Democratic Party’s agenda to crash the Trump Economy back down to Obama’s high-water mark because their impeachment nonsense failed and they know they cannot win with a borderline octogenarian white male that is not all there mentally, perhaps, something to do with Creepy Joe having two brain aneurysms in 1988?
“This is the real issue with the Democratic Party, they’ve essentially made us all morons with this Joe Biden thing. They really have, they’ve made us all morons. …. I can’t vote for that guy, I can’t vote for him. Dude, I would rather vote for Trump than him.” – Joe Rogan
Thank you, Joe!
Now, if Rogan would actually own up to the fact that his Comrade Bernie not only sold him down the road with Crooked Hillary’s rigged primary in 2016, that Bernie is ready to do it again for Creepy Joementia.
Yah, I know that’s asking a lot.
You Betcha!
(15)Nuh Uh.