From the pages of Michigan United for Liberty:
“On Thursday, May 14 we will be gathering again at The Capitol!
The legislators continue to play scheduling games with us, so we will be there whether they are or not, in large numbers. We will gather to raise awareness of the many hypocrisies of Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and to give a voice to the voiceless.
We The People are done with the unfair coverage by the media, claiming we are racist right-wing extremists. We The People come from diverse backgrounds and political affiliations. We know our rights, and we stand for liberty.
Stay tuned for more details and the official speakers list!”
*** Quick side note, since nothing else is working, the other side is now trying to spin this thing into a racial issue.
The word that I’m getting is you might see more than just these imbeciles showing up as well to cause trouble.
Stay tuned.