How many GOP politicians have you heard mention the Antrim County Audit Report of voting machines?
What does that tell you?
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) January 2, 2021
Every lie will be revealed.

How many GOP politicians have you heard mention the Antrim County Audit Report of voting machines?
What does that tell you?
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) January 2, 2021
Every lie will be revealed.
OK, folks, we all know the FBI confirmed Michigan’s November 2020 election is a fraud, however, there is that name surfacing again.
On today’s episode of Nasty Nessel’s Demented World of Rigged Elections…
Boom!! It Begins!!
.@SidneyPowell1#Michigan Secretary of State Faces Serious Election Fraud Allegations Due to Lies Proven by Forensic Investigation – Clever Journeys— LindaPJ “So help me God..” Constitution (@PJStrikeForce) December 25, 2020
You’ve had fun hiding from Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.
“Nothing that I heard from the Dominion CEO, with the softball questions he was getting set my mind at ease.”
Bingo! The Michigan Republican Party needs a complete overhaul because people like this judge appointed by a RINO governor is why We the People always end up with time, and resource wasting Dog & Pony Shows in Lansing, which do nothing for us who pay their salaries but serve to enable racketeering Democrats and their allies like this lying bastard running a PR campaign.
All 65 counties should be subpoenaed for full forensic audit- NO REDACTIONS!
Anything less is ongoing Republican legislature 🤡 🌎
You know it. I know it. And, THEY KNOW we know it.
It sucks, I know, that we Michiganians have to resort to Arizona State Rep. Anthony Kern-R, to provide thought provoking evidence of how easy it is to steal an election with Dominion Voting Systems equipment.
Yet, here we are.
By now I guess some of you have learned of today’s latest “breaking news” regarding this bogus election, yes?
Folks, we may have a bonafide national security threat in Lansing.
Are these three always projecting “leaders” still hiding behind their skirts? Well, again, Karen Big Gretch would like to talk to a manager…
It is said that you never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake so, I sorta hope it doesn’t draw too much attention to this corrupt hair brain👇
The only thing missing from this post-election circus was a lawsuit from Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf against @GovWhitmer and @JocelynBenson. Until now, of course. Because 2020 is still happening.
— Dana Nessel (@dananessel) December 7, 2020
Frankly, the nationally recognized loony tunes yammering of a crooked, aging yenta is a gift that never stops giving. Why?