162 search results for "gas tax"

If The Democratic Party Approves of It – It’s Bad for America

Say, didn’t some dude named Joseph do this?

Well, yes, he did. It is known as the Holodomor.

But I digress.

So, what else have our 3 power-crazed females who make up Michigan’s Matriarchy of Misery been up to while Michiganians cower in their NKVD enforced isolation dwellings?

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(1)

Remember When she Just Wanted to fix the Damn Roads?

Today’s headline: Shelter in place? Whitmer says it’s not under consideration

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is blunt when asked whether she’s considering a shelter-in-place order that might grind the rest of Michigan’s economy to a halt.

“I am not,” she said in an interview with The Detroit News. “I want to be very clear about that. I’ve gotten a lot of questions about that lately.”

Rest here

Sorry, but gov. nitWhitmer doesn’t have a good track record when it comes to speaking the truth.

###UPDATE###: If new California to stay-home order holds true to history, Michigan will soon follow and be ordered too.

###UPDATE 2###: The state of New York has joined California’s shutdown.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)

Capitalism Works

Capitalism will fix 99.9% of the problems we have with supply of necessary items during a crisis.

You want some of this, punk? Do ya?

If only we allow it to work.

The wife and I stopped at Meijers last night to get a few things to top off the ol prepper inventory.  It was almost a surreal experience however, as nearly every cart we saw was full to the brim and strangely guarded, as-if each person was carrying around their most treasured worldly possessions.

I guess the WuhanVirus panic has taken over.  And along with that, folks are planning on hiding out in their homes with as much as they can, at least until the NBA resumes its normal schedule.

By now folks have probably heard of the toilet paper crisis. There are few stores if any that have any stock of toilet paper left on the shelves, and there are many videos of morons with dirty derrieres have been cage matching it to make sure they have enough wiping paper to last them through the year 2022.

*Public service announcement – Note that the picture above is recently taken.  Also note this property is defended, and I am always home.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(1)

Gretchen Wants to be a One Term Governor

How unstable can one possibly be to not heed the warning of a 80% rejection from a few years ago to blunder on with a bigger and more dubious fuel tax hike of 45 cents per gallon on top of the last tax hike? Michiganians have no appetite for handing over more of their hard earned money to Lansing, which has been completely irresponsible with its contracts, especially, with favoring the union parasites that endorsed Whitmer. This women is pure evil and, she’s using school-age children as her political agenda hostages as well.

Sorry, deary, this ain’t the vagina monologues anymore. Gretchen’s station is to sign a responsible balanced budget and, honor her campaign promises (Whatever the hell they may have been), which did not include disrupting children’s education.

If Gretchen is smart she will sign the damn budget presented to her and, fix the damn roads with the increased funding provided by the Republican Majority without any tax increase. Then again, there is no trusting a snake who has lied throughout her campaign.

Ps. SML Shirkey, Speaker Chatfield, it would behoove you both to ignore this duplicitous twit as proven over the years he’s little more than a windsock as long as tax monies are tossed his way.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

When They Are Wrong

What the Media Don't Know About the AR 15

What is an Assault Rifle / The Debate

It appears the political establishment, the media and their “puppet” hosts and pundits, and a large percentage of the public, especially those who are anti-gun rights advocates know very little if anything about the functional differences between an AR-15 and an “assault rifle”. This conclusion is based on their discussions and commentary where they erroneously allege that “assault rifles” are generally available for purchase by the public.

What is an AR-15?

Politicians, the media and antigun rights advocates erroneously characterize to an uninformed public that an AR-15 is an “assault rifle”. The AR-15 is NOT a fully automatic weapon. A fully automatic weapon shoots multiple bullets with one pull of the trigger.The AR-15 fires only one bullet each time the trigger is pulled. The letters AR stand for “Armalite Rifle,” based on the company that created the weapon. The term AR is akin to a brand designation and not an abbreviation for a descriptive or functional purpose. The number 15 is the model number. The letters “AR” do not mean “Assault Rifle” as erroneously alleged.

AR-15 rifles are legal in all 50 states, and may be purchased provided the purchaser passes a mandatory FBI background check required for all retail and gun show gun purchases by licensed dealers and in compliance with Federal and State Law. An AR-15 is not a military assault rifle because it does not meet the rapid fire standard, nor does it have other functional capabilities that are build into a military style rifle such as the M-16.The uninformed non-gun advocate may confuse an AR 15 with a military style M-16 because of non-functional similarities in design and appearance.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

Governor Whitmer Thanks You For Your Political Donations

A bunch of crazies were elected on Whitmer's coat tails in the 2018 election cycle. Thanks to the largesse of your electric utility. And you.

Anyone with DTE electric and gas service donated about $ 1 towards Governor Whitmer’s election last year. DTE donated $ 840,000 to the Progressive Advocacy Trust and the Michigan Democratic State Center.  The Progressive Advocacy Trust is an ill disguised front for the Ingham County Democrats, Ms. Whitmer’s home base.

