162 search results for "gas tax"

Schauer Has It Hands Down

The Democrat candidate for Michigan's governor attempts to use prestidigitation perhaps?

Or not

After watching the gubernatorial townhall (why we cannot simply call these things debates anymore is beyond me) I decided to compress ALL of the Schauer camera speaking moments into a shortened video. It was hard not to notice something that he does in every ad, in every speaking engagement and otherwise.

I have seldom seen anyone use their hands as often when speaking as does Mark Schauer. The Dem candidate for governor is so animated, one might think that his mouth and his hands are connected; That they are linked and one might be controlling the other. Throughout the entire affair, both hands were critical to his presentation.

Interestingly, it is possible according to one writer:

“Professor Bass said, “Coupling of vocal and pectoral-gestural circuitry starts to get at the evolutionary origins of the coupling between vocalization (speech) and gestural signalling (hand movements).”

One might wonder which component is the master or slave in that arrangement?

And don’t think you are missing much with only music and no vocal rendition here. There was nothing compelling by Schauer’s performance verbally. It was a repetitious mention of $1 billion cut from our schools nonsense. Snyder’s performance and pandering was nearly as unbearable. Outside of the obvious (look at the budget folks) increases in spending in the last few years, the governor mentioned his desire for lame ducks to quack to the tune of higher gas taxes after the election.

What a choice, eh?

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

CATO: Michigan Gets A “D”

Rick Snyder's tax policies earned the state a 44 out of 100 score in CATO's recent 'Fiscal Policy Report Card'

The average score for Democrat Governors according to CATO’s recent fiscal report card is 46 of 100.

Rick Snyder Came in at 44.  Though RTW and the MBT repeal was applauded, the push for higher gas taxes and the bloated overall budget, as well as the long term cost of Medicaid expansion to taxpayers walloped his GPA.  Along with charts, comparisons, and analysis, Cato writes:

MICHIGAN Legislature: Republican
Rick Snyder, Republican Took office January 2011
Grade: D
Due to political correctness, the word 'dun**' is no longer allowed on head dressings.

Due to political correctness, the word ‘dun**’ is no longer allowed on head dressings.

After a successful business career, Governor Snyder came into office eager to help solve Michigan’s deep-seated economic problems. He has pursued many important reforms, such as spearheading the restructuring of Detroit’s finances and signing into law right-to-work legisla­tion. He repealed the damaging Michigan Business Tax and replaced it with a less harmful cor­porate income tax. In 2014 pushed through a phased-in elimination of property taxes on busi­ness equipment, which will help spur capital investment. The cut was approved by Michigan voters in August 2014.67

However, Snyder received a low grade on this year’s report card largely because he is support­ing a $1.2 billion-a-year fuel tax increase. That would be a huge hike, pushing up overall state tax revenues by nearly 5 percent.

He also scores fairly low on spending. The general fund budget increased 7.3 percent in 2013 and an estimated 7.8 percent in 2014. The governor also supported Medicaid expansion under the ACA, which will be a costly burden on Michigan taxpayers down the road.


While there can be absolutely ZERO expectation that Mark Schauer would fare any better, the expectation of fuel taxes increasing is realistic as Rick Snyder has said he wants to Increase revenue from fuel sales .

“Increasing revenue” as most reasonable folks know is code for higher taxes.

Call Rick Snyder TODAY and ask him why he wants to raise our taxes. (<- no number – see? we learn from those TV ads and postcards)

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(1)

RightMi.com Voting Recommendations Part 2

Suggestions for Michigan's contested State Senate seats in the Republican Primary

Several contested Republican races around the state are worth noting.

In this edition, the State Senate contests are looked at.  We should note that several candidates are lousy at getting their message out, have inadequate websites, and may have not social media skills.  If we had to look too hard to find info on them, it was not helpful.

7TH DISTRICT STATE SENATOR – Pat Colbeck vs. Matt Edwards

colbeckRightMi.com gives a hearty recommendation for Patrick Colbeck

This is the guy who has faced down Obamacare, Common Core, higher gas taxes, and general laziness and stupidity in the State Senate for the last four years. Do we agree always? Not so much, however Colbeck is hardly a stick-in-the-mud, and has carefully reviewed alternatives when challenged.

Easy choice for Pat Colbeck

10TH DISTRICT STATE SENATOR Jake Alexander Null vs. Tory Rocca

RightMi.com Has no recommendation.

12TH DISTRICT STATE SENATOR Bob Gray vs. Jim Marleau

RightMi.Com Recommends a change from Marleau, who barely hit the 31% on the RightMi.com legislative scorecard.

The former Teamster, UAW, and NEA member cannot be any worse.

13TH DISTRICT STATE SENATOR Ethan Baker vs. Al Gui vs. Marty Knollenberg vs. Chuck Moss vs. Rocky Raczkowski

RightMi.com Has no recommendation.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(2)

Minimum Wage Insanity Passes GOP ‘Firewall’

Sausage Grinding In All Its Glory. Minimum Wage Today, Higher Gas Taxes Tomorrow.

snyderIn a move reportedly designed to head off a ballot initiative, a higher minimum wage was passed and signed by Governor Rick Snyder.

Snyder yesterday signed ‘bipartisan’ legislation raising Michigan’s minimum wage by September to $8.15, and to $9.25 an hour by 2018, a move he said “will help hard-working residents without hindering the state’s improving economy.” SB 934 is now Public Act 138 of 2014.

