Tag Archive for Gov. Witless

And just who do we have to thank for this?

I STILL fear for the Republic.

That been said, I am disappointed, but I am certainly not in the least bit surprised with what transpired last November.

After last year’s raging dumpster fire of an election, there really wasn’t much to say about its outcome.

With what had transpired over the previous two years, the 2022 election should have been simply a formality, and we could’ve been focused on getting Michigan back on track, had the drive been there to accomplish that task.

Regrettably, certain people in our state were more concerned with “their candidate” winning than promoting (or even defending for that matter a political philosophy).

Their ego…conceit…hubris…call it what you’d like, blinded them to the actual threat.

Now, people are beginning to take notice of the consequences from their actions, or more accurately, LACK thereof.

And only now is it beginning to frighten them.

{Continued after the fold.}

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I’m sorry, but who are you people again?

I’m a little perplexed.

I don’t know whether or not to shake my head in disgust, or to laugh at the sheer stupidity of these people.

And who might they be, you are asking yourselves right about now?

{Click the little red box below and ye shall be enlightened.}

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Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear that the Michigan Republican Party wants four more years of Gretchen Whitmer.

It should stand to reason that running a candidate who is antithetical to the base is not exactly a winning strategy. Especially when they try, invariably in vain, to claim that candidate is somehow Conservative.

Typically, they will employ one of the following stratagems:

• Hallelujah, they have seen the light! You can trust them now to do the right things since they now have their eye on a higher office.

• Or, just sweep their record under the rug and use industrial-strength gaslighting on anyone who dares to bring it up.

How often have we seen this?

Well, we’ve seen this play out nationally with McCain in ’08. The Republican kakistocracy wanted him badly (it was HIS turn to run, after all). The base didn’t trust him. We ended up getting stuck with Barry for eight years because Willard certainly wasn’t any better four years later.

Here in Michigan, we’ve seen this in ’18 when B.S. got tapped to run for that coveted seat in the Romney Building (again, according to the Nigh-omnipotent potentates in the Michigan GOP, it was HIS turn). The same candidate who couldn’t be bothered to show himself in front of the Grassroots before the Primary, yet always found ample time in his busy schedule for a fundraiser with deep-pocketed donors…well, we all know how that nightmare started.

Fast-forward to this week, when Trump disloyalist Liz Cheney got her backside handed to her by Wyoming Voters by about a 2-1 ratio. Throwing your lot in with the democrats and then taking part in a political star chamber…not a great plan. If your Paul Pelosi-level of investments didn’t pay off as well as they have while you were “serving” your Constituents in Wyoming, people might have a reason to feel sorry for your future.

So, where is this observation heading towards True Believers are asking themselves?

{Click below the fold to find out}

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(1)

And yet, they continue telling us even more lies.

To say that keeping up on actual LEGITIMATE news recently is an understatement.

Between what has essentially become an increasingly deafening echo chamber from the cancel culture obsessed progressive media and their democrat party masters, actual bona fide news is still out there, just skillfully hidden from the masses.

From President Trump’s call to, um, I’m not sure exactly what it was he said to trigger the snowflakes in Congress. But whatever it was, it was sufficient to get them to pass one of the quickest bills I’ve ever seen in my lifetime and impeach him a second time. Great job at misdirection, BTW! All of the attention from last year’s election fraud was masterfully redirected elsewhere. Whew, that was a close one! Let the people’s agenda commence!

Say, how does that whole impeachment a second time work after the 20th anyways? The politicians pushing for this and the pundits were a little fuzzy with their logic.

In case anyone is still unsure about what Pres. Trump really said, feel free to watch the entire speech here (don’t worry, it won’t get banned anytime soon).

Then we have the ominous “unspecified threats, from unknown origin” calling for violence across America this week.

Does anyone know about any “protests” schedule this week, because I certainly have not heard of any? And I spent a better part of my day texting, e-mailing and calling people to get to the bottom of that.

Still, it’s amazing what turns up with just a little bit of digging.

{You know the drill}

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Succumbing to fear porn (or how to utterly destroy Michigan’s economy in one easy step).

If you’re like me, you were probably looking forward towards traveling around our state with family & friends over the spring and summer to enjoy the amenities that it has to offer. Maintaining traditions like those are one of the things that I had enjoyed about living in our state.

That was how things used to be.

Welcome to the “new normal”.

{More on that troubling reality below}

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

And WE are considered the dangerous ones?

All I’ve got to say is, “WOW! What a difference 48-hours makes.”

Rather than waste my time focusing on a bunch of community agitators this weekend, I spent most of it focusing on the NASA feeds watching the SpaceX Launch yesterday.

Little did I realize how quickly an arrest over someone using fake ID (and apparently his unwillingness to follow basic commands) quickly spiraled into a series of riots which not only burned a large chunks of Minneapolis to the ground, but spread to a number of other cities across America, including several here in Michigan, resulting in at least one death (so far) and an as-yet to be determined dollar amount of property damage.

Which begs a rather obvious question regarding perceptions and politics?

{And exactly what they might be you may ask yourself? You know the drill.}

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

The little people are revolting.

This came in my e-mail tonight. I thought that it would bring a smile to everyone’s faces.

According to 100percentfedup.com, Mr. Governor wanted to take full advantage of Memorial Day, and take his powerboat out on Birch Lake.

Does he even sleep in the same house with Gov. Witless?

I guess not, because despite the constant reminders of her “orders” on what passes for “objective” local TV stations literally just this afternoon about not going anywhere, Mr. Governor called ahead to see if he could have his boat in the water and everything ready at the cabin by tomorrow.

Yep, that looks like their ride.

Since everything isn’t anywhere near back to running at 100%, the company he called, politely told him that would not be feasible in his time-frame. Not giving up, he wanted to impress them by whom he is married to.

Here is what he said;

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Might I suggest a nice rubber room? Be sure to bring your friends Dana & Jocelyn with you.

Talk about disconnect!

Gov. Witless demonstrates (yet, again) how so out of touch she is with her despotic “leadership” method.

It goes a long way towards explaining much of what is in the media over the last few days.

{Continued after the fold.}

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Sunday Funday!

From Michigan United for Liberty:

Join us for our first “Michigander’s Marketplace – SUNDAY FUNDAY” event! 5.31.20 @ 1 PM.


The Governor may want to illegally cancel summer, or maybe she’ll surprise us all and actually let the ‘Stay At Home’ Order expire on May 28th. Either way, please join us for a day of fun in the sun!

  • Have something to sell or a service to offer? Bring a table and do your thing!


  • This event is open to all small business owners… but, if you know a dog groomer, massage therapist, salon services, or stylist that may be interested, please let us know! Those are the top requested services as of now.



  • IMPORTANT WEATHER STATEMENT: please sign up for our e-mail list if you haven’t already. In the event that the weather is not looking great, we will be rescheduling this event via an e-mail blast.


You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Wait, what was that again?

Prior to today’s Judgement Day Rally put on by Michigan United for Liberty, Gov. Witless, AG Karen and the media dutifully marched in lockstep belittling us and misrepresenting the true purpose behind the protest.

“This is old news, KG, tell me something I don’t know,” you may be asking yourself.

All true, except for the fact that AG Karen just got caught overplaying her hand.

I give you Exhibit “A”:

“The AG’s Office is ‘unclear’ as to whether this will be enforceable in a court of law???”

What might have been her first clue?

BOTH Chambers will not be holding session today, so aside from a few radical black nationals showing (maybe) up to stir up some trouble (and the rain), I don’t see there being any problems later today.

Stay free, everyone!



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