Tag Archive for Joneigh “Crooked” Khaldun

Well, Would You Look at That. . .

Does it surprise readers here at RM? It shouldn’t because it was pointed out that Whitmer’s crooked MIOSHA is headed by Sean Egan (COVIDologist) and, Bart Pickelman (Suicideologist). So, bogus flu bug numbers and firing people who don’t play along with MIOSHA chief’s agendas naturally goes hand in hand with Michigan Democrats election interference game.

After all, when you have the Deputy Director of the Michigan Democrats Party working for Dominion Voting Systems and involved with a $25M State contract…

BREAKING: Former Dominion Project Manager Who Helped Execute $25 Million Contract With State Of MI Was Democrat Mayor At Same Time

So yes, I agree with B. Roubal, this is a “Shit Show.” One gigantic organized criminal Democrat shit show and, people need to be arrested- starting at the top.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Democrats Attempted Coup is Failing Them BIGLY

This is just the beginning. Ignore what our local Lügenpresse is regurgitating 24/7 among themselves. The press does not decide elections.

Federal Election Commission Chair, Trey Trainor, clearly states voter fraud is taking place. Then, we have something even more dubious coming to light taking center stage.

This does indeed lead us to the biggest question of them all.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(4)

Will Look Different for … Who?

Big Gretch: creating more Trump voters in Michigan right up to Election Day!

These Democrat losers just don’t know when to quit with the Shanghai Shivers fear mongering.

Going out of business? Big Gretch says, “tough shit.” Hey, you two over there? Big Gretch says, “I want my shakedown money.

Exit question: why isn’t this fraud from Detroit in jail?

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Exposing the Legislature & the Governor on their latest constitutional abomination

Link: https://restorefreedomkh.com/content/donate-shop/

As much as I would like to hold Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum (actually, it’s difficult to figure out which one is which) solely accountable, I can’t. There are 137 other sonsabitches responsible for this as well. OABTW, heads up: MANDATORY CONTACT TRACING IN MICHIGAN GOES INTO EFFECT NEXT WEEK.

Tis true.

“We are taking targeted actions via the order to address areas that are particularly severe sources of spread, and we are issuing guidance that is a very clear road map for what we need to do bring cases down,” said Robert Gordon, the director of the Department of Health and Human Services.

And just think… these midwits played nice with crooked lawyer Gordon. That said, any business owner who wants to play agent of the state with attempting to collect personal information will be told to get bent, and me with my money will walk out their door. Those business owners are free to do what they *think* they can afford- without my money ever again.

Bottom line: I have had enough of this farce that Democrats are using to try to steal an election.

Got that? 94% of “COVID deaths” are not because of COVID.

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

Whitmer: You’ll ALL Hang With Me for Knowingly Murdering Seniors with COVID-19

Until formal investigation and prosecution, the only option for Gov. Whitmer, MDHHS Director Robert Gordon (Obama toady), CME Joneigh Khaldun (crooked as the day is long), and AG Nasty Nessel (self-explanatory), is to continue on their evil course.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer vetoed Monday a bill from the GOP-controlled Legislature that would have provided additional liability protections for health care workers and facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Legislature’s bill would have added language to the 1976 Emergency Management Act specific to the COVID-19 pandemic that would have established expanded liability protections from March 10 through Jan. 1, 2021.

What this should indicate to anyone with reasonable intelligence is that Gretchen Whitmer knows she is a one term governor, as does Gretchen’s Party so, her and the Democrat Party are throwing everything they can into the wind of a looming, President Trump landslide re-election victory.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)

What are BC/BS former CEO Richard Whitmer’s Daughter’s Perks?

No, not just trying to cut in line to go boating in the only less restricted area allowed to in the state at the time… Democrats, being Democrat.

They don’t even bother to hide their crimes anymore.

It’s time for everyone to start seriously digging into Whitmer, Nessel, Benson/Friedrichs, and Duggan’s, money trail.

Care to wager the names Rossman-McKinney, Nessel, and RINO Rick Snyder/Rich Baird surface? Think Detroit Water contract, and how Mike Duggan became installed as mayor.

Quite incestuous, yes?

Ps. stack another dead body onto the Whitmer/Nessel pile of carnage.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(1)

Time Wounds All Heels

God willing, all three agenda Karens will be destroyed politically and face criminal charges.

Three days after the confirmation of Michigan’s first COVID-19 cases, the state’s nursing home association leader recommended in a letter to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration that empty facilities should be used as quarantine centers to “avoid widespread infection.”

But state officials declined the suggestion of Melissa Samuel, president and CEO of the Health Care Association of Michigan, and instead set up a system in which infected residents are cared for in isolated areas of nursing homes, separate from residents without the virus.

39 beds.

First confirmations on March 10, about 90 minutes after pedo Joe secured the primary with Gov. Whitmer’s help.

510 days. Two Flint’s.

One OK, Karen and, a lessBeing AG Karen reinforced it all to happen.

OABTW, add to it all: Electioneering!

But, keep voting Democrat Boobus Michiganderous, because all of the above was about making sure Michiganians are safe and, not about a nationwide PlanDemocrat agenda to try to steal the November election.

Either that or, your eyes are lying to you, and you get what you deserve- good and hard.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

Has to be Fake News Because, Gov. Whitmer Said….

Remember this?

Headline: State has ‘complete confidence’ in 4 employees who chose COVID-19 vendors

The contract with Great Lakes Community Engagement was signed Monday, but the language indicates the work start date was April 1 with an end date of June 1.

Whitmer said Tuesday the contract was an “unnecessary distraction” from Michigan’s coronavirus response.

“The Department of Health and Human Services doesn’t have a political bone in their theoretical body,” she said.

Oh? So what in the Whitmer administration is this.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)