Both groups supported Whitmer in 2018 through cascade contributions made in turn to Build A Better Michigan in the 2018 primary election and A Stronger Michigan in the 2018 general election. All these groups gamed Michigan election law, laundering corporate contributions and transforming them into political advertising supporting Whitmer.

The laundering was quite effective. You would never know that DTE was contributing to Whitmer by looking at BABM’s financial disclosures. Whitmer concealed the corporate contributions further by using snail mail to file her campaign finance reports.

These contributions eventually wound up at Whitmer’s media shop, Great America Media, a Democratic campaign management outfit on K Street in Washington which placed all her mass media advertising.  They paid for her TV ad campaign.

Build A Better Michigan was actually found to have violated Michigan campaign finance laws. Only because they were screwing other Democrats in the primary election cycle.  No one of importance would have cared if only Republicans were being screwed. BABM got a sweetheart deal from our new Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, paying only $ 37,500 and agreeing to dissolve itself.

Tu quoque

A Republican group, Michigan Jobs and Labor Foundation, was fined $ 18,000 for identical campaign law violations in 2014 The MJALF fine equaled its illegal 2014 advertising expenditures. Build A Better Michigan spent $ 1.8 million in its illegal 2018 advertising campaign, so its $ 37,500 fine was 2.1% of its illegal expenditures.

Governor Whitmer and DTE got a sweetheart deal from our new Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Word DUPLICITOUS Does not Even Begin to Scratch the Surface

It boggles the mind how this clown still collects a paycheck.

I’ve advocated for a tax increase to fund road repairs, and Whitmer reportedly will call for a 45 cents hike in the fuel tax. That will be painful for motorists, but necessary. Michigan has neglected its infrastructure for so long that there’s no painless fix. The hike will give Michigan the highest per-gallon fuel costs in the Midwest, but we have to do it.

Wrong, dummy, we already ARE the highest per-gallon in the Midwest.

How quickly everyone forgets.

As for the rest of this nincompoop’s idle drool about legacy costs, Proposal A, education and other adult age socialism, well, that’s what happens when local leaders cater to public sector unions for endorsements to the offices they sought, of which, the much ballyhooed Freedom-To-Work Act never even came close to addressing.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

A State Of Emergency

Unbound utilities, unchecked environmentalism, and short-sighted planning responsible for when/if the lights go out.

Years ago I wrote on the EPA regulations that essentially write off the future of coal for electrical generation.

Shortly after that that I wrote another piece which described the layers of problems facing the folks in rural areas, and specifically the Upper peninsula with the failure to support our coal burning electrical platform.  However, the meat of the piece better describes the way in which natural gas providers have also played a a part in defeating coal.

Coming amidst an impending decision by the EPA on the Utility MACT (maximum achievable control technology)  rule that is expected to lead to job loses, plant shutdowns, and rolling blackouts across the country, this strange partnership raises a question.  What does Chesapeake stand to gain, by pouring money into a seemingly disparate organization with extremely different objectives and priorities? Politico writes:

The ads come as the coal industry is at war with the Obama administration over new rules to curb pollution from coal-fired power plants. The EPA is expected to issue new rules on Friday to curb air toxics from power plants, which are estimated to cost industry about $10.9 billion each year.Stricter rules for power plants are expected to offer a competitive advantage to the cleaner-burning natural gas industry.

Oh, so its an end-justifies-the-means kind of thing.  Rent seeking.  But when questioned, Chesapeake officials have stated that the flood of cash to ALA is merely business as usual for the company, which donates to “a wide variety and number of health and medical-related organizations.  Well that’s very responsible of them, bravo for being so charitable.

Of course we all know better.

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(1)

That’s some pretty interesting math you’re using there!

With the much under-reported partial federal government “shut-down” being eclipsed by the battle over The Wall by President Trump, who is aggravating the republican swamp-dwellers by actually keeping his campaign promise, compared to recalcitrant democrats claiming that the entire concept is “immoral”, what passes for an unbiased press is hoping that you’ll pay more attention to the shinny object (aka The Wall debate) rather than what is really happening in America.

Want to know what that is?

{Click below to find out more}

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

A Unicorn in Michigan?

Do unicorns exist? Is Christmas magic real? I say yes, definitely on the latter, but not so sure on the former. Until now… I now believe in policy unicorns, i.e., an extraordinarily rare and good event almost unheard of in politics and policy. Michigan policymakers can pull off a trifecta-of-a-policy-unicorn – fund essential programs, promote economic growth, and not raise taxes. Outgoing Gov. Rick Snyder can prove that policy unicorns are real by signing legislation legalizing online gaming in the Wolverine State.

Last week, the State Senate by a strong bipartisan vote approved a plan that would enable Michigan to join a growing roster of states that have legalized online gaming. The bill will create jobs and economic opportunity for thousands of Michigan residents.

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