One of the things I have grown to adore about Trump Derangement Syndrome is that with all the frauds and liars who have it is that sooner or later they let their mask slip thus exposing the truth.
Whitmer said on Monday, Fox 17 reported.
“I also would just say, I think it is this group is funded in large part by the DeVos family and I think it’s really inappropriate for a sitting member of the United States president’s cabinet to be waging political attacks on any governor, but obviously on me here at home.
I think that they should disavow it and encourage people to stay home and be safe.”
“Contrary to the governor’s statements, the DeVos family hasn’t spent a dime on this protest nor has it offered prior support to the organizing entity,” Nick Wasmiller responded.
Holy shnikies! Does this insecure, narcissistic, overbearing ‘helicopter-mom’ schoolmarm see nazis under her governor’s mansion bed too? Is there not anything that family on the westside cannot do, well, other than get elected governor.
But I digress.
Cutting through all of Gov. “Half” Whitmer’s conniving lies- want to meet the Pandemocrats™?