From the inbox…
I’ve been told that the guv will be holding a statewide town hall, on Thursday, April 2nd at 7:00pm
Even though there was one last week, this is apparently the first one that will be shown here in Southeastern Michigan on every local television station.
Given her SS-orders, they will be taking questions from the public at the link I included above. No chance to attend one of these in person, even though she had the media attending in-person her others forays in front of the TV cameras.
Say, can the governor be cited for violating her own “social distancing” orders?
Will she go over and above her “emergency powers” and announce the cancellation the rest of the public school year because of Detroit?
Will she ask for an extension of her “emergency powers”…due to expire April 13th?
Will she have a plan on how to address the monumental economic damage her orders have caused Michigan’s economy (without blaming Pres. Trump)?
Tune in and find out.
It’s not as if you can go out and do anything else…