shane Trejo

The Conscience of the Michigan Republican Party

Former Congressman Mike Rogers lost by a small margin in his U.S. Senate run this year. If fewer than 10,000 voters had switched their votes from Elissa Slotkin to Rogers, Rogers would have beaten Slotkin, and Republicans would have won a U.S. Senate seat for the first time in many decades.

It can be safely assumed that independent-minded Republicans, including tea partiers and libertarians, sank Rogers’ candidacy. This has caused some Republican activists to cry out in anguish. “Oh me oh my, why couldn’t have they supported the RINO?!?“, they exclaim.

Unfortunately for these activists, the Conscience of the Michigan Republican Party is not allowing us to backslide to the days where a candidate with as poor of a record as Rogers is viable and electable.

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Laura Cox Reveals Herself as Enforcer of the 2020 Stolen Election in Jan. 6 Committee Testimony

Recently, it has been revealed that former MIGOP chair Laura Cox worked to undermine efforts by patriotic activists in the state of Michigan who were trying to stop the steal in the aftermath of the grotesque fraud that occurred in the 2020 presidential election.

Even while she was rubbing elbows with Rudy Giuliani publicly, Cox was working behind the scenes to undermine efforts to defeat election fraud in 2020. She was simply running out the clock while posing for photo ops with Giuliani and acting like anything would come out of those sham “hearings” set up by RINOs in Lansing. Cox has additionally cooperated with the unconstitutional and overreaching federal Jan. 6 probe that is straight out of Soviet Russia.

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Do Not Let the Establishment Demoralize You!

Following the 2020 election, the feeling of something being very wrong in this country hit its pinnacle with millions of Americans.

Over the years, we have endured an increasing more corrupt government, a dishonest media, a rigged financial system, increased crime, and a drastic loss of civil liberties, and Draconian corporate censorship. So much has happened and from so many different angles, that it has become difficult to keep up with it all.

Yet throughout this assault on the hard-working majority, by a well-funded and well-publicized lunatic fringe, Americans have kept the faith and kept fighting for their liberties. Such is the case with grassroots activists fighting for our freedoms, best exemplified by Michigan State Rep. Matt Maddock.

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It’s Time for a Grassroots Reality Check

Since at least Jan.6 – when it became abundantly clear that the election would be stolen and Trump would be ousted from the White House – the grassroots has been its own worst enemy.

Conservatives throughout the madness of a stolen election and the unprecedented fallout have grown increasingly desperate, relying on false idols to pied piper them with false hope and becoming increasingly unmoored to objective reality. In doing so they have empowered the RINOs and the far-left radicals by living up to the most caricatured portrayals of conservatives as humiliating, deranged crackpots who are not worth taking seriously.

Just look at all of the failures and dead ends that conservatives, populists, patriots, America Firsters, freedom lovers, and so forth have pursued over the past year.

We all hoped that the “Kraken” lawsuits offered by Sidney Powell and many other attorneys to challenge election fraud would come to fruition. They did not.

We all hoped that the Arizona forensic audit would be a game changer and have cascading ramifications throughout the country. Instead, it fizzled.

We all hoped there would be a “plan” of sorts from the Trump White House to deal with election fraud that everyone could see coming from a mile away. No such plan ever existed.

We heard how the military was going to reinstate Trump – mind you, the same military filling its leadership ranks with transgender communists who believe in critical race theory – but that never happened.

We heard that the white hats were going to deliver, under the jurisdiction of Jeff Sessions or Bill Barr, with serious investigations and indictments over deep state crimes. Instead, all the conspirators got away scot free and now enjoy well-paid positions in government, media and the corporate sector.

Can we sense a pattern here? Disinformation agents put out fantastical notions to keep the grassroots satiated, that never even come close to coming to fruition, and by the time that the previous predictions have failed, the same buffoons who led the grassroots astray rush headlong into their next narrative of gibberish or look for scapegoats to avoid capability. 

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REVEALED—Monica Palmer Denigrates Pro-Trump Election Officials to Fake News Media

There has been a fake news hit piece circulating over the past few weeks maligning the efforts by patriots across our state to put pro-Trump Republicans on various county board of canvassers.

The most recent one comes from Daily Beast, where I and other patriots are quoted and demonized for our opposition to election fraud and our unwillingness to submit to the narrative that the 2020 vote steal was on the level.

These hit pieces against the election fraud reform movement in Michigan are being produced because former Wayne County board of canvasser Monica Palmer approached fake news reporters with text messages and other information out of sour grapes over not being re-nominated to her post for another term after certifying the fraud election last year.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(4)

Accountability Must Be Achieved Before Party Unity Can Be Tenable

A frightening hellish reality has been thrust upon us. From the COVID-19 disinformation campaign and subsequent lockdowns to the Black Lives Matter terror uprising and demonization of law enforcement to the third-world style vote rigging in Detroit and other inner-city fraud centers on election night, our current reality is outpacing many of the dark prophecies laid out by the literary greats of the 20th Century about the technological enslavement that was to come.

And it’s all about to get a million times worse. We can all feel it. If there was a time where political unity was desperately needed among Republicans with the burying of internecine squabbles, it would be now, right?

Well, it’s not quite that easy.

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Brandon Brice Said He Was ‘Not a Conservative’ in 2018, Opposed Brett Kavanaugh’s SCOTUS Nomination, Called for Rise of Third Party After Trump’s Election

Michigan GOP Outreach Chair candidate Brandon Brice has bragged about his media appearances in campaign emails to delegates, but what he is actually saying during these many media appearances is being glossed over. Here’s why:
Brice has made appearances on the mainstream media to denigrate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, urging Republicans to stab him in the back and ditch him after laughably dubious accusations were made by Democrat activist Christine Blasey Ford.

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Laura ‘QAnon’ Cox Spreads Conspiracy Theories to Hurt Republican Victory

Today, I had the displeasure of receiving an email from disgraced outgoing MIGOP Chairwoman Laura Cox.

Having already failed her state and her nation by allowing massive voter fraud to take place on election day, Cox is coming back to finish the job.

In her email, she spun a yarn about 10th District GOP Committee Chair Stan Grot receiving a payout with MIGOP funds allegedly negotiated by then-Chairman Ron Weiser.

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Why is a Republican Who Approved Voter Fraud Up for a Promotion in the Party?

In lieu of the election farce that took place last November, heads need to roll in the Republican Party, and that is finally beginning to happen.

Michigan Republican Party chairwoman Laura Cox is history, having failed to do anything to stop voter fraud before the fact. She will be leaving in disgrace with it largely being recognized that her incompetence harmed the state and the nation, perhaps irreparably.

The cowardly party hack attorney Aaron Van Langevelde, who certified the fraudulent vote total before whistleblowers could even finish their testimony, has been replaced on the state board of canvassers. These moves need to be the beginning of a major overhaul within the MIGOP.

Much to my horror, I have learned that members of the 14th District Republican Party are considering Monica Palmer to lead their Congressional district. This would be a major setback toward improving leadership within the state party.

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The Cox Family Lives Up To Its Name…

As the Republican Party collapses, all of the RINOs are doubling down on their despicable behavior.

Case in point: Mike Cox, who is obviously extremely butt blasted that his loser wife, Laura, bowed out of the MIGOP chair race after failing to do anything to stop voter fraud and blowing the entire election, perhaps dooming our state and nation with her overwhelming incompetence.

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