Tag Archive for DNC Vote By Mail agenda

Dico Tibi Verum, Libertas Optima Rerum: Nunquam Servili Sub Nexu Vivito, Fili

Apparently, everyone here at RightMi.com and I, are on the correct side of history with this unfunny and “Half” Whit retort about our thin-skinned, beer-swilling Bruce Jenner look alike lawbreaking shitshow (yes, it is serious) residing at 2520 Oxford Rd, 48911 provided at taxpayer expense.

“Look people, it’s live free or die not live free and die.”

Isn’t that cute? Gretchen doesn’t get that she’s claimed the mantel of being a national ass BUT, that skit was also not impressive enough for our thin-skinned, beer-swilling, corrupt empress testosteroMom.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(0)

Michigan Gov. Bruce Jenner has Incurable Fantods (TDS)

Folks, the bullshit is piled so high in this article that one would need wings to keep above it.

“Women should be able to tell their stories,” Whitmer said. “Everything that I know about Joe Biden does not jive with the story that’s been told.”

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, “Half” Whitmer. #BelieveAllWomen

Well, unless it’s a woman calling out Democrat perverts and pedophiles that Secret Service said Biden was doing ‘Weinstein Level Stuff’ to women then, you’ll have a beer-swilling “Half” Whit governor that is a self-professed rape survivor dismiss and smear that female. 🤡 🌎

Thank God Donald J. Trump is our President.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(4)

Respect My Authoritah!

It’s almost becoming sad, almost, not quite but almost, to watch “That woman from Michigan” flounder around like a simpleton throwing strands of spaghetti at a wall trying to make anything stick, I mean like with her demographic pandering COVID Taskforce while not that long ago doing selfies mocking our great President Trump in her pink Black Genocide hat.

But I digress.

What really takes the cake now that Gov. Gretchen “Half” Whitmer has fallen out of VP contention with Joementia Biden stating he would pick Big Mike “in a heartbeat” over our beer-swilling ‘helicopter mom’ schoolmarm that’s become the butt of every joke told in this nation after trashing freedom loving Michiganians wanting their jobs and business owners their Right to Commerce back- is the pleading.

“We have a wonderful tradition in this country of being able to dissent, freedom of speech and being able to demonstrate, but we know that the stay-home orders across the country are working,” Whitmer said during a Monday press conference.

“My request was that at the national level they echo that call to stay home and (Pence) conveyed that that was something that they would do,” Whitmer said.

If that is not the death rattle sound of defeat, nothing is.

OK, exit question

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)