If there was any question relating to the disconnect between the Grassroots and GOP party elites, we are seeing it playing out in real-time right before our eyes.
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If there was any question relating to the disconnect between the Grassroots and GOP party elites, we are seeing it playing out in real-time right before our eyes.
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I’m a little perplexed.
I don’t know whether or not to shake my head in disgust, or to laugh at the sheer stupidity of these people.
And who might they be, you are asking yourselves right about now?
{Click the little red box below and ye shall be enlightened.}
From my inbox:
An excellent video summary of the shenanigans from last month in Lansing, along with an expanded explanation on the actual width and depth of the problem facing the Michigan Republican Party.
I commented last week regarding President Trump’s visit to Washington last week.
Obviously, the legacy media wasn’t going to provide the most glowing coverage of his speech (For the record: They did not).
Oh sure, they had a presence there. Hanging on his every word (along with those speaking there as well). Waiting for that one moment they can glom onto so that they can rebroadcast it as a snippet during the evening news as proof-positive their gaslighting was justified.
Why they consistently fail to display the same level of journalistic integrity when it came to covering “the most popular president in history” ™…well, I’ll leave that up to you.
See the latest example below:
Allow me to go into some of what they didn’t report about, and what some of the rationale is behind it.
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It’s good to see that folks are learning that they are indeed on their own in Michigan.
What lies below begs the question if the Macomb County Republican Party is satisfied with State Party chair, Ron Weiser’s failure to act on Michigan’s embarrassing and dangerous problem child?
Came across a John Gizzi article that our grassroots Republicans might want to reflect upon as our Main Street America First movement has just begun.
Remember the Senate and House Oversight Committees subpoenas?
Folks, the bullshit is piled so high in this article that one would need wings to keep above it.
➡️ @GovWhitmer: President @realDonaldTrump's messaging on immigration causes 'greater danger'
Whitmer's worried Trump's daily televised briefings only make things worse, @AP's @DavidEggert00 & @sara_burnett report:https://t.co/eG1iSodgf0 pic.twitter.com/5xAlyYeZ1I
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) April 22, 2020
“Women should be able to tell their stories,” Whitmer said. “Everything that I know about Joe Biden does not jive with the story that’s been told.”
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, “Half” Whitmer. #BelieveAllWomen
Well, unless it’s a woman calling out Democrat perverts and pedophiles that Secret Service said Biden was doing ‘Weinstein Level Stuff’ to women then, you’ll have a beer-swilling “Half” Whit governor that is a self-professed rape survivor dismiss and smear that female. 🤡 🌎
Thank God Donald J. Trump is our President.