They say that in building and maintaining a brand, messaging is vitally important.
The Guv didn’t stray too far from that lesson tonight.
{The Right Michigan rundown from her (second) Statewide Huwan Virus Town Hall continues below the fold.}

They say that in building and maintaining a brand, messaging is vitally important.
The Guv didn’t stray too far from that lesson tonight.
{The Right Michigan rundown from her (second) Statewide Huwan Virus Town Hall continues below the fold.}
Give me the constitution and covid-19 over Michigan's governor any day.
I repeat, “there is no crisis that cancels our protected rights.”
End rant.
If Kansas’ government is spying on their citizens whereabouts you know damn well they ALL are.
GPS tracking of social distancing
The KDHE is using a GPS program that tracks people’s locations through their cell phones. From the data, the state can tell that a lot of Kansans are not following social-distancing guidelines.
The program the state is using gave Kansas a grade of B Monday but has now downgraded the state to a C. Dr. Norman said some Kansas counties are getting an F grade because of how many people are not observing the stay-at-home order.
Never trust incompetence and a crook from Detroit with agendas.