Oh, and by the way; It should be noted that a majority of the House Republicans voted NO on this. (albeit a small one)

We support those voting no, including one of our Northern Michigan legislators who gets it.  Greg MacMaster (R-105) says

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(2)

Roads And A Different Type Of Letter

A Better Way to Fix Our Roads

Christchurch, New Zealand - March 20 2011: Fitzgerald Avenue Bridge Destruction.It seems that soon, the ‘dodge-em’ game on the way to work is going to turn into bumper cars.

Yeah, the roads are bad. A combination of a harsh winter, diverting funds for an unneeded bridge construct, along with poor planning and oversight from the transportation committee has left the roads in Michigan in the worst shape since forever.

The road building interests are already chomping at the bit, eager to get those lucrative contracts. The public is ready for any relief from the banging, swerving, and white knuckling trips to the store or work.  The stock prices on the strut and tire manufacturers have likely been going through the roof.

Something needs to be done.

The road lobby has loved Governor Snyder’s first suggestion of raising revenue (raise taxes) by a $billion-point-two.  The tax and spend sycophants in the legislature have eagerly lined up for their favor from the guv, and were ready to give him what he wanted. Until the push back by taxpayers.

Republican speaker Jase Bolger, seeing the the gathering of pitchforks by the ‘townsfolk,’ has seemingly cut the ‘revenue increase’ part of the solution in half, but tax increases are still going to be part of the equation. And even the guy who at first touted his efforts in creating the alternative is still afraid to stand on its merits, letting Bolger take all the credit for himself. (listen to this montage – hilarious)

Peter denied Christ only three times; I guess this must be a pretty serious threat to someone’s campaign. (and no, I am not really comparing anyone in Lansing..) 

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(1)

Michigan’s Fictitious Budget Surplus, Our Roads, What to do with a so-called $1.3 Billion Surplus?

Lawmakers at Work Pothole MoneyThe projected multi-year $1.3 billion dollar surplus will give lawmakers something to ponder. While the governor has proposed yet again taxing the citizenry, us common folks for the $1.2 Billion he says are needed for our roads.

The legislature, bless the hearts was so kind in allocating a paltry $215 Million out of this $1.3 Billion so-called budget surplus (Taxpayer Money) to repair the potholes that quit frankly are beyond repair. So I guess that is to tide over the problem till after the elections so they can pass a gas tax and vehicle registration fee increase without immediate election year repercussions!

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Detroit News Report falls short on Michigan’s Road Fund Money Allocation Problem

gas-tax-hike-snyderMichigan ranks dead last in the nation when it comes to its per capita spending on its roads and bridges, according to a report citing U.S. Census Bureau data. Is it because Michiganders don’t pay a high enough gas tax, or have our legislators been re-directing our road tax dollars elsewhere?

Michigan has the 5th highest Gasoline Tax in the nation, only Democrat controlled CA, NY, HI, CT are higher! Michigan’s gas excise tax is 19 cents per gallon. Michigan also collects sales taxes and an environmental regulation tax for a whopping grand total of 39.4 cents per gallon.

Michigan legislators have been stealing, robbing and shifting “our” road fund monies for years! Now that the kitty is bone dry they have the gull to suggest “we taxpayers” pony up by accepting a gas tax and vehicle registration fee increases.

Michigan legislative Transportation and Infrastructure committee chairs Wayne Schmidt (R) House and Tom Casperson (R) Senate would serve their constituents and all Michigan motorist well by pushing legislation that would outlaw any further diversions of Gasoline Tax monies from roads, bridges and infrastructure. Unfortunately these two seem more concerned about “Horse Trading” with politically well connected real estate developers.


~ Article continues below.

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Clearly you fail to recognize the problem.

Which is worse, those who are purposefully driving our republic into ruin or those people allegedly on “our side” who are directly contributing the underlying problem?

{Click on that red button below to find out who is up to what this time…}

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear that the Michigan Republican Party wants four more years of Gretchen Whitmer.

It should stand to reason that running a candidate who is antithetical to the base is not exactly a winning strategy. Especially when they try, invariably in vain, to claim that candidate is somehow Conservative.

Typically, they will employ one of the following stratagems:

• Hallelujah, they have seen the light! You can trust them now to do the right things since they now have their eye on a higher office.

• Or, just sweep their record under the rug and use industrial-strength gaslighting on anyone who dares to bring it up.

How often have we seen this?

Well, we’ve seen this play out nationally with McCain in ’08. The Republican kakistocracy wanted him badly (it was HIS turn to run, after all). The base didn’t trust him. We ended up getting stuck with Barry for eight years because Willard certainly wasn’t any better four years later.

Here in Michigan, we’ve seen this in ’18 when B.S. got tapped to run for that coveted seat in the Romney Building (again, according to the Nigh-omnipotent potentates in the Michigan GOP, it was HIS turn). The same candidate who couldn’t be bothered to show himself in front of the Grassroots before the Primary, yet always found ample time in his busy schedule for a fundraiser with deep-pocketed donors…well, we all know how that nightmare started.

Fast-forward to this week, when Trump disloyalist Liz Cheney got her backside handed to her by Wyoming Voters by about a 2-1 ratio. Throwing your lot in with the democrats and then taking part in a political star chamber…not a great plan. If your Paul Pelosi-level of investments didn’t pay off as well as they have while you were “serving” your Constituents in Wyoming, people might have a reason to feel sorry for your future.

So, where is this observation heading towards True Believers are asking themselves?

{Click below the fold to find out}

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