But it may help
I hope to be a little more active here. Some of what I am entertaining myself with is song writing and production ..of a sort. Enjoy! (Or tolerate)

But it may help
I hope to be a little more active here. Some of what I am entertaining myself with is song writing and production ..of a sort. Enjoy! (Or tolerate)
Self Reflection for the politician
If so,
Taxpayer paid for espionage.
Nothing to see here?
State election laws being re-written to protect the sanctity of the vote - stopped at the Governor's desk? Shouldn't be.
Dear Michigan legislature,
From the US Constitution:
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.
Nothing could be more clear.
It does not say “subject to the approval of the governor, or secretary of state”
Nothing will come of it, but it needs to be seen.
One Township/county alone reveals that Michigan elections are straight up untrustworthy garbage.
One could speculate a numb er of different ways what might have happened here.
In the end, a number of ballots that were apparently prepared by the same person tallied 68-62 Trump over Biden. The result however, is that “the most secure election ever,” as described by every non thinking pundit is probably the most damaging to our democratic process. The crooked SoS Benson, even said “With these final numbers, we again have conclusive proof that the safety security and accuracy of the election results ..”
The lack of curiosity by the state officials who for all we know might well have worked for Ruth Johnson prior is alarming. And in an era where every single election does have consequence on those who may or may not participate, we have some in the judiciary who refuse to even look at real evidence when it is presented, the role of the elections chief becomes even more vital.
With all due respect to the person in charge of the most vital component of our Republic in Michigan?
You should resign.
Two years ago.
Michigan statewide results are unworthy of certification, period.
Michigan’s top election official has soiled the bed.
Not unexpected, but very real and is as evident as the mess dripping off 6tally sheets in Detroit since counting started Tuesday evening. Giving Jocelyn Benson the benefit of the doubt, I guess we could call the entire affair ..gross incompetence. You can decide if it is enough to explain illegal mailings, purposefully overwhelming clerks with procedure changes, and dropping late notice and unnecessary and illegal rules about firearms in election places.
Her office is apparently unavailable at the most critical times during the count, and when fraud is literally happening before folks eyes, there is no adherence to state law. To call this ‘planned malfeasance’ would be a compliment, as the evidence piles up making the case for felony election manipulation seemingly only possible in 2020.
In 2016 there weren’t agents in Michigan’s top offices. In 2016 they didn’t see Donald Trump even having even the slightest chance of winning the ‘blue state’ of Michigan. It’s 2020, and three criminals run the prison, and they saw him coming this time.
Antrim County offers a glimpse at what might happen when we have problems with electronic equipment and such, but Detroit is as Detroit as it has ever been, and with it’s large population, it offers great cover for the largest election fraud operation ever perpetrated on the voters in Michigan. this state has seen it for decades, and that is why there are laws that protect the sanctity of the vote, and why there are procedures to allow challenges to illegal ballots and over counting.
This time it was overwhelming, and those laws are being ignored. Ballots appearing after cut off times, ballots being re-run, ballots with no names being run? Challengers are being kept away from inspecting after calling out these problems, and a majority of this action happening in one particular place.
Any judge looking to answer the Trump campaign’s concerns on this will have to have options however.
It is especially sad that the writer of a recent editorial may actually think this way ..for real.
I often marvel at how a political perspective can be so exposed in a single editorial.
The left would upend all manner of things traditional Americans and Michiganians stand for. Rule-of-law, constitutional authority, and what constitutes voting access. Today, the Traverse City Record Eagle editorial bemoaned the decision by the Michigan Appeals Court to uphold our state statute regarding absentee ballots:
“There’s nothing more frustrating than a last-minute rules change.
But that’s exactly what voters face after a three-judge panel at the Michigan Court of Appeals decided to overturn a lower court’s decision about how and when absentee votes should be counted.”
Actually, the rules have been in place for 66 years. One would think THAT is enough time to get your affairs in order to vote. The rules are the rules, and Act 116 of 1954, MCL 168.764a provides the rules for absentee voting, and specifically in Step 6: “The ballot must reach the clerk or an authorized assistant of the clerk before the close of the polls on election day. An absent voter ballot received by the clerk or assistant of the clerk after the close of the polls on election day will not be counted. “
So there is that. (it continues ..)
Lame duck session is one of the most fascinating and illuminating times within our government. It is a period when all pretenses of our democracy are jettisoned and a mad cash grab takes place as term-limited legislators secure employment and other benefits in smoke-filled backrooms with lobbyists. It rips off the facade and exposes government for the cruel, soulless machine that it truly is.
Few watched the late-night session that went past 3AM last week when the worst bills were being rammed down our throats. I tuned in to watch the after-hours con job the next day on the Michigan Legislature website as I was sleeping at the time. The fact that the proceedings took place in the dead of night begs the following questions: What are the optics of using the midnight hour to push the lousiest bills forward? What does someone who is less politically inclined think of Republicans after the media reports on these shenanigans? And is it any wonder why we took it on the chin during last month’s mid-term elections?
To Combat Cyber Threats to Elections, Elect Mary Treder Lang, a Cyber Security Expert
The Mary Treder Lang for Secretary of State Campaign today unveiled a new statewide radio advertisement reminding voters that when our elections and electronic data are on the line, Treder Lang’s cyber security and technology management experience make her the best candidate for Secretary of State. I have done a quick video to the right (at no cost) which might make it easier to share.
“Mary Treder Lang has over 15 years of experience in cyber security in the private sector,” says the ad. “Mary Treder Lang has what it takes to protect the sanctity and security of our voter rolls, election records, and your personal information. Don’t send a law school professor to do the job of a cyber security expert. Vote Mary Treder Lang for Secretary of State.”
The ad is on air now and is expected to be broadcast on radio stations across Michigan between now and Election Day. The ad is also available online.
“Mary Treder Lang’s experience as a cyber security expert and leader at some of the world’s most well-known technology companies makes her the best candidate for Secretary of State,” said Ian Barber, campaign manager for Mary Treder Lang for Secretary of State. “When hackers or foreign governments try to meddle with our elections and steal voters’ personal data, Michiganders know Treder Lang has the experience and the modern day skills to make all the difference.”
Treder Lang has a modern set of skills, developed over a 30 year record of accomplishment using technology to find efficiencies and improve lives. An expert in cyber security and the meaningful use of technology, she’s spent decades shattering glass ceilings, launching her career at KPMG in Detroit before filling a series of management positions at SBC / Ameritech and LINX Technologies. She later joined Siemens, Inc., where she held various senior management positions. Since 2013, Treder Lang has served as a Vice President at Vista Maria, a nonprofit organization in metro Detroit delivering innovative care, support, treatment, and education to at-risk youth.
For more information, you should check out MaryTrederLangForSOS.com.